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The war on Iran begins…in Syria

Should Iran 'eliminate Israel from the Earth'?

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Why is this base that has been attacked is so small? Has the whole military base been smaller than a building on top of the photo? Look at the top of the photo The military base can not be so small.

I was thinking that too.

I assume, and this is PURELY speculation on my part:

Maybe what was hit was a supply depot, and the top part of the base houses the Defenders of the Shrine and top IRGC brass, along with communication systems, and generally serves as command post. I think the Israeli's know this, and wouldn't want to attack Iranian forces directly, as the consequences are unimaginable (literally). So instead they bombed the weapons depot as a direct, yet symbolic gesture, to be perceived as a warning to Iran.
Syria have poorest air defence system and as per your claim they have intercepted the missiles but you are very doubtful when KSA claims the same with best A.D system in place against poorest copies of scud missiles while your are quite sure against one of the best tech (*Israel posses).

Isn't it stupidity ?
Well the country with a poorest missile defense system just posted a video of intercepted missile and a country with advance defense system like Saudia has billions to pay for missile defense but no money for camera to show intercept.

Why is this base that has been attacked is so small? Has the whole military base been smaller than a building on top of the photo? Look at the top of the photo The military base can not be so small.

I was thinking that too.

I assume, and this is PURELY speculation on my part:

Maybe what was hit was a supply depot, and the top part of the base houses the Defenders of the Shrine and top IRGC brass, along with communication systems, and generally serves as command post. I think the Israeli's know this, and wouldn't want to attack Iranian forces directly, as the consequences are unimaginable (literally). So instead they bombed the weapons depot as a direct, yet symbolic gesture, to be perceived as a warning to Iran.

This is not a base it is a ware house or God know what but every Israeli air strike in Syria has targeted this location. This time it back fired on Israel. The media is not sure how Israeli attacked as Israeli are giving no statements and no statement has been given by Iran if it was their base. I don't think it is an Irani base. The info surfaced on BBC and after that Israel launched an attack I think some miss info was feed to Israel to pick few jets of Israel. Nothing can be said as no confirmation of the situation is available.
Well the country with a poorest missile defense system just posted a video of intercepted missile and a country with advance defense system like Saudia has billions to pay for missile defense but no money for camera to show intercept. You are and idot troll.

And never make a Pakistani take of pants it might increase your population.

This is not a base it is a ware house or God know what but every Israeli air strike in Syria has targeted this location. This time it back fired on Israel. The media is not sure how Israeli attacked as Israeli are giving no statements and no statement has been given by Iran if it was their base. I don't think it is an Irani base. The info surfaced on BBC and after that Israel launched an attack I think some miss info was feed to Israel to pick few jets of Israel. Nothing can be said as no confirmation of the situation is available.

Iranian commanders said that having a military base is much better than having an atomic bomb. I think Iran will have a military base in these countries. I totally agree with your words.
Iranian commanders said that having a military base is much better than having an atomic bomb. I think Iran will have a military base in these countries. I totally agree with your words.

Iran having a military base in Syria is part of much bigger agenda, this move is supported by Russia. As Russia knows that USA has many military bases next to Russian borders is Europe and Afghanistan so Russia is pushing Iran for military base in Syria as USA will come to table for Syrian defense. Iran has a large force present in Syria and that account to many military bases the only reason for USA not intervening in this is that they don't want to leave European bases near Russian borders this is more of a diplomatic issue that military. Israel only make air strikes when USA refuses to intervene and USA know they will have to trade here so they are trying to stay away.
Syria have poorest air defence system and as per your claim they have intercepted the missiles but you are very doubtful when KSA claims the same with best A.D system in place against poorest copies of scud missiles while your are quite sure against one of the best tech (*Israel posses).

Isn't it stupidity ?
One more time he caught pants down.
Actually theres a total world of difference between intercepting something like an air launched short ranged jet powered sub-sonic cruise missile,which is basically what the israeli weapons were probably something like the popeye in fact.Short ranged AD sam systems like the syrian buk,tunguska and pantsir are more than capable of successfully engaging these sorts of targets.By comparison targeting even short ranged ballistic missiles requires larger and far more capable air defence sam systems like the patriot or s300 or in the case of medium and intermediate ranged missiles even dedicated abm systems like the thaad to have even the prospect of success.
The big difference between the two is this:mobile sam systems are a combat proven military technology whereas by comparison abm systems are still a new and unproven technology that has yet to see testing/service under realistic combat conditions.
I know right 4 out of 5 missiles have been destroyed by the air defense systems. This is really a great success, and as you know, from now on, Syria's defense systems are active, and Iran is likely to monitor the Syrian airspace so Israel can not do this kind of surprise attacks.
what the Iranians were asleep until now? Israelis hadn't attacked Syria before?
I think the Israeli's know this, and wouldn't want to attack Iranian forces directly, as the consequences are unimaginable (literally). So instead they bombed the weapons depot as a direct, yet symbolic gesture, to be perceived as a warning to Iran.

