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The truth from USA over the years.


Mar 20, 2022
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Taiwan, Province Of China
The truth from USA over the years.
Just pure self serving lies after lies.
Very well explained by Rand Paul

And if you think that is very bad, whatever that come out from NED and the agents controlled by NED will be far far worse.
The truth from USA over the years.
Just pure self serving lies after lies.
Very well explained by Rand Paul

And if you think that is very bad, whatever that come out from NED and the agents controlled by NED will be far far worse.
A noble fight against "Ministry of Truth".
A noble fight against "Ministry of Truth".

How many times can one be lied to before anything said from that entity be discarded where sun and moon not shine and cockroaches roamd with the mold growing on used toilet papers and discarded condoms and sanitary pads?

Will you ever buy anything from entity who is pathologically compelled to tell you that he speaks the truth, and carrying a big stick that you seen being used on anyone that refused to accept those words which include sanctions and regime change , and perhaps banning if in case of Facebook or Twitter or forums?

And who even create and implement Ministry of Truth

Biden Establishes a Ministry of Truth​

The Disinformation Governance Board already looks like a partisan instrument.​

Roger Koppl and

Abigail Devereaux
May 1, 2022 4:58 pm ET





President Joe Biden speaks at the White House, April 27.​

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The Department of Homeland Security has announced the formation of the Disinformation Governance Board—charged, according to Politico, with “countering misinformation related to homeland security, focused specifically on irregular migration and Russia.” In a twist too implausible for fiction, the abbreviation is DGB, one letter off from KGB.
The stated goal of combating mis- and disinformation is framed to seem unobjectionable. Who objects to truth and pines for falsehood? DGB experts will guide the way, separating the informational wheat from the disinformational chaff. But there’s one small problem with empowering “truth experts”: Experts are people.
People respond to incentives. Therefore experts respond to incentives. Graham Medley, a British expert involved in the U.K. policy response to Covid, illustrated the point in recent testimony before Parliament. “The worst thing for me,” he said, “would be for the government to say, ‘Why didn’t you tell us it could be that bad?’ Inevitably, we were always going to have a worst case which is above reality.”
Put yourself in his shoes. If you predict doom and nothing much happens, it was because of your wise warning. If you don’t predict doom and reality is worse than you predicted, you will be blamed and shamed. The incentives are clear. Truth experts at the DGB will proclaim grave threats around every turn even when any “threats” are minor to nonexistent.

By creating the DGB, the U.S. government is creating a crisis monitor with the dial permanently set to “existential threat.” No one inside the board will have the incentive—or the courage—to dial it down.
The dangers of the DGB will be amplified if it becomes the tool of partisan political actors. And it already has. Executive director Nina Jankowicz, who once described Hunter Biden’s laptop as “a Trump campaign product,” has written that America’s “information landscape” includes “declining trust in the media, fed by the Trump administration’s relentless attacks on the fourth estate.” She has said: “Unless we mitigate our own political polarization, our own internal issues, we will continue to be an easy target for any malign actor—Russian or Iranian, foreign or domestic—to manipulate.”
Yes, you read that right. We must all fall in line because of the many grave threats—domestic as well as foreign—out there. Incorrect political opinions become a national-security threat. The DGB already looks frighteningly similar to the KGB.
Mr. Koppl is a professor of finance at Syracuse University and author of “Expert Failure.” Ms. Devereaux is a professor of economics at Wichita State University.


The Ministry of Truth
In George Orwell’s dystopian novel, Nineteen Eighty-Four, there is a ‘Ministry of Truth’ which is responsible for propaganda, historical revisionism, culture and entertainment. Of course, as with the other ministries in ‘Oceania’, the name is a misnomer as the Ministry’s main purpose is misinformation and falsifying historical events so that they agree with Big Brother – it's the place where lies are manufactured.[1]

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If Big Brother makes a prediction that turns out to be wrong, the employees of the Ministry correct the record to make it 'accurate' — the intention is to maintain the illusion that the Party is right / absolute. The Party cannot ever seem to change its mind or make a mistake as that would imply weakness; so the Ministry controls the news media by changing history, and changing words in articles about current and past events so that Big Brother and his government are always seen in a good light.

Winston Smith, Orwell’s main character, has his office, in the Records Department in the Ministry. In the cubicle next to Winston’s is a woman whose sole job it is to track down and delete from the Press the names of people who had been 'vaporized' and are therefore considered never to have existed. The Ministry also has a Fiction Department, with huge printing shops and elaborately equipped studios for faking photographs; and there is a Tele-Programmes Department, with teams of actors specially chosen for their skill in imitating voices, and clerks whose job it is to draw up lists of books and periodicals which are due for recall. There are also vast repositories where the corrected documents are stored (the originals are destroyed); and there are other workers whose task it is to remove as many words as possible from the English language “to reduce people’s ability to think”. And there is a Pornography Section, whose output is solely for the Prols (the proletariat).
The Ministry of Truth is an enormous pyramidal structure of “glittering white concrete rising 300 metres into the air” containing over 3,000 rooms above ground and a similar number below, along with huge incinerators, where documents are destroyed after they are put down ‘memory holes’.[2] On the outside wall there are the three slogans of the Party: ‘WAR IS PEACE’, ‘FREEDOM IS SLAVERY’ and ‘IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH’.

The size of the Ministry of Truth is a testament to the resources that the Government of Oceania puts into manufacturing its own version of reality. Its main role is to help control the population through misinformation, outright lies and lack of information so that the state can maintain total power over the people. [3]
[Source: Adapted from Wikipedia]
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