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The speech that got Morsi killed

What's Israel got to do with what I said?

Of course you are blind supporters. Because an American government with many Jewish and Pro-Zionist members of cabinet helped you and you love them like liberators. Even though they supported and still support Israel over Palestine and have caused problems to many other Muslim countries,you still love them and you are loyal to them.
Just a question how many men got killed by Muslim brother hood. As you claimed. They are evil..
if not for this "small army" pigs would have taken over everything! gaza is their hope!
Lol! The only thing that keeps Israel from taking over the entire Gaza is the world opinion and fear of reactions and boycott from other countries. Do you think Hamas and the other militias could have stopped Israel from annihilating the entire area?
Israelis could easily bomb the entire Gaza with F-15s,F-16s,F-35s,Apache Helicopters,UCAVs and hundreds of artillery.

Just a question how many men got killed by Muslim brother hood. As you claimed. They are evil..
Are you pro-MB or anti-MB? I'm confused.

How does standing against evil and fighting for the weak translate to fanaticism?
Fanaticism in their policies and hardline ideology. Hamas leaders think they can retake the entire Holy Land and kick out the Jews and will not accept for anything less.

Erdogan wants half the Aegean and everything from Turkey to Libya and all of northern Syria.

Morsi started talking big against Israel and in support of Hamas.

The MB in Syria wanted to establish an Islamic Emirate.
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Of course I'm not ok with them either.

Did Hamas tolerate Fatah when they took over their offices in Gaza,executed many of them and arrested others? When they kicked them out of Gaza?

Don't try to shift the subject. Your problem isn't violence itself but who gets to exercise it. Case in point you focusing on Hamas' actions against Fatah (a secular org that had been compromised) & trying to paint Morsi gov in the same light even though they weren't violent. Not only that but you don't seem to have a problem with Sisi (another secularist) either & instead are trying to justify the coup. And you definitely don't have a problem with western gov (secularists) & the violence they exercise on their own citizens.

Your real problem is that you're an Islamophobe. Your problem is with islam itself.

It just goes to show how hollow your proclamations about democracy & freedom truly are. You ppl are just pure hypocrites.
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Lol! The only thing that keeps Israel from taking over the entire Gaza is the world opinion and fear of reactions and boycott from other countries. Do you think Hamas and the other militias could have stopped Israel from annihilating the entire area?
Israelis could easily bomb the entire Gaza with F-15s,F-16s,F-35s,Apache Helicopters,UCAVs and hundreds of artillery.

Are you pro-MB or anti-MB? I'm confused.

Fanaticism in their policies and hardline ideology. Hamas leaders think they can retake the entire Holy Land and kick out the Jews and will not accept for anything less.

Erdogan wants half the Aegean and everything from Turkey to Libya and all of northern Syria.

Morsi started talking big against Israel and in support of Hamas.

The MB in Syria wanted to establish an Islamic Emirate.
they can always try!
So you think the Armed Forces are evil,but Muslim Brotherhood fanatics like Morsi,Erdogan and Hamas are ok?

Yes they are actually. Brotherhood, Erdogan and Hamas are only defending their lands or interests not taking over others. So if they resist for you they are terrorist and if they sell out they are good guys.
When did you criticized the Israeli's for taking over someone homes and lands and killing people, you don't cos they look like you and share the same culture like yours. So that's acceptable for you is it? Go and educate yourself and learn rights and wrongs in life otherwise there is no much difference between a sheep walking on all 4 legs and the so called guardians of human race walking on 2 and talking rubbish as it suits them.
Don't try to shift the subject.
I haven't shifted the subject. I don't need to.

Not only that but you don't seem to have a problem with Sisi (another secularist) either & instead are trying to justify the coup. And you definitely don't have a problem with western gov (secularists) & the violence they exercise on their own citizens.
Sissi seems to enjoy the support of a big part of the Egyptian people and the Army had always been a loved institution in Egypt.

