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The Truth About Mumbai Attacks (Indias Hindu Radicals Responsible)


Jul 30, 2007
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United Arab Emirates
This is India's 9/11? Think again


November 29, 2008

LONDON -- Mumbai and Manhattan share quite a few characteristics. They're both on long, narrow peninsulas, with the wealthy parts at the bottom and slummier sections extending to the north and east, and both are deeply multi-ethnic cities - economic, industrial and cultural magnets that define their entire continents. They're also exciting, expensive and exasperating places to live. And they're both targets of terrorism.

So it's tempting to describe this week's outrages as "the Sept. 11 of India." The narrative is hard to resist: A surprisingly well-organized group of mysterious Islamic terrorists launches a fiery attack on symbol-

ically important buildings at the city's southern tip - an attack apparently aimed at foreigners, Jewish people and the business elite, in the full view of the media. A city's innocence is traduced. There's a collective struggle to restore normality and repel the invaders. It's portrayed as a clash of civilizations.

Let me suggest that you ignore this narrative. To follow this storyline, to see these events as civilizational warfare, is to misconstrue the nature of India and, importantly, the nature of the whole world to a dangerous degree.

India does have a problem with terrorism and extremism, one that threatens to destabilize the amazing humanitarian and economic progress it has made in recent years. But it isn't one of Islamic extremists trying to take over the state. Quite the contrary.

The most prominent Indian killed in the terrorist attacks on Wednesday was Harmant Karkare, the head of Mumbai's anti-terrorism squad, who was assassinated in the city's central train station along with several of his deputies.

The day before, he had received a death threat. That didn't surprise him, he told reporters, as it came just days after he had filed charges against 10 men in India's recent major terrorist attack, the Sept. 29 bombings in the city of Malegaon that killed nine and injured 80.

The accused are Hindu nationalist activists, young women and men associated with the Bharatiya Janata Party. Mr. Karkare also linked BJP-tied Hindus with the much deadlier bomb attacks in Malegaon two years ago, which killed 37 and injured 125 and had been blamed by local police on Muslim groups - an odd accusation, since the targets in both attacks were mosques.


These were not lone attacks. In the past decade, India has seen an epidemic of Hindu terrorism that reached its nadir - I hope - in 2002, when almost 2,000 Muslims were slaughtered in the state of Gujarat. That massacre, like so many others, had been whipped up by Hindu-nationalist parties, in response to an earlier, smaller instance of Muslim violence.

There are certainly extremists from both religions. But there's a difference: One side has formed a government and is trying to do so again. It already controls Mumbai and is close to gaining power in much of the rest of the country.

The BJP ruled India from 1998 to 2004, and its politics are those of racial nationalism - it was born of Hindutva movements that get their ideas directly from German national socialism.

That's right: The movement that has overtaken and politicized sections of this traditionally peaceful religion believes India should be an "Aryan" nation, and, in the same confusion of linguistic and racial identities that made Adolf Hitler's movement possible, it believes that only Hindus (and sometimes only Hindus from the central state of Maharashtra) are legitimate citizens.

In a few weeks, much of India will go to the polls in state elections, and the BJP stands to gain power in as many as four of the states. The party's new prime ministerial candidate is Lal Krishna Advani, a far-right activist who in the 1990s provoked a mob to demolish a 400-year-old mosque, leading to riots that killed thousands.

The BJP was not happy with Mr. Karkare's investigations. Rajnath Singh, the BJP president, denounced him on Nov. 10, exonerating anything done by a Hindu extremist: "Whosoever believes in nationalism cannot be a terrorist." On Internet discussion forums after Mr. Karkare's death, numerous activists argued that he got what he deserved.

Mumbai is at the centre of this foment. The city is ruled by the Shiv Sena (Army of Shiva), a more militant and grassroots-oriented branch of the same extreme-right Hindutva movement.

Shiv Sena gained power after the 1993 riots in which mobs of Hindus killed countless Muslims in response to bombings, destroying the unity and cosmopolitanism that once defined the city: Before 1993, Hindus and Muslims generally shared neighbourhoods. Since that horror, they have generally lived apart.
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Now thats what I call a brilliant writer... I knew as soon as i saw it she lived in canada. Canadian people have a great eye at discovering what exactly is happening in the world. ;)

Anyone who disagrees with me here? Indians whats ur take on this?
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The article does correspond with your point of view, but let me remind you that the burden of evidence does not point to Hindu radicals.
Right Tilt

The Mumbai attacks have given India's Hindu right-wing opposition a boost ahead of upcoming elections.

