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How do people view Islamic organizations in Pakistan from the outside

Salman Taseer's murderer murdered 65000+ people?

No , let me explain it to you . Mr. Salman Taseer was killed on a mere disagreement on his blasphemy law views by his own guard just for saying how the law itself was being used to settle scores , this isn't the most saddening part . That is when his murderer got sentenced by the court and were carried around by Mullahs and their little angels from Madarsas and later showered petals by the lawyers who practice the same law , under which his murderer was sentenced to death . Can you see the problem here ?
No , let me explain it to you . Mr. Salman Taseer was killed on a mere disagreement on his blasphemy law views by his own guard just for saying how the law itself was being used to settle scores , this isn't the most saddening part . That is when his murderer got sentenced by the court and were carried around by Mullahs and their little angels from Madarsas and later showered petals by the lawyers who practice the same law , under which his murderer was sentenced to death . Can you see the problem here ?

Let's add more: killing of the minority Minister in Islamabad, targeted killings of Shia doctors, mass murder of the Hazaras, attack on the Qadiani mosque in Model Town, the list goes on and on. This whole society has gone mad.
You are entitled to your opinion. To you it can't explain a lot of things, to me it can. For e.g. I distinctively remember 4 different media outlets reporting the same thing "2 to 3 of the Karachi airport attackers were wearing karas." Now you tell me which Muslim sect wears "karas"?

How does it explain that the extremists seen roaming around in areas and neutralizing others who do not agree with them , maiming the populace in different areas in those areas , enforcing their brand of religion , suicide bombers blowing themselves up and people preaching intolerance and violence are quickly recognizable by their facial patterns as locals , to consider the most oversimplified of arguments? I can think of one right now seriously for " karas " and even the Govt itself claims that these were Uzbeks .
You obviously haven't grown up mentally. You are like those viewers who believe that all the weaponry was of "Indian" origin...... our intelligence agencies are so up their own arses that the only thing they know how to do is, plant evidence and collect 'DNA'.

You seriously need to consider if you should even write another post on this forum. I recommend that you should rather read some good suspense novels.

Chootion' kee kammi nahi Ghalib
Eik dhoondo, hazaar miltay hain...

You are entitled to your opinion. To you it can't explain a lot of things, to me it can. For e.g. I distinctively remember 4 different media outlets reporting the same thing "2 to 3 of the Karachi airport attackers were wearing karas." Now you tell me which Muslim sect wears "karas"?
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How does it explain that the extremists seen roaming around in areas and neutralizing others who do not agree with them , maiming the populace in different areas in those areas , enforcing their brand of religion , suicide bombers blowing themselves up and people preaching intolerance and violence are quickly recognizable by their facial patterns as locals , to consider the most oversimplified of arguments? I can think of one right now seriously for " karas " and even the Govt itself claims that these were Uzbeks .

There a two distinct form of extremism, that exist in Pakistan.

1) Home grown Radicals
2) Foreign trained / funded terrorists

Now of these two, which is more active and destructive is up for debate.

Secondly, do you actually believe everything the govt tells you? Having gone through your post, I'm sure you don't.

Thirdly, so what is that Muslim sect that wears karas?

You obviously haven't grown up mentally. You are like those viewers who believe that all the weaponry was of "Indian" origin...... our intelligence agencies are so up their own arses that the only thing they know how to do is, plant evidence and collect 'DNA'.

You seriously need to consider if you should even write another post on this forum. I recommend that you should rather read some good suspense novels.

Chootion' kee koi kammi nahi Ghalib
Eik dhoondo, hazaar miltay hain....
Comes from a guy who calls himself an Emperor!! :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: Thanks!!
It's The Emperor for you! :D

There a two distinct form of extremism, that exist in Pakistan.

1) Home grown Radicals
2) Foreign trained / funded terrorists

Now of these two, which is more active and destructive is up for debate.

Secondly, do you actually believe everything the govt tells you? Having gone through your post, I'm sure you don't.

Thirdly, so what is that Muslim sect that wears karas?

Comes from a guy who calls himself an Emperor!! :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: Thanks!!
@VCheng oh boy Al huda reminded me of my school days , a few teachers from Al-Huda taught in our school for years , man the brainwashing that they did , I still can't remember how could we have been so dumb to believe her . From everything being a conspiracy of Dajjal , America , , Non-muslims etc to cartoon network being haram LoL.
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There a two distinct form of extremism, that exist in Pakistan.
1) Home grown Radicals
2) Foreign trained / funded terrorists
Now of these two, which is more active and destructive is up for debate.
Secondly, do you actually believe everything the govt tells you? Having gone through your post, I'm sure you don't.
Thirdly, so what is that Muslim sect that wears karas?

Lets consider another , looking at the radicalization and extremism rooted deep in the society , where do you think the manpower for terrorism is coming from and is easily available? Looking at the weapons available in this country , should they really come from foreign countries - its simple economics? The TTP being an umbrella organization or to use the new terminology the franchise may have groups that are being run and supported from Afghanistan but even for that only the top order takes orders from others - the fighters for sure aren't coming from outside , the majority of the groups within TTP are of Pakistani origin fighting against the infidel Govt and Murtid army seeing the overwhelming evidence supporting it , the funding mechanism is largely local and the ecosystem is sustainable , I see little reason for denying this . Only through understanding , can there be recovery , mate .

Hint : They are a deviant sect .

Hmmm Khush raho.

G Aunty ! :D
Lets consider another , looking at the radicalization and extremism rooted deep in the society , where do you think the manpower for terrorism is coming from and is easily available? Looking at the weapons available in this country , should they really come from foreign countries - its simple economics? The TTP being an umbrella organization or to use the new terminology the franchise may have groups that are being run and supported from Afghanistan but even for that only the top order takes orders from others - the fighters for sure aren't coming from outside , the majority of the groups within TTP are of Pakistani origin fighting against the infidel Govt and Murtid army seeing the overwhelming evidence supporting it , the funding mechanism is largely local and the ecosystem is sustainable , I see little reason for denying this . Only through understanding , can there be recovery , mate .

Hint : They are a deviant sect .

G Aunty ! :D

I respectfully disagree with you. I don't consider any of the fanatics, be it TTP or XYZ deviant.

I simply don't consider themselves Muslims. A Muslim is not allowed to wage warfare where he kills innocent people,
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