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There is no work or food, the people of Tripura are forced to take refuge in Bangladesh!!

Why do you keep comparing first world countries where civilizations had centuries to fine tune their culture and educate their people. The subcontinent is a different animal all together, the British are partly to blame for our current condition because our countries/cultures could never reach the golden age of thought when these things develop. We are all now playing catch-up in a game that is designed to aid the richer countries at every turn
Well it's a personal impression from direct observation.
I am only talking for my state , not comparing countries. My state has ~13 persons/km2 which is 100x less than Bangladesh. No wonder not just Bangladeshi, Indian migrants from the mainland have crowded in to our detriment.
When I said to reduce fertility, it is RELATIVE to the economic capacity of the target group & pop/km2. Western Europe or Japan has high density population but their economy can support it . We can't.

Better approach is to simply reject any "data" from a country that does 95% election result rigging. Simply stick to data as manifested outside the country in neutral + credible setting.

They are a non-credible country to transparency, institutionalism and democracy from the onset.

They dump all these illegals all around them and then blab about their fertility rate being low....lol

Thats just as bad as the 100% ODF but 35% handwashing hygiene. Thats literally how much they posture...but dont have competency to make sure the posturing is done solidly for everything so it actually makes sense.
Well it's a personal impression from direct observation.
I am only talking for my state , not comparing countries. My state has ~13 persons/km2 which is 100x less than Bangladesh. No wonder not just Bangladeshi, Indian migrants from the mainland have crowded in to our detriment.
When I said to reduce fertility, it is RELATIVE to the economic capacity of the target group & pop/km2. Western Europe or Japan has high density population but their economy can support it . We can't.

Well even with low density persons/sqkm. and lower population per se compared to Bangladesh, the GDP per capita of Assam, Manipur and Meghalaya are lower than Bangladesh. This is a result of low rates of industrialization and means people are generally poorer in these Indian states compared to Bangladesh. Facts are facts, they don't lie.

IMF says Bangladesh GDP per capita is US$5,453 (PPP, 2020 est.), $2,068 (nominal, 2020 est.). Yes with all our supposedly 'destitute' people.

The GDP per capita of Assam, Manipur and Meghalaya (guessing nominal) US$1298, US$1110 and US$1376 respectively. Somewhere between half and two thirds compared to that of Bangladesh Per Capita.



IMF says....

burkina Faso is...
DRC is...
Angola is...
South Sudan is...

Just believe them all for what they are worth too....whatever the level of inflation they actually launder into their GDP (that the IMF and World Bank effectively start to subtract when they use constant dollars GDP...taking away 30% of BD GDP from the get go):


Certainly don't look at what the data is outside govt control entirely (like big export promises/"orders"/"completions" one year...and nothing materialising about it from the actual importer country).

Or stuff like tanking a 70 billion market cap to just 30 billion in one short year.

Nothing to see there.

Nothing related to this at all either (before corona kicked in):



You are correct we are a low industrial area. We are bounded by international borders on all sides and are not free to trade and prosper with our neighbors..Delhi control our destiny.
Whatever your GDP on paper is not my concern, my concern is that your countrymen are either poor or overpopulated enough to come to our place and not vice versa ( infact indigenous beggary /starvation is literally unknown in our hill states inspite of our low GDP because we are equitable societies).
Well even with low density persons/sqkm. and lower population per se compared to Bangladesh, the GDP per capita of Assam, Manipur and Meghalaya are lower than Bangladesh. This is a result of low rates of industrialization and means people are generally poorer in these Indian states compared to Bangladesh. Facts are facts, they don't lie.

IMF says Bangladesh GDP per capita is US$5,453 (PPP, 2020 est.), $2,068 (nominal, 2020 est.). Yes with all our supposedly 'destitute' people.

The GDP per capita of Assam, Manipur and Meghalaya (guessing nominal) US$1298, US$1110 and US$1376 respectively. Somewhere between half and two thirds compared to that of Bangladesh Per Capita.



OK. My bad for not addressing this earlier when it was reported to the moderators. The use of racial terms like Negroid, Caucasoid, Mongoloid etc OUTSIDE of a scientific, technical discussion on race, racial attributes etc will not be tolerated since it has little utility besides being used as a racial slur.

Please report if it occurs again.
You are correct we are a low industrial area. We are bounded by international borders on all sides and are not free to trade and prosper with our neighbors..Delhi control our destiny.
Whatever your GDP on paper is not my concern, my concern is that your countrymen are either poor or overpopulated enough to come to our place and not vice versa ( infact indigenous beggary /starvation is literally unknown in our hill states inspite of our low GDP because we are equitable societies).

GDP on paper?

No amount of naysaying will disprove Bangladesh' road to progress which is based on solid economic fundamentals, and not on CAA/NRC lies.

You have never been to Dhaka city - I suggest you take a trip over here sometime to see the real conditions here. Not everyone is poor in Bangladesh, only some are.

To suggest that NE people are all higher class folks compared to Bangladesh is laughable.

Some of the NE Indian academic folks come to Dhaka to take part in rural micro-financing and other workshops. You should talk to them about some of the lessons they have been taught which they took back.

One thing is for sure, no one in Bangladesh is as intolerant as some of the NE folks, equitable society or not. This may result from ingrained lack of exposure and selfishness not corrected at puberty, the combination being a dangerous thing.

There are 4.5 lac illegal working class Indians in Dhaka city itself working in garments, nail salons, haircut places, a majority are 'Pahari' illegals from the NE states. These NE states people would not come here if they were not poor or if there wasn't a way to make money. They also comprise the majority of sex workers in this city, I'm told.