As India's security and intelligence forces work in the coming days to find the identity of the terrorists who attacked the country's financial capital, Indians in several states across the country will head for the polls to choose members of their state assemblies. The states of Delhi and Mizoram hold elections on Saturday, Rajasthan in the northwest will vote on Dec. 4, and Jammu and Kashmir is holding an ongoing election through Dec. 24th. These states, together with Chhattisgarh and Madhya Pradesh, which also polled this month, account for over 180 million of the country's 1.1 billion population.

Because the latest assault on Mumbai may have heightened fears among voters over their own safety, the politics of a considerable swath of the country could lurch rapidly to the right—with big implications for the growing tensions between Hindus and Muslims. These local elections could set the stage for a similar shift in national elections to be held sometime before May 2009.

The recent violence is a boon to the right-wing Hindu dominated Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP). Even before the latest violence, a series of blasts across the country claiming at least 200 lives this year had already helped the BJP, which has flagged terrorism as an issue in the campaign. Even as the security forces battled the terrorists holed in Mumbai, the BJP had begun to use the opportunity to point to a weak government "soft" on terrorism. Frontpage newspaper adverts in Delhi on Friday, the day before the city goes to the polls, said the incident shows that the ruling Congress-led government is "unwilling and incapable" of dealing with terrorism. BJP leaders on the stump seized the opportunity. "There's an immediate reaction from people on the Mumbai siege, and the feedback has been very positive for the party," said a senior BJP member in Delhi to the Times of India. "Our challenge will be to convert this outrage into votes for the BJP."

The BJP was on a winning streak even before Mumbai was attacked. Since last year, it has come to power in some large states like Karnataka, Punjab and Gujarat and ousted the ruling Indian National Congress from Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand. The Congress party has already been reeling from a strong anti-incumbency feeling that has plagued Indian elections since 1990 and the global economic downslide; the Mumbai attacks might just be the last straw, say analysts. The Congress party will most likely lose the state-assembly elections and perhaps fall in national elections next year. The violence might also affect foreign investors' confidence in India and revenues from tourism, only adding to voters' woes against the ruling party.

The attacks could also strengthen the hand of the nation's Hindu majority at the expense of its 150 million Muslims. The BJP's candidate for prime minister, Lal Krishna Advani, was responsible for leading the Hindu activists that tore down the 16th century Babri Mosque in 1992, resulting in Hindu-Muslim riots across the country. Although Advani was later cleared of criminal charges, the BJP has tried to fashion itself as the champion of Hindus. If the men who terrorized Mumbai are linked to any sort of Islamist extremist outfit, as most media reports suggest, it will only strengthen the BJP. The Mumbai attacks might also divert attention away from the recent reports of possible links between BJP-associated Hindu nationalist organizations such as the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) and suspected Hindu terrorists—a first for a mainstream Indian party. The BJP has denounced a probe into these links, initiated by the ruling Congress party, as a political ploy to shift blame from the government's failure to curb militants. The latest terrorist attack gives the BJP's accusations further impetus.

In the aftermath of the attacks, few experts doubt that India needs to do much to increase its counterterrorism and intelligence capabilities. Now we can expect the passage of more populist measures, such as stronger anti-terror laws along the lines of the U.S. Patriot Act. The Congress-led government had repealed the Prevention of Terrorism Act in 2004, after allegations that officials were abusing their powers, but calls for such laws by the opposition will now become stronger.
I support the BJP/NDA. Their coalition will do a far better job of ensuring the security of citizens.

Without a doubt.

Only all Indians wish they were to have a larger No of seats so that they dont succumb to pressures from members of the coalition.
The article does correspond with your point of view, but let me remind you that the burden of evidence does not point to Hindu radicals.

Yaar tu yeh dekh benefit kaun karta hai...

The only people who gain from this are the same hindu radical parties. I am not trying to pick on Hinduism here. We are brothers but I am completely annoyed with the fact that everytime something happens your media and government work to blame Pakistan and then you people are fooled into believing them.

