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The speech that got Morsi killed

What is this system of Bosnians on PDF supporting NATO by supporting criminals like "M"B and AQ ?
Bro it's simple. NATO helped them defeat the Serbs,NATO gave them their own country,so they think of them as liberators or something. Many Bosnian Muslims later went to live in European countries or USA,so they are crazy about them.
They also love Turkey and Hamas because they both supported them during the war. As well as thousands of radical Muslims who went to find in Bosnia as part of "jihad".
Morsi's Personal stupidity got him killed. The guy was sending letters of love and passion to the Israeli president.

Btw, Morsi was a representative of a community not a simple personality, a community that was tired of fighting Zionism, a group of people who tried to establishe peaceful ties with Zionists. And failed miserably in the process. They were played by west and got backstabbed in return.

The remaining dead corpse of the brotherhood is behind bars of Egyptian prisons. The ones that ordered killing of outstanding figures like Hassan Shahatah. Brotherhood is dead already thanks to God, as Hafiz Assad said, brotherhood betrayed us all.
How would it be different ?

You wrote

Hamas was encouraged in its early years by Israel to act as the mullah alternative to the mostly Socialism or Communism based elements of the PLO

Do you really think Israel would encourage a mullah-led religious government over a secular government? Especially one like Hamas which has always had a much more hardline stance towards Israel than Fatah?
"Social justice" by becoming proxies for NATO to destroy, murder and maim in actual social-justice-based societies like Libyan Jamahiriya and Syria ?
Narrowed picture and beside the point like the current regime in Egypt is not puppet of west and nato.
Morsi's Personal stupidity got him killed. The guy was sending letters of love and passion to the Israeli president.

Indeed. I too wrote that.

The remaining dead corpse of the brotherhood is behind bars of Egyptian prisons. The ones that ordered killing of outstanding figures like Hassan Shahatah. Brotherhood is dead already thanks to God, as Hafiz Assad said, brotherhood betrayed us all.

Below is Hafiz al Assad's speech in 1982 after defeating the Syrian "Muslim" Brotherhood in a six year war :

Syria and its allies now are fighting against the global "M"B and AQ for the last 11 years.

You wrote

Hamas was encouraged in its early years by Israel to act as the mullah alternative to the mostly Socialism or Communism based elements of the PLO

Do you really think Israel would encourage a mullah-led religious government over a secular government? Especially one like Hamas which has always had a much more hardline stance towards Israel than Fatah?

1. Like @Foinikas wrote about Hamas in post# 10 :
Do you really think the Israelis cannot wipe them out if they want?

2. The Israel Defense Forces have constantly helped the "Syrian" "moderate" "rebels" not only by bombing Syrian government and allies' bases but also by medically treating the "rebels" within Israeli territory abutting the Syria-Israel border. Haven't then the Israelis helped the mullahs of "M"B and AQ in the Syria war ?

3. The Socialist governments of Libya, Iraq and Syria were great supporters and enablers of the Palestine movement and against the Israeli government point of view ? Was Carlos the Jackal who fought for Palestine, supported by Libya or by Saudia ?

4. The Israeli establishment is far far more comfortable with the mullahs of Gaza then it would be if it were the PLO governing Gaza.

Narrowed picture and beside the point like the current regime in Egypt is not puppet of west and nato.

But the Egyptian military is also a client of Russian weapons sales. Please note below the mentions of USA , Morsi and Israel :
March 3, 2021
CAIRO — Russia officially announced on Feb. 25 that Egypt had received five Sukhoi Su-35 advanced combat aircraft. The Russian Khabarovsk Krai region’s official media agency stated that the most important achievement of the military factory in the region was delivering the five Su-35 fighter jets to Egypt, out of the 24 jets that were agreed upon, despite the COVID-19 pandemic.

On July 23, 2020, the first photos of the new Egyptian upgraded Su-35SE fighter jets were taken by journalist Andrey Neyman when five fighter jets, which represented the first batch of an Egyptian-Russian arms deal, arrived in the Russian city of Novosibirsk for refueling, according to The Drive.

Speaking at the Dubai Airshow on Nov. 18, 2019, R. Clarke Cooper, then-assistant secretary of state for political and military affairs, said the US government, represented by then-Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and then-Secretary of Defense Mark Esper, has sent an official letter to Egypt warning it of possible sanctions if it goes ahead with plans to purchase Russian aircraft.
Cooper said Egypt is aware of the risks it would be taking by purchasing Russian aircraft because this exposes it to possible US sanctions and threatens its future purchases of US equipment, noting Pompeo and Esper stressed that “any major new arms deal with Russia would complicate US defense and security assistance to Egypt.”

Esper and Pompeo had addressed their letter to Egyptian Defense Minister Mohamed Ahmed Zaki. Meanwhile, Washington had warned the commander of the Egyptian air force, Lt. Gen. Mohamed Abbas, of the consequences of the Russian arms deal and asked Cairo to review its military and intelligence relations with Russia.

