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The speech that got Morsi killed

No,that's how you sounded. As if MOST OF EGYPT wants Morsi and Sissi is not actually popular,but took power and people don't dare oppose him. Then you changed it and said that Sissi has supporters too.

Tell me please,do you consider the Iranian mullah system as good? Do you support the Islamic system of Khomeini?

No, that's NOT how I sounded. I was very clear in my language. It's YOU who needs a refresher course in English.
I don't recall even saying Morsi had majority support when he was still in power which is debatable. I was saying there's no proof MOST Egyptians supported Sisi. This DOES NOT equate to Sisi not having any supporters either. This is simple English. Go over this again & again if you're have trouble comprehending it.

LOL changing goalposts now are we? No, I don't think their mullah system is good b/c I have my own ideas on what an Islamic system should be. This doesn't equate to me opposing Khomeini b/c I don't like his version of islam. But keep reaching for those straws, buddy.
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4. The Israeli establishment is far far more comfortable with the mullahs of Gaza then it would be if it were the PLO governing Gaza.

Well, the Palestinians are screwed by. both governments' incompetence, and that's before we even talk about their betrayal by the Arab countries.

It's like the Kashmiri freedom fighters who, for some strange reason, want to join the pathologically corrupt Pakistani state even though Pakistan has completely failed them for 70 years. It does little more than wring its hands and make comical protestations as Indian forces commit atrocities. As an Indian you may have a different point of view and that's fine.
Egyptian army and Pakistan army are very similar and have grwat relations. I guess they exchange notes on how to keep the civilians at bay and how to serve their master US. Egyptian military took over and accepted slavery and got billions. Freedom and independence have a price, are Pakistanis ready to pay that??
ARE YOU AN EGYPTIAN? A PALESTINIAN? NO! Then why do you say "WE"? You can do whatever you want to do in Pakistan.
You want to install a Caliph? Ok cool. You want to break down into Emirates? Cool,do it.

But don't nag about "communists and greeks telling us what's good for us". ASK THE EGYPTIANS ON THE FORUM and they will tell you who do they prefer. ASK THEM!
When I say "we" I refer to the Muslims, awake or asleep, that unfortunately for you, stand upon the soil from the Atlantic to the Pacific. The Muslims which are one body, not divisible by any of your attempts to break their unity.

Al-Nu’man ibn Bashir reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “The parable of the believers in their affection, mercy, and compassion for each other is that of a body. When any limb aches, the whole body reacts with sleeplessness and fever.

Source: Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī 6011, Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim 2586
You can stick those quotes of Sun Tzu where the sun dont shine. Don't mention the cucumber all the time i understand this practise its your national sport but Turkish men don't do such disgusting things.
I would show you an Ottoman manuscript depicting an Ottoman practise right now,but I'd get banned...

And keep Sun Tzu to yourself we don't care about some chinese philosopher when we have the greatest military legends the world ever seen such as Metehan, Bilgehan, Alparslan, Mehmed the Conqueror, Atilla the Hun etc.
Arrogance,arrogance! You as an Ottoman and Seljuk descendant,claim Attila the Hun as well? Maybe claim Napoleon too?

if i could time travel and go back in time to ask Sun Tzu about Turks i'm sure he would adjust and add to all his quotes: "unless you're fighting the Turks"
He'd probably go like "What's a Turk?"

No, b/c of political differences. Not b/c of their brand of islamic ideology. THIS is the difference you don't get.
I would show you an Ottoman manuscript depicting an Ottoman practise right now,but I'd get banned...

Arrogance,arrogance! You as an Ottoman and Seljuk descendant,claim Attila the Hun as well? Maybe claim Napoleon too?

He'd probably go like "What's a Turk?"

You are showing your ignorance on this point again you do know that Ottomans consisted of many different nations under one flag. The Turks were a minority and the Turks are far from your accusations. Homosexuality was never part of our peoples warlike culture that is a fact. Can the same be said about your history where homosexuality were considered normal and you even had boylovers not my words its what greek historians say.

However there were peoples other then Turks who might be homosexual there were even people who worshipped the devil and Ottomans didn't touch neither of them there was freedom of religion. That doesn't mean Turks were devil worshippers. If there are gays and devil worshippers it is not our problem.
You can't even understand sarcasm?
I can. Much better than you. No, I don't believe that you actually believe I'm an islamophobe. You're trying to draw parallels with what I said to prove you're not an islamophobe. Like I said, low IQ behaviour.
You are showing your ignorance on this point again you do know that Ottomans consisted of many different nations under one flag.
Ottoman Turks,not "Ottoman Empire". I'm talking about the Turks. Who came from the Seljuks.

Homosexuality was never part of our peoples warlike culture that is a fact. Can the same be said about your history where homosexuality were considered normal and you even had boylovers not my words its what greek historians say.
Your own ignorance is showing now. But I don't blame you on this since some Western "scholars" popularized the myth of "homosexuality being normal" in ancient Greece. Which is not valid at all. There were laws against it in both Sparta and Athens and other City-States.

I can. Much better than you. No, I don't believe that you actually believe I'm an islamophobe. You're trying to draw parallels with what I said to prove you're not an islamophobe. Like I said, low IQ behaviour.
I'm trying to make you understand that you're being irrational. You accuse me of "islamophobia" just because I don't want radical muslims to control Egypt,Turkey,Libya and Syria. I don't have a problem with UAE. They're ruled by an islamic monarchy. No problem with Kuwait. No problem with Oman.

Of course that doesn't mean that other countries are not ruled by muslims. But you just view them as "secular" and not "hardcore" islamic leaders.
I'm trying to make you understand that you're being irrational. You accuse me of "islamophobia" just because I don't want radical muslims to control Egypt,Turkey,Libya and Syria. I don't have a problem with UAE. They're ruled by an islamic monarchy. No problem with Kuwait. No problem with Oman.

Of course that doesn't mean that other countries are not ruled by muslims. But you just view them as "secular" and not "hardcore" islamic leaders.

And I'm trying to make you understand that YOU don't get to tell us who is "radical" or a "fanatic". Who the hell are you to tell us who is what? Stay in your lane.
LMFAO where did I even IMPLY this? You have some serious reading comprehension issues.

No, b/c of political differences. Not b/c of their brand of islamic ideology. THIS is the difference you don't get.
Literally inplyed that morai has more supporters than sisi and these pwople on the streets are just 2 people. Ive lived this you can not really diroreint what i saw we suffered elwctdiicty and groceries shortages and my dad woukd wait hours in fuel stations. The mb disnt know how to rule and refused step down and removed international terrorists from prisons and youre calling them islamic and cute and sisi Iblees himself. You ignore every single video i send and still call sisi a devil and assume the MB is the light of God and the next prophets and you appear to have zero knowledeg about this part of the world and is arrogant as snare bull.
Did you even know sisi was chosen by the MB because he was ultra religous?
Literally inplyed that morai has more supporters than sisi and these pwople on the streets are just 2 people. Ive lived this you can not really diroreint what i saw we suffered elwctdiicty and groceries shortages and my dad woukd wait hours in fuel stations. The mb disnt know how to rule and refused step down and removed international terrorists from prisons and youre calling them islamic and cute and sisi Iblees himself. You ignore every single video i send and still call sisi a devil and assume the MB is the light of God and the next prophets and you appear to have zero knowledeg about this part of the world and is arrogant as snare bull.

You & that Greek dude have the same sh*tty arguments. I said none of those videos is proof that Sisi had majority support. Morsi could or could not have majority support. YOU were claiming that he doesn't as a fact which it isn't.

If MB doesn't know how to rule then remove them through elections. Simple as that.
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