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The Truth About Mumbai Attacks (Indias Hindu Radicals Responsible)

I am new here and I have been seeing so many threads here opened up to malign Hinduism and show Hindu community down. This looks like religion is kind of an obsession here.

Let's make this clear; is it a religion forum or defense?
what i personally think about the mumbai attacks is that the attackers were probably pakistani moslem extremists who were trained by the isi and the military. that is, by the way, exactly what the lone captured mumbai prisoner is saying now in custody.

however, i believe that the isi and the pakistani military probably organized the mumbai attacks with the permission and cooperation of, and probably under orders from, the cia and mossad.

hemant karkare was obviously a preselected target of the mumbai attackers. no one had a stronger motive for eliminating karakare than the hindu extremists in the intelligence branch of the indian army that karkare was investigating.

intelligence agents and military intelligence officers are notorious for planning and participating in false flag attacks. members of the cia, the mossad, and the isi are well-known for this. hemant karkare's investigation of the malegaon bombings proved that indian army intelligence officers also have participated in false flag attacks.

since indian army officers committed the malegaon bombings, why wouldn't they also participate in committing the mumbai attacks, and kill karkare to silence him?

and remember -- i'm not the one who discovered that indian army officers were committing terrorist attacks against indians. you can thank (or blame) the late hemant karkare for that discovery.

-- gregory f. fegel

Some very interesting thoughts.
you also wrote that "i bet your name is fake." i post under the name that my parents gave to me. it's just a name. i post under my real name because i'm not afraid of offending people with my writing.

one suspect has been captured from the mumbai attacks. that's good. i have no criticism for his capture or his punishment.

hemant karkare's investigation of the malegaon bombings proved that indian army officers organized those bombings. if indians killed other indians with bombs in malegaon, why not in mumbai?

i know the history of terrorism in india better than many indians. for one thing, i know that it was a hindu extremist who killed mahatma gandhi.

-- gregory f. fegel

Its not surprising many are unwilling to consider the possibilites, but consider that Karkare was deeply involved in uncovering false flag operations in India, why is it defy belief that the Mumbai attacks were a false flag operation as well?

I find it funny the detractors simply cannot believe the Indian Govt would kill innocents in a false flag operation as well as Karkare. But you have to remember(regardless of how Karkare was killed), he had proven that at least three major terrorist operations in India, which were blamed on Muslims by the Indian Govt, were in fact comitted by the Indian Inteligence Agency with the support of religous Hindu fundamentalists. The very man at the center of these events, Karkare, in the first investigation of a Hindu terror network has proven false flag operations are comitted by extreme elements of India, such as in the cases of Sumjhatta Express and Goalmon (fogive my horrible spelling).

So its been established many major attacks in India, are in reality false flag operations. This much is not in dispute. What is a false flag operation? Its a terrorist action designed to frame an innocent fall guy. How does one frame an innocent? Fabricating evidence, obviously. Thus, the presence of some(flimsy) evidence implicating Pakistanis in the Mumbai attacks, is EXACTLY what one would expect to find in a false flag operation. The flimsy and shady nature of the evidence suggests a frame job. Not proves.

I think a lot of people in India suspect something is off about the Mumbai attacks. Surpisingly, the Indians decided not to hand off power to the right wing element, in this regard the Indians are saavy and not fooled easily. And not its not a Muslim/Hindu thing, its human thing. Remember most of the information supporting the notion the Mumbai attacks were a false flag operation, is being written by non Muslim Indians and Westerners. The brilliant, Amaresh Misra provided the heart of these alternative theories. I hope my Indian friends can keep an open mind.
Its not surprising many are unwilling to consider the possibilites, but consider that Karkare was deeply involved in uncovering false flag operations in India, why is it defy belief that the Mumbai attacks were a false flag operation as well?

I find it funny the detractors simply cannot believe the Indian Govt would kill innocents in a false flag operation as well as Karkare. But you have to remember(regardless of how Karkare was killed), he had proven that at least three major terrorist operations in India, which were blamed on Muslims by the Indian Govt, were in fact comitted by the Indian Inteligence Agency with the support of religous Hindu fundamentalists. The very man at the center of these events, Karkare, has proven false flag operations are comitted by India, in the cases of Sumjhatta Express and Goalmon(fogive my horrible spelling).

So its been established many major attacks in India, are in reality false flag operations. What is a false flag operation? Its a terrorist action designed to frame an innocent fall guy. How does one frame an innocent? Fabricating evidence, obviously. Thus, the presence of some(flimsy) evidence implicating Pakistanis in the Mumbai attacks, is EXACTLY what one would expect to find in a false flag operation. The flimsy and shady nature of the evidence suggests a frame job. Not proves.

I think a lot of people in India suspect something is off about the Mumbai attacks. Surpisingly, the Indians decided not to hand off power to the right wing element, in this regard the Indians are saavy and not fooled easily. And not its not a Muslim/Hindu thing, its human thing. Remember most of the information supporting the notion the Mumbai attacks were a false flag operation, is being written by non Muslim Indians and Westerners. The brilliant, Amaresh Misra provided the heart of these alternative theories. I hope my Indian friends can keep an open mind.

Considering it is very weak motive ..that to kill one man, they will kill 180 others...there are easier ways available
Other than that how come pakistani citizens got involved into..if it were Hindu extremist conspiracy?
Considering it is very weak motive ..that to kill one man, they will kill 180 others...there are easier ways available
Other than that how come pakistani citizens got involved into..if it were Hindu extremist conspiracy?

Are you gone nuts? You are trying to explain to people who are ignoring all evidence and just focusing on conspiracy.
You cannot wakeup someone who is pretending to sleep.

For these people just because Karkare died it is a conspiracy, they cannot explain how the death of Karkare has no impact on any of the cases he was investigating. (So where is the motive).

Also they completly ignore Kasab and his father being Pakistani.
Seriously.... :)
Now Mumbai attacks are done by hindu terrorists ??/ Common guys be realistic, what about all the eye-witness and don't forget about your Kasab ??/
I believe, in a democratic secular country like India, we will have multiple voices. I don't deny the fact, that the system still needs maturity. But many people just blame the system for their incompetence. Like i am a backward class guy and hence i am failing, i am from the minority community and hence i am failing.

What they don't see is those injustices are happening to everyone. The Country doesn't spend energy to make sure someone/some community is failing. If people from Pakistan believe in the idea that Hindus/Muslims/Christians/Sikhs can't live together, then rethink on this ideology of splitting. After a while Sunni's and Shia's can't live together. This split will keep going on. If we are thinking of an idealistic world, where everyone believe and follow the same ideology, then that's not going to happen.

I am not denying the fact that there are hindu radicals in indian society. But i strongly believe the pluralistic secular society and i believe that the majority of people are like me. Moderates in India are much more powerful that the Moderates in Pakistan, atleast if we look at the turn of events. After the Mumbai episode, the Shiv Sena didn't win the elections, and there was no hindu-muslim clash. We should take time to compare it with the recent events in Pakistan. I recently heard a muslim scholar from pakistan saying that a Shia muslim is safe in US than in Pakistan.

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