Maj. Gen. Khaled Okasha, director of the Egyptian Center for Strategic Studies, told Al-Monitor that after Egypt's success in purchasing 24 Rafale aircraft from France in February 2015, Cairo ordered the upgraded Sukhoi 35 fighter jets so that it can diversify its weapons sources, especially for its air force, and not rely on US weapons only.

He said the United States has supplied Israel with the fifth-generation F-35 fighter jets, and thus Washington has guaranteed Tel Aviv’s military supremacy and sovereignty over the region with this type of aircraft. The acquisition of this type of aircraft could threaten the balance of power in the Middle East, especially after the United States refused to sell F-35 fighter jets to Egypt at the same time, he added.

Okasha stressed that the main goal of Egypt in acquiring the Sukhoi 35 aircraft is that this type of aircraft can match the Israeli and US warplanes, and thus the Egyptian army guarantees superiority in regional skies. “This is why the United States strongly opposed this deal and threatened sanctions against Egypt.”

Okasha stressed that Egypt has the full right to diversify its weapons sources without relying on the United States alone, rejecting US threats to suspend military aid because Egypt has a right to make independent decisions. He added that Cairo already received 40 Russian Ka-52 attack helicopters in November 2019, which is what may have angered the United States, since Egypt insists on completing its military deals with Russia without submitting to the dictates and threats of the United States.

On Feb. 23, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken expressed to his Egyptian counterpart, Sameh Shoukry, his concern about Egypt's purchase of the Russian Sukhoi 35 planes. The former Donald Trump administration had previously warned against this deal, saying it would expose Cairo to the risk of US sanctions under the Countering America’s Adversaries Through Sanctions Act. Blinken also expressed concerns about the human rights situation in Egypt, stressing that it will be pivotal in the bilateral relations between the United States and Egypt.

Ammar Ali Hassan, a professor of political science at Cairo University, told Al-Monitor that US-Egyptian relations have gone through many stages and tensions in recent years, to the point that US aid to Egypt was suspended in 2013 when former President Mohammed Morsi was ousted and a crackdown on the Muslim Brotherhood supporters was launched.

He added, “Even after aid resumed [in 2015], relations between the two countries remained unstable. Egypt heavily relied on the United States to secure weapons, but [after aid was cut], Cairo realized the importance of not relying on Washington alone. Besides, the United States refused to supply Egypt with the F-35 planes that it had provided to Israel to ensure its military superiority.”
Dude, Morsi was in power year or less..., and you are quoting dictator and butcher assad tell me everything about your twisted perspective.
MB was essentiallly what today PTI is trying to achieve in Pakistan and that is democracy under islamic values without interferring from outside, that would say any objective observer.

Hamas supporting Kosovar Albanians back in the '90s


As you probably know,Gaddafi had excellent relations with Yugoslavia and later Serbia.

Also,like you posted,Hafez had talked about the Muslim Brotherhood back then in 1982. And the Syrian Army didn't wake up one day and say "oh let's kill conservative sunnis",the Muslim Brotherhood had started terrorist attacks against military officers,police,local Baath party offices. That's why in 2012 they saw it as a chance to get revenge and with the help of Erdogan's Turkey,Qatar and Saudi Arabia (also certain NATO countries as well),started this chaos.

Dude, Morsi was in power year or less..., and you are quoting dictator and butcher assad tell me everything about your twisted perspective.
Here we go. See,this is the typical Western Sunni narrative: "Assad butcher,Assad butcher". It's always that. Western Sunnis or Sunnis from the Middle-East who are usually pro-Erdogan,have this view.
Morsi is death in prison, long after he is ousted, there is no relationship between the speech and his death.
Bro it's simple. NATO helped them defeat the Serbs,NATO gave them their own country,so they think of them as liberators or something. Many Bosnian Muslims later went to live in European countries or USA,so they are crazy about them.
They also love Turkey and Hamas because they both supported them during the war. As well as thousands of radical Muslims who went to find in Bosnia as part of "jihad".
We are not delusional and do not suffer from lack of reality perception. It is common dicency to be thankfull towards subject who helped you to avoid extinction, Bosnians also hold in high estem Iran and Pakistan for that matter, that does not mean we are blind suporters of any of mentioned.
Isreal is kind country right? Don't **** around mate..
What's Israel got to do with what I said?

It is common dicency to be thankfull towards subject who helped you to avoid extinction, Bosnians also hold in high estem Iran and Pakistan for that matter, that does not mean we are blind suporters of any of mentioned.
Of course you are blind supporters. Because an American government with many Jewish and Pro-Zionist members of cabinet helped you and you love them like liberators. Even though they supported and still support Israel over Palestine and have caused problems to many other Muslim countries,you still love them and you are loyal to them.
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and is it okay if zionist pigs and americans occupy palastinian lands? and murder them for fun!;
Of course not. And Hamas doesn't make it easy for the Palestinians. They think they will liberate the entire country with their small army. The same idea for 20 years.
Of course not. And Hamas doesn't make it easy for the Palestinians. They think they will liberate the entire country with their small army. The same idea for 20 years.
if not for this "small army" pigs would have taken over everything! gaza is their hope!
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