Your real problem is that you're an Islamophobe. Your problem is with islam itself.
How did you get to that conclusion? Isn't Sissi and all the millions of Egyptians who oppose Morsi,Muslims as well?
Aren't millions of Turks who oppose Erdogan,muslims as well? Aren't the Palestinians in the West Bank who oppose Hamas,muslims?

What about the muslims who fight against Saraj in Libya?

No,you will not accuse me of "islamophobia". It's like the jews not taking criticism and accusing everyone of being anti-semetic.

It just goes to show how hollow your proclamations about democracy & freedom truly are. You ppl are just pure hypocrites.
Who are hypocrites? Western people? Secular muslims? Moderates? Christians? Shias Muslims? Who?

Sissi is friendly towards Greece,while Morsi was best friends with Erdogan. It is in my country's interest that Sissi is in power. And millions of Egyptians like him.

Hamas was aggressive towards Christians in Gaza. Why would I like Hamas?

Yes they are actually. Brotherhood, Erdogan and Hamas are only defending their lands or interests not taking over others. So if they resist for you they are terrorist and if they sell out they are good guys.
Erdogan's interests are contrary to my country's. Why would I support him? He even arrested or sacked hundreds of thousands of people in his own country,acting like a dictator.

So if they resist for you they are terrorist and if they sell out they are good guys.
Who did Sissi sell out? Because Egypt has become stronger ever since he became the President.

When did you criticized the Israeli's for taking over someone homes and lands and killing people, you don't cos they look like you and share the same culture like yours.
Lots of times. If you haven't seen it,it's not my problem. Others who know me and read my posts,can assure you.

Go and educate yourself and learn rights and wrongs in life otherwise there is no much difference between a sheep walking on all 4 legs and the so called guardians of human race walking on 2 and talking rubbish as it suits them.
How many times have I talked against NATO's bullying and Israel? About disagreeing with USA and Britain on their foreign policy and most of their wars the last 30 years? Where were you to agree with me then?
I haven't shifted the subject. I don't need to.

We were talking about labelling others & you came out with some drivel about hamas

Sissi seems to enjoy the support of a big part of the Egyptian people and the Army had always been a loved institution in Egypt.

LOL not like they have a choice. Btw there's many more Egyptians outside of PDF. I've known plenty and none of them like Sisi. We're not talking about Egyptians though. We're talking about your hypocrisy with your lack of condemnations on Sisi's use of violence.

How did you get to that conclusion? Isn't Sissi and all the millions of Egyptians who oppose Morsi,Muslims as well?
Aren't millions of Turks who oppose Erdogan,muslims as well? Aren't the Palestinians in the West Bank who oppose Hamas,muslims?

What about the muslims who fight against Saraj in Libya?

No,you will not accuse me of "islamophobia". It's like the jews not taking criticism and accusing everyone of being anti-semetic.
Sissi is friendly towards Greece,while Morsi was best friends with Erdogan. It is in my country's interest that Sissi is in power. And millions of Egyptians like him.

Hamas was aggressive towards Christians in Gaza. Why would I like Hamas?

What's with all this pointless blathering? What does Muslims opposing muslim leaders out of political differences have to do with you opposing muslim leaders b/c they espouse an islamic ideology?

So yes, I WILL accuse you of islamophobia. Your ideological biases are very clear. Otherwise you wouldn't be justifying Sisi's coup. Morsi wasn't hostile to Greece so don't even try to excuses about him being some sort of Turkish lapdog. And again, even if he was, you have ZERO right to IMPOSE a secular DICTATOR on the Egyptian people. From your words though it seems you Greeks are complete losers just like the Indians. Always opposing & insulting anyone just b/c they happen to be friendly with Turkey. Completely immature.

