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The unreasonable criticism on Pakistan's defense budget

Yeah because Pakistan is surrounded with enemies and defence costs money.
Pakistan has the longest active borders in the world.
Countries like Danmark who have no known enemies and no internal terrorism also have army and military budget despite not needing one.
Reduce the Pakistani military to half its size then go sit on a stone penis while sipping cow urine.
I rather have a high military budget than doing the above.
About education, Pakistani nation spends a lot on sending their kids to expensive schools and universities. What benefits it brings? None.

What that little fruit cake doesn't realize is freedom has a cost.
You are playing on my turf. I paid 40% tax on income tax in UK as I come on higher end earnings.

I do admit UK has very high taxes, but at the same time free education, free health, Universal health insurance, free benefits are available for me in UK, which are not available in Pakistan.

If you are talking about Pakistani taxes, totally agree, Tax base is very lesa, middle income and salaried people of Pakistan arw hardest hit and not the army men.

But in UK corruption, mismanagement is very less as compared to you see in Pakistan, Army with DHAs, politcians, beaurocrats, everyone included which has cut the roots of Pakistan.
So you live in UK and know full well that the "free education" isn't free. The tax payer pays for it.
How much Pakistani people pay for the same? Nothing.
مفت میں کچھ نہیں ملتا
You do know General Mushraff and India said 0 chance of full fledge war when huge stockpiles of Nuclear weapons are in the region. So we need to get our kibblah correct, invest where its most required....look at example of China...need i say more.

You are fooling no one, you have exposed yourself my little friend.
LoL your people will never touch a Pakistani women as long as we live, shove that pizza up your arse once again, my little indoin friend.

Wtf. Idiot. No argument and personal attacks. Fck you. Chicken can sit in a Pindi Barrack in an AC on free Pakistani awam money.
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You do know General Mushraff and India said 0 chance of full fledge war when huge stockpiles of Nuclear weapons are in the region. So we need to get our kibblah correct, invest where its most required....look at example of China...need i say more.

That is a bad excuse, A really immature one.
Compare the times, The regimes, The ideologies, The Approach and the Hatred Bar.

Just a mental exercise for you, Think of yourself as a Chaiwala who became a PM, Has more fascism than Haemoglobin in the blood, Hate Muslims instead of Pak, The history, Extract revenge on Muslims,

What ideas come to your mind as Modi ?

I hope this is enough
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Military Pensions alone is more than the entire expenditure of all 4 provinces combined. Let that sink in for a moment. Just the pension !. What kind of a nation are we? Why do we continue to put up with this crap when there are millions of people inside Pakistan dying of hunger , diseases and unemployment. At this point I can only think of North Korea which is similar in this regard.

Those men receiving pensions earned them. Why should we take away something people worked 20-30 years to earn at high risk to thier life? Many of those pensions will be going to widows.

Maybe if you think they should be fighting and dying for a cheap rate - you should go and do it?

Pakistanis have two choices.

1. Drop your pants, grab your ankles and let the Indians do what they want to you.

2. Pay your bills - including those for defending your borders.

This Chutiya-pan about budgets is suitable only for media whores. Pakistan awam needs to get off its lazy backside, earn money and pay taxes. They you need to take to the streets to demand value for money from the thieves who run the country.

Financial situation won't improve whilst you make a new baby every 9 months and expect papa JI who is working in dubai to cover your bills. Huge segments of our society live this this.
So you live in UK and know full well that the "free education" isn't free. The tax payer pays for it.
How much Pakistani people pay for the same? Nothing.
مفت میں کچھ نہیں ملتا

Yes I am in Islamabad and Lahore now, stuck for 3 months due to Covid-19, willing to go back to UK, that is in bad shape now. Donot know much about education is free in Pakistan, i feel private schools and unis are very expensive in Pakistan and thats the best Universities, even Government Colleges have high fees now, donot know where you got its mufat?
Those men receiving pensions earned them. Why should we take away something people worked 20-30 years to earn at high risk to thier life? Many of those pensions will be going to widows.

Maybe if you think they should be fighting and dying for a cheap rate - you should go and do it?

Pakistanis have two choices.

1. Drop your pants, grab your ankles and let the Indians do what they want to you.

2. Pay your bills - including those for defending your borders.

This Chutiya-pan about budgets is suitable only for media whores. Pakistan awam needs to get off its lazy backside, earn money and pay taxes. They you need to take to the streets to demand value for money from the thieves who run the country.

