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There is no work or food, the people of Tripura are forced to take refuge in Bangladesh!!

I'm actually crying from laughter... Too good.
It's funny you mention racism because your countrymen on here have on many occasions made racist comments about Bangladeshis such as "short" "black" "dark" "smelly" "bearded" "Mullas"....

And do you know what's the funniest bit is? It's that your country is full of exactly the same type of people hell India has entire states full of people 10 shades darker than the average bangali so please don't point fingers in one direction. When your country call others smelly and dark it proves one thing : that you people have watched too many Bollywood movies with imported Slavic girls and fair skinned north Indians that you seem to think of yourselves as some blonde and blue eyed Nordic superior race.

The inferiority complex of Indians is already out there, the inferiority complex is so bad they need to take a piss on the less fortunate and illegal migrants to feel better about themselves. Oh and not to mention blockbuster movies like this one here

I want to add : I have no malice towards Indians, I have grown up with Indians around me and been to school with Indians and we have always gotten along for the most part but if you insult my country, I will point out the fault in yours too.

@Hamartia Antidote and @KAL-EL - what would you say about White slaves, servants and beggars in India per the Hindu nationalist video above?

Should you ready Americans, Europeans and Brits for the inevitable now? Might help. :lol:
It's funny you mention racism because your countrymen on here have on many occasions made racist comments about Bangladeshis such as "short" "black" "dark" "smelly" "bearded" "Mullas"....

And do you know what's the funniest bit is? It's that your country is full of exactly the same type of people hell India has entire states full of people 10 shades darker than the average bangali so please don't point fingers in one direction. When your country call others smelly and dark it proves one thing : that you people have watched too many Bollywood movies with imported Slavic girls and fair skinned north Indians that you seem to think of yourselves as some blonde and blue eyed Nordic superior race.

The inferiority complex of Indians is already out there, the inferiority complex is so bad they need to take a piss on the less fortunate and illegal migrants to feel better about themselves. Oh and not to mention blockbuster movies like this one here

I want to add : I have no malice towards Indians, I have grown up with Indians around me and been to school with Indians and we have always gotten along for the most part but if you insult my country, I will point out the fault in yours too.
Those White Beggars are so Pretty
BD brothers, time soon to expand territory of BD to seven sisters and WB.

I believe in you. Allah swt with yoi.
Bangladesh needs to be a role model by becoming an economic superpower in South Asia where human rights will be respected and standard of living would be on par with developed countries. Once we can achieve that I believe citizens from surrounding regions of Bangladesh including Bihar which was part of Sultanate of Bengal would demand to join Bangladeshi political union for betterment of their citizens. InshAllah it will happen and Bangladesh needs to continue to march ahead.
Bangladesh needs to be a role model by becoming an economic superpower in South Asia where human rights will be respected and standard of living would be on par with developed countries. Once we can achieve that I believe citizens from surrounding regions of Bangladesh including Bihar which was part of Sultanate of Bengal would demand to join Bangladeshi political union for betterment of their citizens. InshAllah it will happen and Bangladesh needs to continue to march ahead.

Once bd reaches that stage inshall- la, you do know that bihar is one of the poorest states in india.

West Bengal, has importance to bd and N.E states as it will provide a route to China. Why bihar?
Once bd reaches that stage inshall- la, you do know that bihar is one of the poorest states in india.

West Bengal, has importance to bd and N.E states as it will provide a route to China. Why bihar?

Because he's nostalgic
Once bd reaches that stage inshall- la, you do know that bihar is one of the poorest states in india.

West Bengal, has importance to bd and N.E states as it will provide a route to China. Why bihar?
Because it was part of Sultanate, it is poor now doesn’t man it cannot be developed under Sultante of Bengal. You need to broaden your horizon, cannot just think narrowly.

Because he's nostalgic
It’s because some of you cannot see beyond your ethnicity, smell the coffee, your narrow views doesn’t reflect true vision and ground reality.Bihar was part of Sultanate of Bengal and Bangladesh also has seizable Bihari people that are citizens of Bangladesh.

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Because it was part of Sultanate, it is poor now doesn’t man it cannot be developed under Sultante of Bengal. You need to broaden your horizon, cannot just think narrowly.

