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There is no work or food, the people of Tripura are forced to take refuge in Bangladesh!!

Let know when you can prove on paper...

Who said Bangladesh is developed?

So? Unskilled people do menial work. As if every indian is highly skilled!

Oh you NE mongoloids are supar bright people. You folks must have very high per capita income?

BTW, let us know when you folk commit next massacre of NE Bengalis. Make sure that massacre is secular. Ok?

You are super bright...

Well, looks like you folks here are the one with inferiority complex. UKBengali just said tripura need to join BD and boom, you got triggered and one of your mate wrote an hilibili essay... :lol:

Who said Bangladesh is developed?

So? Unskilled people do menial work. As if every indian is highly skilled!
Pragmatism might be a lost cause for your kind,but I clearly called out indians for believing iPhone could be mass manufactured in India despite not having enough skilled workers yet .
Oh you NE mongoloids are supar bright people. You folks must have very high per capita income?

BTW, let us know when you folk commit next massacre of NE Bengalis. Make sure that massacre is secular. Ok?
Per capita income? lol
BD has millions under poverty line,there are states in NE that has higher per capita income than BD ,but that only serves as a buffer against the millions and millions under poverty in BD .

NE states has higher Human Development Index,higher literacy rate .
Since I'm more familiar with Manipur ,I'll point out there are no slums ,almost zero rape,no beggars ,muggers.
A far cry from the world you are used to,right?

No. of doctors working under DGHS per 10,000 populations: 1.28;that means 21376 bangladeshis have to settle with 1 doctor from Directorate General of Health Services of Bangladesh government.

Meanwhile under Manipur Health Directorate 1doctor per 1635 population was allocated back in 2011 ,now the ratio is much better,one of the best in India.

BD infant mortality rate according to UNICEF is 30.2
Manipur infant mortality rate is 9 (lowest in india)

Comparatively, BD has a severe case of underweight,stunted and wasted cases among kids.
It's almost impossible to be lower in the determined IQ of south asian bd folk.

You are super bright...
Guess the concept flew over your head,should have expected,but again ,a secluded village in the bangla border far from northern parts bordering other state and agartala;your excuse of comparison regarding non bangla trespassers falls short.

Well you can cry hoarse about "asinine this" and "asinine that". But this sort of story fits the "termite Bangladeshi (Ghuspetia)" Hindutva narrative to a tee. Straight from Amit Shah's motabhai mouth.

All useful for pushing gullible Hindus to embrace BJP, RSS Hindutva bandwagon. The Bangladeshis are coming! All Hindu's must unite under saffron umbrella. :-)

All for a great "Hindu Rashtra" cause...

Stop wasting your breath please.

We know where these stories come from.

Bangladeshis will not go to India even if offered to go. Things are better in Bangladesh itself.

Find that other thread where it says there are 4.5 lakh illegal Indians in Bangladesh, those are moreover very well-paying jobs in export factories.

Indians remit $7-8 Billion from Bangladesh every year OFFICIALLY. Total via Hundi and other means is probably double that amount.

Do Thank us for providing employment for destitute Indians.
Nobody gives a flying fk about your hindu-muslim propaganda in NE ,maybe the few h1ndu immigrants that settled in some parts of Assam and such do,the people dislike bangla aliens period,they just want hindu/muslims or any to stop encroaching here,that's it!.

Tripura is cut off small state in the periphery of india with barely no connection with mainland politics,they tell what they see. There is sufficient proof about this only someone missing some braincells would make up excuses in denial.
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Pragmatism might be a lost cause for your kind,but I clearly called out indians for believing iPhone could be mass manufactured in India despite not having enough skilled workers yet .

Per capita income? lol
BD has millions of under poverty line,there are states in NE that has higher per capita income than BD ,but that only serve as a buffer against the millions and millions under poverty in BD .

NE states has higher Human Development Index,higher literacy rate .
Since I'm more familiar with Manipur ,I'll point out there are no slums ,almost zero rape,no beggars ,muggers.
A far cry from the world you are used to,right?

No. of doctors working under DGHS per 10,000 populations: 1.28;that means 21376 bangladeshis have to settle with 1 doctor from Directorate General of Health Services is a Bangladesh governmen

Meanwhile under Manipur Health Directorate 1doctor per 1635 population was allocated back in 2011 ,now the ratio is much better,one of the best in India.

