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The US dollar will be easy to collapse

Who was the dingbat that brought in Robert Fisk? :lol: Fisk have been taken apart so many times by fact checkers that his name is synonymous with the method 'fisking'...

- A point-by-point refutation of a blog entry or (especially) news story. A really stylish fisking is witty, logical, sarcastic and ruthlessly factual; flaming or handwaving is considered poor form.

In other words, Fisk is a known liar. So well known that when it comes to Fisk, facts becomes secondary importance simply of his history of being wrong.

Robert Fisk...:lol:...Geeeezzzz...
Contrary to the way the financial world may be presented in the mainstream media, the Fed is at the head of the global central banking syndicate that runs the show Don Vito Corleone style, where should any foreign central banks get out of line, will soon be in for a currency markets massacre as they see their currencies soar against the dollar and thus destroying their ability to export, which their economies are addicted to drug addicts style, as the official policy of the U.S. since the midst of the cold war has been to control the worlds financial system by means of operating a continuous large trade deficit, as covered at length in the October 2010 article (12 Oct 2010 - USD Index Trend Forecast Into Mid 2011, U.S. Dollar Collapse (Again)?).

Whilst many in the mainstream press have finally clocked onto the fact that the Fed intends to inflate (about a 18 months behind the curve), what no one appears to have clocked onto so far is that the BIG SECRET is that the Fed intends on INFLATING THE WHOLE WORLD ! It is pushing the worlds governments reliant on exporting to the U.S. into devaluing their currencies by means of printing money (See Ebook QE section).

Thus against the Fed INFLATE or DIE policy, all foreign central banks are fighting hard to maintain their pegs to the downwards spiraling U.S. Dollar, which effectively means that all currencies are spiraling lower hence the whole world is inflating at the Feds whim. For instance emerging markets such as Brazil repeatedly cry out that they are being flooded with too much foreign capital that is driving up their currencies, therefore they are forced to print and debase their own currencies i.e. INFLATE! (are you listening delusional deflationists ?) THE FED IS INFLATING THE WHOLE WORLD!

How can the US Fed get away with printing money and inflating the whole world ?

You may wonder that the dollar's strength (lack of collapse) in the face of money printing and ever expanding debt accumulation is as a consequence of underlying US economic strength or huge amounts of (Invisible) gold reserves at Fort Knox. The real reason why the US is able to get sway with printing unlimited amounts of money is the US Military, as the US remains the worlds sole hyper military power following the collapse of the soviet union and increasingly relies on global military power to back up the dollar as the worlds primary means of exchange, as any country that chooses not to comply will likely be on the receiving end of a 1000 tomahawk cruise missiles as Libya is experiencing today or even worse as Iraq has experienced during the past 8 years.

The U.S. Military Empire targets all those bastions of mediums of exchange that compete against the dollar, which is why the literally super sweet oil rich state of Libya presents such an ideal target for not just the U.S. but also the competing imperialists of Britain and France, regardless of the fact that they are choosing to back and about to arm rebels of North East Libya, an area that ranks as the Al-Qeeda recruitment capital of the world (as a proportion of population) as per the 31 page West Point Study that analysed the backgrounds of captured foreign guerrilla fighters in Iraq during 2006-2007.

Unfortunately, the death of all empires comes in the form of a short-lived super nova explosions of military expenditures, which is the path that the US appears to have chosen and hence the tendency to increasingly use shock and awe military force around the globe as the military industrial complex remains the only significant growth industry to restock the missiles and bombs and equipment expended

Walayat Street - Nadeem Walayat's Financial Markets Trading and Analysis Site
.......................Unfortunately, the death of all empires comes in the form of a short-lived super nova explosions of military expenditures, which is the path that the US appears to have chosen and hence the tendency to increasingly use shock and awe military force around the globe as the military industrial complex remains the only significant growth industry to restock the missiles and bombs and equipment expended......................

Walayat Street - Nadeem Walayat's Financial Markets Trading and Analysis Site

Unfortunately, that conclusion is simply WRONG. USA expense on the wars since 2000 is still a smaller percentage of its GDP than WW2. There is no "supernova" of military expenditure:

1930-2016 by vcheng552000, on Flickr

After all, what quality can one expect from the website quoted that:

"Average Number of Pages Viewed by visitors per days is 14"

(this interesting statistic is about halfway down this page: Walayat Street - Nadeem Walayat's Financial Markets Trading and Analysis Site)
I would choose to believe nadeem over some amateur pakistani hater. its not the first time that you have misunderstood fiancial data as you did when quoting unemployment figures you stated it was 9% when its near double that.

and not only that you refused to recognise theUNs own report that confirmed that we have a systemic collapse (capitalism)

listen to this

I would choose to believe nadeem over some amateur pakistani hater

Sure, but would you care to look at the graph I posted? :D

(I see you edited your post to continue to ignore the U-6 broad employment rate vs the regular one. Like it or not, that definition makes all the difference.)
Sure, but would you care to look at the graph I posted? :D

(I see you edited your post to continue to ignore the U-6 broad employment rate vs the regular one. Like it or not, that definition makes all the difference.)

you are a liar you didnt even know the difference until i provided you a source on another thread. I also note that contrary to your assertions when i put up a comment you dont even listen to or read it it and come back. You remind me of the deaf man being taught to appreciate music
thats it you are a liar and you continue to lie and misinterpret data.

listen to this

OMG, RT! :rofl:

Your desperation shows through quite well.

The fact remains that US debt is still a smaller percentage of its GDP than WW2 ever was. China continues to buy US Treasuries and oil markets continue to denominate it in dollars.

All facts.

I think that you and the merry band of 14 shills have shorted positions on the dollar and thus are trying every which way to generate as much hysteria you can generate to profit from it.

Yes, that is a perfectly astute explanation. ;)
OMG, RT! :rofl:

Your desperation shows through quite well.

The fact remains that US debt is still a smaller percentage of its GDP than WW2 ever was. China continues to buy US Treasuries and oil markets continue to denominate it in dollars.

All facts.

I think that you and the merry band of 14 shills have shorted positions on the dollar and thus are trying every which way to generate as much hysteria you can generate to profit from it.

Yes, that is a perfectly astute explanation. ;)

your response is one i would expect by singing to a deaf person
your response is one i would expect by singing to a deaf person

But please do try to respond to the facts I present.

How about sales of US Treasuries, volumes of oil sold in dollars, contracts signed in dollars vs. other currencies etc. etc. etc.

You know, facts of that type. :D
But please do try to respond to the facts I present.

How about sales of US Treasuries, volumes of oil sold in dollars, contracts signed in dollars vs. other currencies etc. etc. etc.

You know, facts of that type. :D

why you dont understand what your talking about, the information that I have supplied so far has not been addressed not that i exepect you to.

did you even listen to this

Max Keiser: Dollar to be buried way before 2018 - YouTube
why you dont understand what your talking about, the information that I have supplied so far has not been addressed not that i exepect you to.

Ah yes, these matters of high finance must be above my pay grade, right? How condescending.

Would you please care to support all these opinions you link with the facts like those I mentioned above?
Ah yes, these matters of high finance must be above my pay grade, right? How condescending.

Would you please care to support all these opinions you link with the facts like those I mentioned above?

have done but you have chosen to ignore them lol maybe they are above your paygrade now that you opened that door

New World Currency !!! - YouTube
have done but you have chosen to ignore them lol maybe they are above your paygrade now that you opened that door...............................

Ah yes, Fox News, that paragon of alarmist reporting, just to make Democrats look bad. Right. :D


Ok, you win. The dollar is collapsing soon. I agree. :rofl:
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