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The war on Iran begins…in Syria

Should Iran 'eliminate Israel from the Earth'?

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If true it is a good thing that Israel is helping to contest Iran's expansionism. The USA should applaud and support any Israeli effort to combat Iran's efforts to dominate the Middle East. Iran's behavior is the most likely cause of a future war in their region.
Last time I checked I didn't find the US in the south west Asia map .. could you please tell me how could we contest the USA expansionism not in its own region but in our region? stop it from invading countries?
The comments are all sidebar BS, the takeaway from this news is that the Israelis used the same transponder codes as the American F-15s operating in Syria. This tells me that U.S. was in on it. The Yahoos would never have the balls to mimic the U.S. Airforce codes without clearing it with Centcom and Trump himself. It's time for the Russians to put up or shutup.....they need to move more fighters, a couple of missile boats and more S-400 batteries into and around Syria now. Trump and Israel are watching Iran's and Russia's actions.....they need a ball check or they will get even more emboldened. We need to show that we've reached the limit and we are ready for WAR!
The problem is Lieberman. Doesn't he have some ties to Putin?

Perhaps the Russians won't be so keen to contain Israeli/US aggression?
Lol, US say this, US says that. What ever they do, not matter furious their lap dog becomes, Russia will not show the surprise element, till US directly comes in action.
Don't underestimate their brazenness... remember USS Liberty?
I don't believe the conspiracy theories, they never had the balls to go up against a bigger adversary. The Liberty attack was an amateurish mistake, just like the Airbus shootdown in the Persian Gulf. Pompeo, Bolton, Trump all have rolled out the red carpet for Israel to have the balls to even attack T-4....this latest attack has their blessings all over it. This will continue to happen till Iran or Russia raises the stake for war.
This will continue to happen till Iran or Russia raises the stake for war.

I don't think we can raise the stakes. Escalation only plays into the hands of the Zionists since they stand to gain if it all spirals out of Iran's control. I think our only option is to try and just win the Syrian war and then focus on internal matters for a while - our economy, our conventional military. But even this path is dubious since we have those "de-escalation" agreements with Turkey that limit Syria's ability to go for Idlib, and of course there is the SDF which still houses US troops. It's unclear if Trump has been persuaded to keep US troops in Syria (guaranteeing SDF from SAA attacks) indefinitely.
You make good points but your using logic and rationale to make assessments, in order to win in Syria we need to call their bluff, we need to show we're ready to burn it all down....this is the only language Trump will understand, in the mean time we need to rattle the oil market on a weekly basis they need to see actions on behalf of Israel will cost the U.S. big bucks..." for every penny the price of gasoline increases, it costs consumers an additional $4 million per day. That equals $1.4 billion over an entire year" now instead of a penny think 75 cents...100 Billion impacting energy can equal to many more Billions in the price increase of other goods. ( that's just the U.S. now add the entire European economy, and Asia too), this kind of stuff has real impact...this is deterrent power! The kind of power the stupid Wahabbis have given away for a decades. The economy slows down Mr. Trump is toast.
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For those who hate Iran this is just something to make them feel really good about themselves (since it's yet another strike with zero retaliation that has been conducted).

idk, really idk. Iran either has to put up or shut up and leave since its more than obvious it does not boast any sort of conventional power to support it's troops in Syria and the Russians are there just to help themselves and Assad in their own ways (This Russo-Iranian relationship is and will most likely always be tenuous at best).

So for those who are hurt emotionally from these attacks, you can only really blame Iran for not being able to protect its assets in a foreign nation that houses so many hostile air craft. At the end of the day the Israelis are a nation that uses other people to fight there wars for them. Netanyahu will do his utmost to keep US in Syria indefinitely (and will create a state within a state) meaning the war is far, far from over. Israel will guise it's jets and ships and what not in whatever call sign they deem fit to continuously attack Iranian assets. The real goal would be continual degradation of Iranian/allied Iranian troops war-fighting capability coupled with rising human and monetary costs of replacement and redeployment of equipment lost.

We have to just wait and see how this Syrian quagmire develops. What is certain though is that Israel does not like the way the war is going since Hezbollah has only gotten stronger and we all know that the "peace" of sorts between Israel and Hezbollah will not last.
Shouldn't you be focusing on Israel instead of Trump?
My friend I live in the States, I know that Netanyahu won't even take a piss without Trump's permission.