BD infant mortality rate according to UNICEF is 30.2
Manipur infant mortality rate is 9 (lowest in india)

Comparatively, BD has severe case of underweight,stunted and wasted cases among kids.
It's almost impossible to be lower in the determined IQ of south asian bd folk.

Guess the concept flew over your head,should have expected,but again ,a secluded village in the bangla border far from northern parts bordering other state and agartala;your excuse of comparison regarding non bangla trespassers falls short.

Nobody gives a flying fk about your hindu-muslim propaganda in NE ,maybe the few h1ndu immigrants that settled in some parts of Assam and such do,the people dislike bangla aliens period,they just want hindu/muslims or any to stop encroaching here,that's it!.

Tripura is cut off small state in the periphery of india with barely no connection with mainland politics,they tell what they see. There is sufficient proof about this only someone missing some braincells would make up excuses in denial.

Getting a little excited? :lol:

Chill little buddy, and educate yourself. With half the per capita GDP in NE India - compared to Bangladesh, you come talk about parity with us and comparing poverty. :rolleyes:

I have had enough entertainment for a Ramadan evening, off to bed now....as for figures for all of India, it will keep getting poorer and poorer (see below, 21.2% of the Indian population is living below the international poverty line of 1.90 US$.

In fact, 270 million (27 crore) Indians are considered terminally poor akin to Subsaharan Africa, making India the poorest country in the region and a good deal poorer than ours), good luck trying to teach your destitute on how to code....

Other than RSS liars, I have nothing against poor people anywhere, especially poor folks in India. People are poor not because of their own fault, but because of exploiters like the ones in power in the subcontinent. We have set examples on eradicating poverty for the world, but no such thing found in India yet. Now try correcting that situation - instead of accusing Bangladeshis of going to India.


The Multidimensional headcount figures are even worse.


Wear it like a crown...

And the study was conducted by the London School of Economics, not a Shakha Sangh-Pracharak in Guwahati.

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Pragmatism might be a lost cause for your kind,but I clearly called out indians for believing iPhone could be mass manufactured in India despite not having enough skilled workers yet .

Per capita income? lol
BD has millions of under poverty line,there are states in NE that has higher per capita income than BD ,but that only serve as a buffer against the millions and millions under poverty in BD .

NE states has higher Human Development Index,higher literacy rate .
Since I'm more familiar with Manipur ,I'll point out there are no slums ,almost zero rape,no beggars ,muggers.
A far cry from the world you are used to,right?

No. of doctors working under DGHS per 10,000 populations: 1.28;that means 21376 bangladeshis have to settle with 1 doctor from Directorate General of Health Services is a Bangladesh governmen

Meanwhile under Manipur Health Directorate 1doctor per 1635 population was allocated back in 2011 ,now the ratio is much better,one of the best in India.

BD infant mortality rate according to UNICEF is 30.2
Manipur infant mortality rate is 9 (lowest in india)

Comparatively, BD has severe case of underweight,stunted and wasted cases among kids.
It's almost impossible to be lower in the determined IQ of south asian bd folk.

Guess the concept flew over your head,should have expected,but again ,a secluded village in the bangla border far from northern parts bordering other state and agartala;your excuse of comparison regarding non bangla trespassers falls short.

Nobody gives a flying fk about your hindu-muslim propaganda in NE ,maybe the few h1ndu immigrants that settled in some parts of Assam and such do,the people dislike bangla aliens period,they just want hindu/muslims or any to stop encroaching here,that's it!.

Tripura is cut off small state in the periphery of india with barely no connection with mainland politics,they tell what they see. There is sufficient proof about this only someone missing some braincells would make up excuses in denial.

Don't bother anymore...the severe IQ-deficients have to rely on 2013 MPI (which still used 2005 data from India if you look it up...which was some 7 years or so behind in data series at that point with BD and Pakistan).

Such people won't post the same study updated now with more relevant recent data, because...well you know why ;):


For south asia the MPI scores (headcount * intensity) are (lower is better):

India = 0.121 (2015-2016)

Bangladesh = 0.194 (2014)

Pakistan = 0.228 (2012-2013)

By pure headcount only (during the respective survey years):

India = 27.5% = 364 million people

Bangladesh = 41.07% = 66 million people

Pakistan = 43.9% = 80 million people

A telling study when you dont have a "95% seat won" autocracy fudging stuff in between:


Be sure to check 2019 out:

BD infant mortality rate according to UNICEF is 30.2
Manipur infant mortality rate is 9 (lowest in india)

Cherry picking data ... you should be ashamed. What do you take us for? Who cares about Manipur and how many people live there??

