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The speech that got Morsi killed

Morsi was a pathetic "Muslim" Brotherhood terrorist brought into power as usual by NATO and then thrown out of power by rational Egyptians. The "M"B female politician in Yemen, Tawakkol Karman, even called Morsi as the "Mandela of the Arab world" when he was in jail:lol: and because her services to NATO started early she was given the Nobel "Peace" Prize in 2011. Earlier Nobel "Peace" Prize winners include the traitor to the USSR, Mikhail Gorbachev.

When Morsi was put into presidentship by NATO one of the things he set up was the all-female all-burqa'ed up TV station called Maria TV :



Those brainwashed females wore gloves as well. :lol: But when Egyptians kicked out Morsi they shut down Maria TV as well.

Lastly, one must not forget the notorious "Love letter" sent by Morsi's government to Israel. Though I want the Israel-Palestine issue to be resolved Morsi was just another NATO slave.

So you think the Armed Forces are evil,but Muslim Brotherhood fanatics like Morsi,Erdogan and Hamas are ok?

Many South Asian Muslims unfortunately are not conversant in history or the truths in the current world.

Hamas is defending Gaza against Israeli terrorism.

Hamas is the problem for Gaza. Hamas was encouraged in its early years by Israel to act as the mullah alternative to the mostly Socialism or Communism based elements of the PLO. Hamas was brought into power in 2007 by mostly the Western government + Israel combo called The Quartet. At present all that Hamas has done is impose burqas and driven the socio-economic situation for Gaza to the stupid point such that people are driven to suicide :
An estimated 38% of young people in the Gaza Strip have considered suicide at least once. With mental health becoming endemic in Gaza, Islamic Relief’s Heba AbuJarbou examines the multifaceted impact of youth unemployment.
We have seen rising incidents of violence perpetrated by men against women and girls, perhaps fueled by anxiety about money and illness.
Suicide rates in Gaza have been trending upward for the last 10 years. Current average figures put the number at 562 attempts per year. The suicide rate is much higher among young men aged 18-30 who make up about 75% of all suicide deaths here, with young men shouldering the social expectation that they will provide for their family. Feeling without value and unable to seek help due to the stigma attached to mental health, young men are turning to suicide as a means of escape.
These criminal Palestinian "Muslim" Brotherhood criminals called Hamas who wage war against Syria on behalf of NATO also are harmful to Palestinians and must be driven out or eliminated.
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These criminal Palestinian "Muslim" Brotherhood criminals called Hamas who wage war against Syria on behalf of NATO also are harmful to Palestinians and must be driven out or eliminated.
Exactly that
Morsi is a pathetic "Muslim" Brotherhood terrorist brought into power as usual by NATO

So the US removed their guy Hosni Mubarak to put their guy Morsi?

Uh huh.

the mostly Socialism or Communism based elements of the PLO.

History looks very different when viewed objectively, rather than through the 'communism/socialism' lens.
So the US removed their guy Hosni Mubarak to put their guy Morsi?

Uh huh.

The people were revolting against Hosni Mubarak but, and the Egyptian members can throw more light on this, he was also growing closer to anti-Western-bloc Libyan Jamahiriya. Below meeting is from 2008 :

So NATO had to ensure Mubarak had to go.

History looks very different when viewed objectively, rather than through the 'communism/socialism' lens.

How would it be different ?
Botom line that egyptian people is feeding the army and getting robbed for weapons that will never be used exept on the egyptians themself.
West and israel have loyal and subserviant client in the country leadership.
Botom line that egyptian people is feeding the army and getting robbed for weapons that will never be used exept on the egyptians themself.
West and israel have loyal and subserviant client in the country leadership.

What is this system of Bosnians on PDF supporting NATO by supporting criminals like "M"B and AQ ?
I also think that greek military hunta was better for you then current democrasy.
It was 100 times better actually! And I'm talking about the 1967-1973 junta,not the Ioannides one.

Objectivelly,the Colonel's junta had countless of public works,social werfare and a crazy building rhythm. The Greek drachma was strong and stable,many people got good loans to build houses,the farmers got loans and their debts were later deleted,there was safety back,the traditional values were supported,morality was promoted and even relations with Turkey were relatively good. Relations with Arab countries were EXCELLENT. Greece didn't even allow the Americans to use bases in Greece to help the Israelis in the Six Day War,if I'm not mistaken.
Common sense for social justice for examplle? And you can pile it up fo Everest from that point

"Social justice" by becoming proxies of NATO to destroy, murder and maim in actual social-justice-based societies like Libyan Jamahiriya and Syria ?
It was 100 times better actually! And I'm talking about the 1967-1973 junta,not the Ioannides one.

Objectivelly,the Colonel's junta had countless of public works,social werfare and a crazy building rhythm. The Greek drachma was strong and stable,many people got good loans to build houses,the farmers got loans and their debts were later deleted,there was safety back,the traditional values were supported,morality was promoted and even relations with Turkey were relatively good. Relations with Arab countries were EXCELLENT. Greece didn't even allow the Americans to use bases in Greece to help the Israelis in the Six Day War,if I'm not mistaken.
Fair enough, at least you are not hypocrite by this subject.
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