Why do you keep bringing Hamas into everything? Your obsession with it is unhealthy. Who says you have to like them? Don't try and shift attention on to Hamas in order to justify your islamophobia.
Israel is "aggressive" towards christians as well. You seem to have no problem with them. Nor with Indians. Hamas isn't even close to being as "aggressive" as they are. Morsi wasn't "aggressive" either.

Who are hypocrites? Western people? Secular muslims? Moderates? Christians? Shias Muslims? Who?

Do you have difficulty in reading comprehension? Or just playing dumb? Or are you actually this dumb? Please let me know which it is & I'll answer you accordingly.
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We were talking about labelling others & you came out with some drivel about hamas

LOL not like they have a choice. Btw there's many more Egyptians outside of PDF. I've known plenty and none of them like Sisi. We're not talking about Egyptians though. We're talking about your hypocrisy with your lack of condemnations on Sisi's use of violence.

What's with all this pointless blathering? What does Muslims opposing muslim leaders out of political differences have to do with you opposing muslim leaders b/c they espouse an islamic ideology?

So yes, I WILL accuse you of islamophobia. Your ideological biases are very clear. Otherwise you wouldn't be justifying Sisi's coup. Morsi wasn't hostile to Greece so don't even try to excuses about him being some sort of Turkish lapdog. And again, even if he was, you have ZERO right to IMPOSE a secular DICTATOR on the Egyptian people.

Why do you keep bringing Hamas into everything? Your obsession with it is unhealthy. Who says you have to like them? Don't try and shift attention on to Hamas in order to justify your islamophobia.
Israel is "aggressive" towards christians as well. You seem to have no problem with them. Nor with Indians. Hamas isn't even close to being as "aggressive" as they are. Morsi wasn't "aggressive" either.

Do you have difficulty in reading comprehension? Or just playing dumb? Or are you actually this dumb? Please let me know which it is & I'll answer you accordingly.
use of violenece my ***. Are you talking about rabaa where mb supporters had aks between them and started shooting at troops and even protestors infront of them?

Morsi wasnt aggressive he threatned to burn egypt if he doent win the elections said that to marshall tantawy

using religion as a political tool to play on our feelings to get elected while doing nothing to fix the country but releasing a law in 2012 that make his laws unchecked and cant be crtcized or voted upon in the parliment and constitutional court
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use of violenece my ***. Are you talking about rabaa where mb supporters had aks between them and started shooting at troops and even protestors infront of them?

Violence includes carrying out coups, mass detentions, torture & forced evictions. So no, not just the Rabaa massacre where state forces carried out a violent raid & provoked an armed response (according to Sisi anyway).

A coup is a coup. Don't try & justify it. Don't like Morsi? Then beat him in a FAIR & FREE election. Otherwise, don't pretend to care about democracy.

a coup is done in the night with 4 generals like what happened in turkey not millions and millions of protestors upon days calling him to get out

Violence includes carrying out coups, mass detentions, torture & forced evictions. So no, not just the Rabaa massacre where state forces carried out a violent raid & provoked an armed response (according to Sisi anyway).

A coup is a coup. Don't try & justify it. Don't like Morsi? Then beat him in a FAIR & FREE election. Otherwise, don't pretend to care about democracy.

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mass evictions or detentions were made to human rights activists who were proven by mukhabarat to take in foreign money in the thousands largely from britian and america to talk about how cute isis is in sinai and the military is a devil or how people listed on terrorist list and who funded terrorism in sinai and cairo and alexandria did nothing wrong. if they take their prision sentence they will drop their egyptian nationality and already have an american one to be obliged by law to complete its prision time in america but american authorities would free them right away thats why they were detained for prelonged periods. and most of the torture videos were fabricated some are true and the ones who did it were punished. sisi is the best thing that happened to egypt and focus your currently falling pakistan and do whsts nessacry to save your country

Yes it would be a nightmare for you not for the region.
mhm yes estabilishing a reveloutnary guard in egypt isnt surely a nightmare for egyptians and cutting of electriciy morsi is now facing his punishment in his coffin
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