Per World Bank - Bangladesh infant mortality rate is 30.2 while all of India is 36.6 (21% higher).

Per United Nations population division data - figures are even worse, Bangladesh infant mortality rate is 33 per 1000 births while that for all of India is 41 (24% higher).

And our figures were achieved with way less spent on maternal healthcare....



Public health lessons for India from Bangladesh
3 min read . Updated: 24 Apr 2018, 10:50 PM ISTAshok Alexander

The Bangladesh miracle in public health offers many lessons for India, most importantly, on the central role of women.

Bangladesh emerged from its struggle for independence in 1971 as a war-ravaged and impoverished nation. With a broken bureaucracy, fragile education system, and dismal health conditions, many termed it a “basket case". Today, Bangladesh’s rapid strides in improving its health outcomes over the last few decades are referred to as “one of the great mysteries of global health" by The Lancet.

Bangladesh’s per capita national income (based on purchasing power parity) is less than 60% that of India. The country’s total health expenditure is 2.8% of its gross domestic product (GDP); India’s expenditure is 4.7%. Bangladesh’s health record is not flawless, and the nation has much to accomplish in fixing its ailing public health system. However, Bangladesh’s under-five and infant mortality rate, fertility rate, and life expectancy, are all better than India. The World Health Organization puts Bangladesh’s open defecation prevalence at near zero, compared to 40% for India. The question is how India’s once desolate neighbour achieved these outcomes. What lessons does it hold for India?

The Bangladesh miracle has been studied and written about extensively in the last few years. If we boil it down to look for one single explanation, it is the central role played by women. And even within that, poor women from grassroots communities have led the way. The nation has invested significantly in pro-women policies such as education subsidies for female students, protection of human rights, and microfinance programmes targeting women. Bangladesh’s female workforce participation in 2013 was 57%, more than double that of India. The country surpasses India in female literacy rates, as well as the representation of women in positions of power. Economists Jean Drèze and Amartya Sen explain in their studies, how female literacy and workforce participation play an important role in lowering child mortality and fertility rates through a combination of channels.

Bangladesh’s efforts towards gender equity were strengthened by an increased deployment of women as frontline health mobilizers. Organizations such as BRAC have been training poor rural women across Bangladesh for decades to distribute oral rehydration solutions, conduct house-to-house immunizations, and counsel women on contraception methods. In fact, BRAC believes in creating an enabling ecosystem, whereby poverty alleviation and social outcomes can drive better health. Poor women, who are the victims, the providers and the poverty managers for their families, should indeed be the caretakers of health.

An important question is what enabled Bangladesh to transform the role of its women. There is no clear answer, and this perhaps has historical and cultural roots. But more pertinent is to know whether India can do the same. I have encountered women time and again in northern India whose faces are hidden, voices can’t be heard, thoroughly disempowered. While there is a well-designed cadre of female frontline workers, implementation on ground is weak. The frontline workers serve overlapping beneficiaries, rarely share data, and follow chaotic record-keeping practices. They are governed by two ministries—the women and child development and the health ministry —that are usually at loggerheads.

From my public health experience so far, and from what Bangladesh reinforces, I strongly believe that communities of the poorest women are the only way —especially when public health systems are broken. In Avahan, the Gates Foundation’s India HIV-prevention programme, thousands of largely illiterate female workers became managers and owners of community programmes across the nation. Women supervisors and grassroots health workers across Rajasthan are leading the scale-up of a solution that involves the arduous task of mapping every house in the village. Initial stages of a programme with adolescent girls in Rajasthan show that they can be key change agents in mobilizing and empowering the community. These are much more than isolated cases of success. Is the explanation to Kerala’s incredible performance in health outcomes also women? Well, that’s another story.

Pretence and posturing are the bane of India’s sorry health situation. The country’s rapid economic development cannot be an alibi for its sluggish progress in health. Grand national health programmes and grandiose health announcements are disconnected with ground realities. We need to shun our inherently blinkered approach and look to the bottom of the pyramid. Men need to make way for women as central to grassroots health problems.

A radical thought maybe, in today’s environment especially—can we swallow our jingoism and take technical assistance from Bangladesh? We may learn something valuable.