For those who hate Iran this is just something to make them feel really good about themselves (since it's yet another strike with zero retaliation that has been conducted).

idk, really idk. Iran either has to put up or shut up and leave since its more than obvious it does not boast any sort of conventional power to support it's troops in Syria and the Russians are there just to help themselves and Assad in their own ways (This Russo-Iranian relationship is and will most likely always be tenuous at best).

So for those who are hurt emotionally from these attacks, you can only really blame Iran for not being able to protect its assets in a foreign nation that houses so many hostile air craft. At the end of the day the Israelis are a nation that uses other people to fight there wars for them. Netanyahu will do his utmost to keep US in Syria indefinitely (and will create a state within a state) meaning the war is far, far from over. Israel will guise it's jets and ships and what not in whatever call sign they deem fit to continuously attack Iranian assets. The real goal would be continual degradation of Iranian/allied Iranian troops war-fighting capability coupled with rising human and monetary costs of replacement and redeployment of equipment lost.

We have to just wait and see how this Syrian quagmire develops. What is certain though is that Israel does not like the way the war is going since Hezbollah has only gotten stronger and we all know that the "peace" of sorts between Israel and Hezbollah will not last.
Yes, I'm blaming them. If they hit your assets once, you convene a meeting to see how you can counter it, you get Russia to set up a better radar perimeter. If not you consolidate your assets and you protect it yourself. You plan out a scenario where you ask where would they attack next. You set up a trap to give them a bloody nose when they try it. As far as Russia, I think they're only there to protect their naval base, so Iran should threaten to pull out and leave it all to Russia. One last thing, these days the war of (world) public opinion is almost as important as the hot war, Iran needs to get on Asian, European even U.S. network tv to warn that these attacks were unprovoked and they will not stand for it. Today I watched the Iranian amb to Britain on CNN, he watched a clip of Netanyahu on tv calling Iran liars and the whole JCPOA is built on lies. Then they cut to our Amb who could not string the proper words together to counter that liar. I would have had a fluent Iranian/English speaker be on tv and say: it's really rich to hear from the leader of the country with the only outlaw nuclear arsenal in the middle east telling us JCPOA is bad. Also, I don't think we should let the leader of the only occupying regime in the world, who violates U.N. laws and sovereign airspace of another country on a daily basis preach to us. The same man whose military shoots unarmed protester with sniper rifles.
Oh well..we are amateurs compared to these guys, they're masters at the PR and news manipulation game.
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in order to win in Syria we need to call their bluff, we need to show we're ready to burn it all down...

If you mean burn Syria down, I disagree. That's literally what the enemy wants. A burned and destroyed Syria that Iran can't use to supply Hezbollah. But given the rest of your post I don't think you mean that.

this is the only language Trump will understand, in the mean time we need to rattle the oil market on a weekly basis they need to see actions on behalf of Israel will cost the U.S. big bucks..." for every penny the price of gasoline increases, it costs consumers an additional $4 million per day. That equals $1.4 billion over an entire year" now instead of a penny think 75 cents...100 Billion impacting energy can equal to many more Billions in the price increase of other goods. ( that's just the U.S. now add the entire European economy, and Asia too), this kind of stuff has real impact...this is deterrent power! The kind of power the stupid Wahabbis have given away for a decades. The economy slows down Mr. Trump is toast.

Constant tensions are not in our interests when the current atmosphere is of bombings and missile strikes, by both the Americans and Israelis, sometimes against Iran. We're dealing with too many problems right now to start an international oil crisis. I just don't think we should expand the scope and scale of this war.
what selfish behaviour by the Zionists. they are endangering American lives, and hoping to provoke a war that the US fights for them with this behaviour.

now AA assets have to assume that any American aircraft is potentially an Israeli one on a strike mission and take appropriate action. this endangers American lives, and risks pushing the US into a major war.

too bad the americans are too dumb to see these parasites for who they are. not only milking them, but trying to fight their wars to the last american.
if antiaircraft missile not able to shoot down f15 like plane then there is no benefit for moving them to Syria by iran
If IRI is so strong, then why so much talk of getting Russia involved? It's strange that so many on this thread are advocating that Russia ought to up her game. Why would they? What's in it for them? They don't consider IRI a partner or an ally, rather a pawn to be traded at will in return for some concession from the west. Russia does not even consider IRI a client state.
IRI's isolation is glaringly obvious. She has no friends to come to her aid. BTW, does anyone recall if these attacks were condemned by any country? After all a sovereign country's airspace was violated and people killed.
And for those that say Israel this, Israel that... she is just protecting herself, like any other self respecting country.

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