Financial situation won't improve whilst you make a new baby every 9 months and expect papa JI who is working in dubai to cover your bills. Huge segments of our society live this this.
Spot on,
Unlike many Civil officers who recieve pensions being alive from BISP even after earning 1 million per month
Spot on,
Unlike many Civil officers who recieve pensions being alive from BISP even after earning 1 million per month

This time Civillian Officers DIDNOT get any pay rises, no Civil pensioners got any rise too due to health, covid-19 and our economic downturn. Military we all know now.
I really admire How our Pakistan Armed Forces and ISI, in the most difficult circumstances have fought 40 + countries agencies trying to make us Iraq, Syria and Libya. Its an unbeleivable job done for past 20 years.

But what pains everyone now as you can see on social media, twitter facebook and TV channels is when alot of waste is done by Army, and then NUST, 100+ Army companies fine, but put that money in Pakistani exchanger, in Pakistan treasure, they donot add it up, the income is never added back in Pakistan economy, then comes our high budgets with no audits, no checks no oversight and no management, look at the health and education budget. Pakistanis are dying with Covid-19, no beds, no ICUs, look at how badly Lahore is affected coronavirus, and look at our economy....and yet why the Armed Forces donot see it because they donot understand it how crucial our economy is linked to Pakistan's ultimate survival.

My known relative did in Kargil because of idiots like you.

See a chicken will remain a chicken, you have been eating and making pizzas of Pakistanis for so long, when somebody comes and exposes you, can not talk but blame others.

Not one decent argument of why Military has high budget as compared to Education and Health? You know why because these Army men know jackasss about it.

I appreciate your concerns, but you are trying to reach perfection. You cannot commend them, then cry that money is being spent, it is that money and the capability that was created from those resources that have allowed the successes you have recognised. But you prefer to complain, it does not make sense.

Look at our budgets in the 1980s, that was a crazy level of defence spending, but today our threats have increased and yet our defense budget as a proportion of government expenditure or percentage of GDP is a lot lower.

You simply cannot have it both ways, life is about balance, running a country is about balance, taking into account your circumstances, that being said we are doing ok. Please remember we have had constant instability in our region for 40 years. It is unfair not to recognise that, and keep putting the blame on our heads.
Yes I am in Islamabad and Lahore now, stuck for 3 months due to Covid-19, willing to go back to UK, that is in bad shape now. Donot know much about education is free in Pakistan, i feel private schools and unis are very expensive in Pakistan and thats the best Universities, even Government Colleges have high fees now, donot know where you got its mufat?
Ever heard of Education Mafia ?

Universities are sh*t in Pakistan, Really really sh*t, Name them from top and I will prove it, So called LUMS, The house of Loudmouth Pride khusrays, So much for being Number one.

Governmental Institutes could have been good if there weren’t bribes to spoil them up in order to feed the private sector...

This time Civillian Officers DIDNOT get any pay rises, no Civil pensioners got any rise too due to health, covid-19 and our economic downturn. Military we all know now.
They don’t even deserve a pay, Their Pay is already much higher than their equivalent Military Grade Officer.

Plus, Civil services mostly have different businesses of passive incomes in the side, Unlike most military officers.

That is a bad excuse, A really immature one.
Compare the times, The regimes, The ideologies, The Approach and the Hatred Bar.

Just a mental exercise for you, Think of yourself as a Chaiwala who became a PM, Has more fascism than Haemoglobin in the blood, Hate Muslims instead of Pak, The history, Extract revenge on Muslims,

What ideas come to your mind as Modi ?

I hope this is enough

I am totally in sync with a retard terrorist Modi BJP and Indian Army ready to attack Pakistan, my point in contention is clear, compare mil budgets with education and health, check the DHAs, check the 100 companies and reduce Armed Forces lavish expenditures and dedicate to winning land wars and strategic goals....interfering in every where, when I ask the idiot Army agent Rafi about economy, financial management he went on to personal attack...on which i just said see the Army men know nothing about economic plannning, finnacial management and current fiscal crisis, all they want is money, and money. we want bloody results and not sitting in ACs asking for pizzas or money from poor Pakistani Awam, which people didnot understand my point here. see ya.
Wtf. Idiot. No argument and personal attacks. Fck you. Chicken can sit in a Pindi Barrack in an AC on free Pakistani awam money.

LoL did I hurt your feelings my little friend.

I repeat you and your indian friends will never get to touch our Pakistani women, end of story.
I appreciate your concerns, but you are trying to reach perfection. You cannot commend them, then cry that money is being spent, it is that money and the capability that was created from those resources that have allowed the successes you have recognised. But you prefer to complain, it does not make sense.

Look at our budgets in the 1980s, that was a crazy level of defence spending, but today our threats have increased and yet our defense budget as a proportion of government expenditure or percentage of GDP is a lot lower.

You simply cannot have it both ways, life is about balance, running a country is about balance, taking into account your circumstances, that being said we are doing ok. Please remember we have had constant instability in our region for 40 years. It is unfair not to recognise that, and keep putting the blame on our heads.

SPOT ON Brother.

I assure you an Army General will never understand this.
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