Ashok Alexander is founder-director of Antara Foundation. His Twitter handle is @alexander_ashok

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What happens when you go above the 95%-seat winning autocracy number fudging?

Yeah this kind of thing happens:



Not even worth going into energy consumption (where BD is stuck in south asian 1960s level) and any other thing that cannot be fudged due to strong cross-correlation data located outside of BAL hands (so key to getting the true picture)

All we know BD does just as badly as western wing former compatriots or worse....who really actually can credibly confirm when you just need to vote rig things to 95% level and people are resigned to accepting that?...even with repeated salt-peppering FM-speak of "hubby wife" pleasantries/obeisances?

This is after all a "country" that claims 100% toilet coverage but forgot to fudge its hand washing + basic hygiene rate to 100% as well:



A full 65% discrepancy. This is result of 95% seat rigging and the dissonance with reality from the development stats on paper in such a non-credible non-institutional "BAL-ocracy".
Why NE would join BD? What advantages they get?
None of the erudite BD guys thrown light into it.
Why NE would join BD? What advantages they get?
None of the erudite BD guys thrown light into it.

NE India is fully dependent on Bangladesh for their development despite being a state of India.

Bangladesh is way ahead in terms of living standards and per capita gdp than NE Indian states. There are no existing Industrial base in those areas. As Bangladesh is projected to cross India per capita GDP wise within next few years it is just matter of time NE Indians may feel it is better off to stay with Bangladesh for economic development instead of just remaining as poor, backward and land locked states of India.

Can you elaborate what is the economic future of NE Indian states just remaining with India? As Bengalis are majority in Assam and Tripura transition will not be difficult if Assam and Tripura join Bangladesh. If that happen other NE Indian states will follow suits.
Tripura needs to join BD for it's own good as soon as possible.
I concur brother let them join Bangladeshi union they would be fully respected and made fully fledged citizens of Bangladesh. Their language and culture can also be protected while simultenously learning the lingua Franca of the country (Bengali). Bangladesh provides them with better alternative, better opportunity better economy.

Bad geographic position hurting Tripuras economic development. I feel sorry for under privileged peoples of Tripura...
They can join the Bangladeshi National (Political union) if they wish to and be a fully fledged Bangladeshi productive citizens.
I concur brother let them join Bangladeshi union they would be fully respected and made fully fledged citizens of Bangladesh. Their language and culture can also be protected while simultenously learning the lingua Franca of the country (Bengali). Bangladesh provides them with better alternative, better opportunity better economy.

70% of Tripuris are Bengalis:D

You know that Tripura always looks to BD for assistance in anything like food, energy, communications etc and BD always helps. BD will always look after Tripura no matter what.
70% of Tripuris are Bengalis:D

You know that Tripura always looks to BD for assistance in anything like food, energy, communications etc and BD always help. BD will always look after Tripura no matter what.
Oh I see then that is even better. Their leadership should make the right choice for its people as soon as possible for obvious reasons as I mentioned in my above post.
NE India is fully dependent on Bangladesh for their development despite being a state of India.

Bangladesh is way ahead in terms of living standards and per capita gdp than NE Indian states. There are no existing Industrial base in those areas. As Bangladesh is projected to cross India per capita GDP wise within next few years it is just matter of time NE Indians may feel it is better off to stay with Bangladesh for economic development instead of just remaining as poor, backward and land locked states of India.

Can you elaborate what is the economic future of NE Indian states just remaining with India? As Bengalis are majority in Assam and Tripura transition will not be difficult if Assam and Tripura join Bangladesh. If that happen other NE Indian states will follow suits.
Amen, I concur and we can also reach our greater Bangladesh dream simultenously as well.

They can join Pakistan too if they want too
It’s not feasible!
NE India is fully dependent on Bangladesh for their development despite being a state of India.

Bangladesh is way ahead in terms of living standards and per capita gdp than NE Indian states. There are no existing Industrial base in those areas. As Bangladesh is projected to cross India per capita GDP wise within next few years it is just matter of time NE Indians may feel it is better off to stay with Bangladesh for economic development instead of just remaining as poor, backward and land locked states of India.

Can you elaborate what is the economic future of NE Indian states just remaining with India? As Bengalis are majority in Assam and Tripura transition will not be difficult if Assam and Tripura join Bangladesh. If that happen other NE Indian states will follow suits.
Again another question do you know why NRC was opposed so strongly in NE?

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