It’s because some of you cannot see beyond your ethnicity, smell the coffee, your narrow views doesn’t reflect true vision and ground reality.Bihar was part of Sultanate of Bengal and Bangladesh also has seizable Bihari people that citizens of Bangladesh.

Since you're living in USA, you have zero clue about who these beharis are so please don't school me on my own country when you sit in America and contribute nothing.

Ground reality; Haha this is rich coming from a guy who thinks sylhet is some super wealthy division, wants arabic as a official language, tries too hard to be a bangali muslim by envoking Gods name every three sentences, and now schooling other about how beharis deserve to be in bengal.

Visit BD first then speak of ground reality.
Since you're living in USA, you have zero clue about who these beharis are so please don't school me on my own country when you sit in America and contribute nothing.

Ground reality; Haha this is rich coming from a guy who thinks sylhet is some super wealthy division, wants arabic as a official language, tries too hard to be a bangali muslim by envoking Gods name every three sentences, and now schooling other about how beharis deserve to be in bengal.

Visit BD first then speak of ground reality.
You ethno-facists do not control Bangladesh your disregard for plurality and disrespect for human rights, diversity has no place in Bangladesh. I have many relatives in Sylhet BD who are you to judge me? You don’t control anything, you have absolutely zero control, I have distant relatives that are part of ruling govt although I do not agree with some of their policies. You can bark all you want, those views are discarded in Bangladesh for plurality, diversity, and human dignity. BTW since you brought it up. All Bangladeshi Muslim learn to read and write Arabic due to their religion and some are even learning it deeper by actually understanding Arabic. now go ahead cry me a River, you do not control anything. Who are are you define what are Bangladeshi qualities and values are ? It varies based on region to region. Bangladesh isn’t ruled by illiterate emotional brats like you who cannot fathom anything that goes against your lenses. Grow up
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You ethno-facists do not control Bangladesh your disregard for plurality and disrespect for human rights, diversity has no place in Bangladesh. You douchbags I have many relatives in Sylhet BD who are you to judge me? You don’t control sheet even I have distance relatives that are part of ruling govt although I do not agree with some of their policies. You can bark all you want, those views are discarded in Bangladesh for plurality, diversity, and human dignity. BTW since you brought it up. All Bangladeshi Muslim learn to read and write Arabic now go ahead cry me a River, you do not control anything.

Firstly, its distressing to see that even though you live in the US you can't frame legible sentences in English.

Secondly, don't get your panties in a twist, This is ramadan be respectful; this is me, assuming you're a real muslim.

Thirdly, what are you trying to imply when you say you have relatives in BAL, are you threatening me? It only shows your pathetic upbringing.

Lastly, There is room for plurality in Bangladesh, You just don't see it because you are too busy living in the US. You can whine all you want about your "Sylhet" being suppressed nobody will pay any heed to a bell end like you. I know you're salty because my point about Chattgaiya being the more distinct language from Bangla broke your Sylhetti is this and that argument. I speak Arabic and live in the Middle East so don't lecture me on the importance of Arabic.

My advice to you is to educate yourself on these matter first, Visit BD or If not then just crawl back into your hidey hole from whence you came.

Arek bar judi pek pek goros, shomman gori jovab ditanno. hote bujjos ne boital er fut.
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Little scum I live in middle east and I speak arabic, like I said earlier go live in your USA fantasy land.
I have residency in both USA and Bangladesh do you have any problem you scumbag narrow minded doucbag?
I have done enough research to know more than you about Biharis who are now fully fledged Bangladeshi citizens.

Little scum I live in middle east and I speak arabic, like I said earlier go live in your USA fantasy land.
That explains you might also be super uneducated as most Bangladeshis who work and reside in Middle East tend to be like that; but I should not be judgemental as they are from lower socio economic backgrounds. Those countries also do not value human rights and dignity and diversity I thought you would learn from their mistakes.
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That explains you might also be super uneducated as most Bangladeshis who work in Middle East are like that; but I should not be judgemental. Those countries also do not value human rights and dignity and diversity I thought you would learn from their mistakes.

Quit making a fool of yourself, You can barely frame a sentence without making glaring mistakes. Be nice or maybe your parents didn't teach you any manners?

Don't have something better to do child? other than getting on here and spewing your venom filled vitriol?

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