We could have kicked these people out if we wanted to, but we also understand that there is a need for skilled people, and even for sex workers and beauty salon workers, sometimes in the same building. No self-respecting Bengali will do these jobs, no matter how poor.

But NE Indians of various stripes are open to these. We are a practical bunch and not as intolerant and selfish as some NE folks, judged by events in these NE states.

We can cry all we want about 'my poor are better than your poor', and that 'your poor are darkies and they suck'....

At the end of the day, both types of people are just poor, period...don't go into hair-splitting analysis...

Your poor may look different, while some of ours do too (like Chakmas) or don't. Either way - we in Bangladesh don't give two $hits, people are people. Racism is the work of the devil. Shaitan was the first racist.

Poverty doesn't differentiate whether you have a long or flat nose, skin tone, or whether your eyes are round or not. It's just poverty. We are all Allah's subjects, we deserve better.

Poverty is inhuman and there is no dignity in it, period. Neither does racism.

OK. My bad for not addressing this earlier when it was reported to the moderators. The use of racial terms like Negroid, Caucasoid, Mongoloid etc OUTSIDE of a scientific, technical discussion on race, racial attributes etc will not be tolerated since it has little utility besides being used as a racial slur.

Please report if it occurs again.

Brother please delete my post if it even hints at any racist suggestion.
Friend, I can see you probably have issues that precede this thread.
It's ok. We will move on then
GDP on paper?

No amount of naysaying will disprove Bangladesh' road to progress which is based on solid economic fundamentals, and not on CAA/NRC lies.

You have never been to Dhaka city - I suggest you take a trip over here sometime to see the real conditions here. Not everyone is poor in Bangladesh, only some are.

To suggest that NE people are all higher class folks compared to Bangladesh is laughable.

Some of the NE Indian academic folks come to Dhaka to take part in rural micro-financing and other workshops. You should talk to them about some of the lessons they have been taught which they took back.

One thing is for sure, no one in Bangladesh is as intolerant as some of the NE folks, equitable society or not. This may result from ingrained lack of exposure and selfishness not corrected at puberty, the combination being a dangerous thing.

There are 4.5 lac illegal working class Indians in Dhaka city itself working in garments, nail salons, haircut places, a majority are 'Pahari' illegals from the NE states. These NE states people would not come here if they were not poor or if there wasn't a way to make money. They also comprise the majority of sex workers in this city, I'm told.

We could have kicked these people out if we wanted to, but we also understand that there is a need for skilled people, and even for sex workers and beauty salon workers, sometimes in the same building. No self-respecting Bengali will do these jobs, no matter how poor.

But NE Indians of various stripes are open to these. We are a practical bunch and not as intolerant and selfish as some NE folks, judged by events in these NE states.

We can cry all we want about 'my poor are better than your poor', and that 'your poor are darkies and they suck'....

At the end of the day, both types of people are just poor, period...don't go into hair-splitting analysis...

Your poor may look different, while some of ours do too (like Chakmas) or don't. Either way - we in Bangladesh don't give two $hits, people are people. Racism is the work of the devil. Shaitan was the first racist.

Poverty doesn't differentiate whether you have a long or flat nose, skin tone, or whether your eyes are round or not. It's just poverty. We are all Allah's subjects, we deserve better.

Poverty is inhuman and there is no dignity in it, period. Neither does racism.

Brother please delete my post if it even hints at any racist suggestion.
Friend, I can see you probably have issues that precede this thread.
It's ok. We will move on then

We all have issues.

My issues are with racism, ignorant behavior and blatant intolerance (especially toward poor people by the selfish and marginally well-off who don't want to give back). I will not compromise on those principles, especially with habitual trolls who shamelessly come back to this sub-forum, even after asked to go away.
It's funny you mention racism because your countrymen on here have on many occasions made racist comments about Bangladeshis such as "short" "black" "dark" "smelly" "bearded" "Mullas"....

And do you know what's the funniest bit is? It's that your country is full of exactly the same type of people hell India has entire states full of people 10 shades darker than the average bangali so please don't point fingers in one direction. When your country call others smelly and dark it proves one thing : that you people have watched too many Bollywood movies with imported Slavic girls and fair skinned north Indians that you seem to think of yourselves as some blonde and blue eyed Nordic superior race.

The inferiority complex of Indians is already out there, the inferiority complex is so bad they need to take a piss on the less fortunate and illegal migrants to feel better about themselves. Oh and not to mention blockbuster movies like this one here

I want to add : I have no malice towards Indians, I have grown up with Indians around me and been to school with Indians and we have always gotten along for the most part but if you insult my country, I will point out the fault in yours too.

What the hell was that video
Friend, I can see you probably have issues that precede this thread.
It's ok. We will move on then

Yup that's basically it. The biggest time some spent here was a futile one making all kind of brochure threads about Walton and "exports" and CGI drama and 200 taka tea stronking (While indians can "only" afford 8 taka).

The reality check is all making that stuff crash down (from their own countrymen and basic crushing reality):



...i.e nothing promised materialises, but same ole same ole drama continues in the BAL blab media (shielded by 95% vote rigging) some were/are hooked on continues regardless.

Everything else is just an expansion/extension of that basic mental problem with some. Going so far as to label long time BD members here as false flaggers and alt-accounts of mine...and still refusing to accept they are and were wrong to do so....at great cost to their own credibility among more sane BD members here.

Simply sit back and watch these types lose on house of cards they tried to build in derangement and whatever else driving them mentally...its best policy henceforth.
Look at this, a few days back Sanghis made a propaganda video that Bangladeshis were caught sneaking into Tripura, this video below refutes it. All over India Sanghis are driving away WB people claiming that they are Bangladeshi. Yeah Ghuspetia my foot.


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