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The Young Turks attack China!

This is not a attack on China FFS. 24 yr old dating a 12 yr old? For Gods sakes. Thats nasty.
They say Celin Dion was 13 when she fell for her now husband.
He should arrested and spends his adult live in jail.

How about Paterno's assistant got 30 years. Perverts are everywhere.
Oh my Godness!
What is so hot? Didn't people usually get marry when they were just in their teenage few centuries ago?
if this happened in india, the title of the thread would be "Indians abusing young girls regularly"
Star√ation;3497227 said:
Oh my Godness!
What is so hot? Didn't people usually get marry when they were just in their teenage few centuries ago?

LOL you sound like you're yearning for the good old days, ain't you. Just look at her face, she's only a child, for Christ sake. In some part of the world he'll be shot by some of her relatives and you'll say good ridden if you're are her elder.
if this happened in india, the title of the thread would be "Indians abusing young girls regularly"
I know its hard for you to comprehend but there's a slight difference between a public relationship of "mutual love" with consent of both parties and old men raping sold out little Indian girls against their will behind the scenes then denying any contact with them in public.
The girl is just a child. She doesn't have enough experience in life to fully understand what love is. Heck, even some adults have difficulty understanding what love is!
The age gap is one thing, the timing is another. If she was in her twenties dating a thirty or forty year old, then it would be more socially acceptable. At least then, it wouldn't be frowned upon and viewed as exploitation "老牛爱吃嫩草". She would be more experienced and aware of what she is putting herself through.

Having said that, I think they are decent singers though.

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