Don't be naive.

If Israel wanted to attack IRGC forces in Syria they would do it and Iran wouldn't do anything.

Is everyone here forgetting that Israel killed an Iranian Brigadier General along with one of Hezbollahs most famous sons? What did Iran do? NOTHING!

Iran military doesn't value its soldiers/generals lives. It's as simply as that.

Fuethermore, Iran's decision caluclus is to spread like a pathogen. If some areas are attacked so be it as long as you are progressing and moving forward. Ultimately you will become so powerful that your opponents will second guess attacking you altogether. In the meantime, they will get in cheap attacks when they know they can in hopes of stalling Iran.

Is Iran going to respond to this reported attack? No because they don't want to risk escalation and then Iran's presence in Syria coming under scrutiny on the world stage. It's not worth it to Iran.

Many UAV are shot down every day in Syria. This nothing new or old. Video just surfaced any how Israeli have been humiliated today badly. It seems some one sold Israel out as Syrians were waiting for them.

The only system that Syria has that could stop these missile is the Pantsyir system, which is a short range system.

It is also possible that an Iranian air defense system intercepted the missiles if it was indeed an attack on an Iranian base.
Fuethermore, Iran's decision caluclus is to spread like a pathogen. If some areas are attacked so be it as long as you are progressing and moving forward. Ultimately you will become so powerful that your opponents will second guess attacking you altogether. In the meantime, they will get in cheap attacks when they know they can in hopes of stalling Iran.

I totally agree with the above statement. Iran is playing a long term game and recent history has shown Iran's high tolerance for these types of micro aggressions. One of reason Iran has been so successful is this exact doctrine as mentioned above.
Don't be naive.

If Israel wanted to attack IRGC forces in Syria they would do it and Iran wouldn't do anything.

Is everyone here forgetting that Israel killed an Iranian Brigadier General along with one of Hezbollahs most famous sons? What did Iran do? NOTHING!

Iran military doesn't value its soldiers/generals lives. It's as simply as that.

Fuethermore, Iran's decision caluclus is to spread like a pathogen. If some areas are attacked so be it as long as you are progressing and moving forward. Ultimately you will become so powerful that your opponents will second guess attacking you altogether. In the meantime, they will get in cheap attacks when they know they can in hopes of stalling Iran.

Is Iran going to respond to this reported attack? No because they don't want to risk escalation and then Iran's presence in Syria coming under scrutiny on the world stage. It's not worth it to Iran.

The only system that Syria has that could stop these missile is the Pantsyir system, which is a short range system.

It is also possible that an Iranian air defense system intercepted the missiles if it was indeed an attack on an Iranian base.

While I agree that they have a high tolerance for these cheap attacks, it should be noted that they have always been on some sort of weapon and/or supply depot, hence Iran's restraint. If Israel attacked a high-value IRGC target, Iran would have to respond to save face and to send a message that it won't be a punching bag for Israeli airstrikes in Syria. Otherwise it would lose domestic respect from the Iranian population, and will continually be subjected to these attacks. Ultimately, they restrain because its simply a weapons depot, that can always be replenished, not significant irreparable damage.

Disagree on Iran not valuing the lives of its soldiers. Just look at the pomp at their funerals in Iran and the wide-spread public support in Iran, along with the murals on every other street put up in their remembrance. To assume that they don't value their soldiers because they do not respond in kind militarily, is a dogmatic way of looking at how value can be represented.

Which brings me on to another point: the killing of the Iranian Brigadier General. You are referring Brig. Gen. Mohammad Ali Allahdadi, killed by Israel in January 2015, and said that Iran did't retaliate. That's simply not true. Iran and Hezbollah hit Israeli forces in the Golan Heights with two rockets, and killed two Israeli soldiers, seriously wounding seven, via an ATGM (Toophan) fired at an Israeli military convoy. The response went further in that Hizbullah and the IRGC launched Operation Martyrs of Quneitra, whereby they successfully controlled and now operate a new front in southern Syria...meaning they now control a new front by which to attack Israel from in a future war. A serious new geopolitical challenge to Israel, given that (according to reports) Hizbullah have stationed Fateh-110 missiles there now.

Other than that, I wholly agree with your last two paragraphs.

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