Like my family based in Hyderabad does NOT believe that the attack was done by Pakistan based Militants. Maybe its difference in opinion between muslims and hindus in your country but I cant for a second assume that you dont feel like an idiot believing everything that comes out in ur papers.

Its just denying you the right to solve your problems. It is just ignoring the problems that exist in your society. There ARE Hindu radical organizations out there and they are the only ones who have benefited from this.

Our families our people in your country can be killed with impunity only and only because of these fanatical organizations and their members who your government is not willing to deal with. Do you know what is happening back there and how hard it is for the muslims?

Hiding these things will only make it worse. 195 people died back there and it is injustice to them that normal Indians like you are simply denying things and for everything a group based in a foreign land has to be implicated. You are playing a role in denying justice by doing this.
I support the BJP/NDA. Their coalition will do a far better job of ensuring the security of citizens.

If you support BJP the muslimsr ******. If BJP wins the changes that have been made and the fact that those muslim circles that once always saw themselves as non indian or unwanted for the first time felt wanted will feel like dogs that can be kicked around again. All the progress that has been made will come to nil.

The only party that has gained from these attacks is in itself the BJP and its many radical leaders.
Yaar tu yeh dekh benefit kaun karta hai...

Yaar tu dekh SABOOT kya hai.

I don't give 2 hoots what your family thinks. If they are happy to believe, in spite of all the evidence to the contrary, that the terrorists were from Hyderabad, they I can only conclude that they either have sympathy for these barbarians or that they are living in denial.
If you support BJP the muslims are fucked. If BJP wins the changes that have been made and the fact that those muslim circles that once always saw themselves as non indian or unwanted for the first time felt wanted will feel like dogs that can be kicked around again. All the progress that has been made will come to nil.

The only party that has gained from these attacks is in itself the BJP and its many radical leaders.

The Congress has been exploiting the Muslim vote for the last 60 years by claiming that only they can protect them from the hands of crazy hindus.

The fact is that the BJP is the only government who will be able to cobble together the political and social will to motivate the people of India to improve their country.

If some Muslims always felt "Non-Indian", then its good that their feelings will come to the forefront for once and for all.
I am however extremely angry at how the BJP was vilifying Karkare and others who were trying to do an honest job of investigating Sadhvi Pragya and other Hindu terror links.

That idiot Modi had to go and give his standard speech right in front of the Taj while the encounter was still going on. He probably delayed operations significantly as the security forces were trying to protect his fat ***.

I fully support the decision of Karkare's widow to refuse the "reward" offered by Modi.

I really hope that this will put tremendous pressure on these selfish idiots to stop the disgusting political interference in police investigations.
Yaar tu dekh SABOOT kya hai.

I don't give 2 hoots what your family thinks. If they are happy to believe, in spite of all the evidence to the contrary, that the terrorists were from Hyderabad, they I can only conclude that they either have sympathy for these barbarians or that they are living in denial.

True our family in Hyderabad sees themselves more as Pakistani rather than Indian. Do you know why? Because their daughter was raped and killed by hindu fanatics. When their son went to police they locked them up and tortured him for killing his own sister. When they went to courts your courts failed to give justice. You know this happens and it is the cause of disloyalty among muslims about which you are always crying about.

The muslims have been suffering and these attacks will make sure they suffer worse.

Look dude the majority of muslims do not believe this sort of propaganda and pointing fingers at foreign lands. Their reaction to blaming Pakistan for Jama & Mecca Masjid, Hyderabad blasts, Gauwahati blasts was actually same and the results were seen after when the Muslims asked how the government had blamed Pakistan without collecting any evidence even. I have been to Hyderabad Lucknow Mumbai and Delhi and even lived in Hyd'z for a while.

Think how the same person investigating the malegaon blasts where for the first time a hindu radical group was being brought to book was actually killed in this attack? Look at your history. This has been happening from the beginning and attacks are always blamed on us. Infact just type ISI India at google and u'd find out that not a bullet goes off in India that is not blamed on Pakistan or bangladesh or militants supported by both nations.
This attack would be just the ingredient necessary for India's extremists to rise again. Once those guys win elections, they will be far more ruthless.
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