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The US dollar will be easy to collapse

Descending to crass obscenities still does not make your contention correct.

It is not just a matter of mutual loans; large portion of the global economy depend on such interdependences, and these linkages will only grow with time.

Actually, thank you, since your post supports two of my main points: China and Russia are still powerless to provide an alternative, and US corrective action will prevent these trends from continuing. :D

wrong again its an american publication that inadvertantly admits the truth and then tries to cover up their weakeness, Ruusia and china will not take more than 10 years to have alternates. listen to the videos.... enjoy... if all the gurus are now stating to talk about it aint gonna last 30 years as you asserted
.............. Ruusia and china will not take more than 10 years to have alternates. listen to the videos.... enjoy... if all the gurus are now stating to talk about it aint gonna last 30 years as you asserted

Do you realize just how illogical it is to predict the future timescales in the manner that you are doing?

Russia and China "will not take more than" 10 years to create alternatives to the dollar? Oh really? Just what crystal ball told you that? In 10 years Russia may very well have descended into chaos, and China may be succumbing to its own internal demographic pressures equally likely.

What you do present are valid concerns about trends, but your predictions based upon them are totally outlandish and prejudicial, assuming that those trends are irreversible, which they are not.

The euro tussle, and the US election coming up, will have an important role to play in these trends being publicized and manipulated; that is all for now.
Do you realize just how illogical it is to predict the future timescales in the manner that you are doing?

Russia and China "will not take more than" 10 years to create alternatives to the dollar? Oh really? Just what crystal ball told you that? In 10 years Russia may very well have descended into chaos, and China may be succumbing to its own internal demographic pressures equally likely.

What you do present are valid concerns about trends, but your predictions based upon them are totally outlandish and prejudicial, assuming that those trends are irreversible, which they are not.

The euro tussle, and the US election coming up, will have an important role to play in these trends being publicized and manipulated; that is all for now.

my dear cheng I have made a living out of predictions. I and my children and their children no longer need to work for a living cos my predictions are good. contrary to what you say I not only predicted the mess that we are in today I put my money where my mouth is.

it would appear that i am not the only one that has concerns

by dear cheng I have made a living out of predictions. I and my children and their children no longer need to work for a living cos my predictions are good. contrary to what you say I not only predicted the mess that we are in today I put my money where my mouth is.....................

Good for you and your descendants. You are one of many who rode the recent turmoil to their temporary advantage. I can also see how the downturn booted you out of the City, otherwise you would have remained in the game to make more.

But making a killing in the stock market is totally different than long term strategic geopolitics.
by dear cheng I have made a living out of predictions. I and my children and their children no longer need to work for a living cos my predictions are good. contrary to what you say I not only predicted the mess that we are in today I put my money where my mouth is.

it would appear that i am not the only one that has concerns

So by your predictions, when does Pakistan get out the financial mess it finds itself in at this point..??
lolz - why you off topic? Why are you trying to derail the thread? Start a thread about what your obbsession - not on here..:azn:

Yeah! my bad.. but finding the second coming of Nostradamus was a little too much for me and hence couldn't control my excitement :)

please excuse.. But still getting an answer from the great Aryan would be so nice..:rofl:
Yeah! my bad.. but finding the second coming of Nostradamus was a little too much for me and hence couldn't control my excitement :)

please excuse.. But still getting an answer from the great Aryan would be so nice..:rofl:

Considering you come from the nation with the poorest performing currency in our region one would think people in glass houses would be extra careful when attempting to derail a thread - can you either PM him or stop having a wet dream in derailing a good thread? Thanks foxbat
Good for you and your descendants. You are one of many who rode the recent turmoil to their temporary advantage. I can also see how the downturn booted you out of the City, otherwise you would have remained in the game to make more.

But making a killing in the stock market is totally different than long term strategic geopolitics.

once again cheng you are talking about what you dont know. I did not get booted out from the city. i still have property interests there. I run several companies and make more now than i did when i was in the city working less hours its known as progression in ones chosen field.

you dont have to be in the city to invest go short or long and with technology now available i could trade from the moon.

You speak about things you dont know, strategic geopolitics is exactly what has effects on the market you div. the markets adjust to future expected or anticipated events :rofl:
once again cheng you are talking about what you dont know. I did not get booted out from the city. i still have property interests there. I run several companies and make more now than i did when i was in the city working less hours its known as progression in ones chosen field.

you dont have to be in the city to invest go short or long and with technology now available i could trade from the moon.

You speak about things you dont know, strategic geopolitics is exactly what has effects on the market you div. the markets adjust to future expected or anticipated events :rofl:

Ah yes, another day trader acting as strategic analyst. Right. Your companies and technology does not impress me at all; your views are simply too juvenile for that.

The markets follow geopolitics, they do not create the strategy. That comes form the real source of thought and analysis.
The US dollar will be easy to collapse

Pratically little more difficult than collapse of chinese economy...but its possible!
Ah yes, another day trader acting as strategic analyst. Right. Your companies and technology does not impress me at all; your views are simply too juvenile for that.

The markets follow geopolitics, they do not create the strategy. That comes form the real source of thought and analysis.

why do you get off on making things up? do you enjoy being called a liar. you are just some attention seeker, intellectual wannabe-you cried on here titll they gave you a title-i now know why they never gave you the title of think tank as you wanted but shut you up with .... lol
back to topic
Robert Fisk reveals the U.S. dollar's demise! - YouTube
why do you get off on making things up? do you enjoy being called a liar. you are just some attention seeker, intellectual wannabe-you cried on here titll they gave you a title-i now know why they never gave you the title of think tank as you wanted but shut you up with .... lol
back to topic
Robert Fisk reveals the U.S. dollar's demise! - YouTube

Ah yes, Robert Fisk. :lol:

Other than personal attacks, what you put up here is really quite pathetic in terms of its robustness. Prejudicial cherry picking is never a way to convince anyone of your logic, but since balanced evaluations of evidence will blow your delusions out of the water sky high, I can see why you would persist.

Carry on my dear sir, carry on.

Geopolitics always places the leader at risk, all the time; that is why leaders remain leaders because they continue to be the best until they cannot be so any more. For the foreseeable future, USA will remain the leader, all the risks being quite manageable and part of the burden a leader carries by definition.
Considering you come from the nation with the poorest performing currency in our region one would think people in glass houses would be extra careful when attempting to derail a thread - can you either PM him or stop having a wet dream in derailing a good thread? Thanks foxbat

No problem.. The idea was not to derail the thread, but test the claims made by Mr Aryan since he seems to have the art of predicting future down to the last T..

and about worst performing currency, well Pakistanis(some of you) guys take very short term views for macro indicators like currency valuation and make big claims based on that.. Just extend your horizon from 1 year to 3 and you will see PKR is a little worse than INR.. Take that period to 5 years and PKR suddenly becomes twice as bad as INR..

anyway, back on topic.. you are making the same mistake about US economy.. The present situation is a $hit storm, no doubt, but counting days to the demise of US economy, is sheer stupidity.. And in this case, for the sake of Aryan's children and their children, I am hoping he has not put his money where his mouth is :D
.. And in this case, for the sake of Aryan's children and their children, I am hoping he has not put his money where his mouth is :D

mate let me tell you the contrary to what you might think the status quo suits me. lol

unfortunatly when empires fall and new ones rise there tends to be war and a lot of blood letting and for civilians the world over god forbid there is a nuke war we will all suffer. In fact people dont normally choose to go to war its a few govts
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