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The secret mission that got Indians out of Iraq

Oh yeah Commanders of those ships briefed you personally NO?

Reserve those special mentions for your family members, not for me. My vocabulary is as good as yours if not better and I am capable of using it.

And Commanders of those ship Briefed you ? YES .

2 Indian warships scared the nurses out of ISIS hahahahahaha .

Ridiculous, simply ridiculous! We are ashamed to see the ignorance and brittleness of our Sunni brothers who enraged so easily and started taking side of the Shias and blaming own brothers. Till last week everything was OK, Sunni brothers were joining hands with their brothers but all of a sudden this Indian nurse case damaged it all.

Many Shia propagandists have successfully brainwashed the Sunni brothers to believe that we were sympathetic to Hindus or Indians than Shias. Surprisingly fellow Sunni brothers have started asking how the ISIS can release the Indian nurses stranded inside Moshul even as the Shias were picked-killed! Shamelessly they have started branding us as agents of Hindus which we are certainly not. We are just the agents of Allah, the one and only almighty. Did they ever look at the other picture?

By the grace of Allah we had instilled horror inside the hearts of the fellow Indian nurses and we almost brought down the Indian government to knees. Citing the success of spectacular military mission of the soldiers of Allah in Mumbai on 26th November 2008; and the governmental impotence thereafter we thought things would be so easy. We thought that Indian government will kneel down to us. India is the most important country for the Islamic missions. However the Indian reaction was out of expectations.

The Indians were in no mood of negotiations, within a couple of months these Indians have learnt diplomacy to militarism. As a matter of fact we are getting angry reactions mostly from Pakistan which sees itself as a nation of mix-breed wanting to down the Sunni supremacy to suit Shia lust. What happened to you? Why you Pakistanis had to release hundreds of Indian fishermen due to single invitation of Narindar Moody? Why did you allow that Moody to stab you with sugar dipped dagger? That is okay when it’s your case, and when we have this situation, all hell come down?

This India had a change; there was a change in government. A fanatic and extremist man had been ordained. Rather than negotiating, they have sent two bloody big naval ships. Heavily armed us? Bloody, we could have been wiped out if not acted maturely. The Indians reached here and directly they communicated us with a list, a bloody list. It was us who were supposed to send them list of our demands, but bloody they sent us list. And do you bashers have really got any idea which shits that list enlisted? No demands, but bloody addresses of hubs and locations of our units.

Do you know what that mean, what that bloody mean? That means, dude we have got gifts for you and we will give you surprises from masked men and will drop you gifts from Russian made Sukhoi’s. We are not brainless Pakistanis, we are Iraqis, we can use brains. We had better plans for the nurses, we would have done with them the same things Allah, the merciful has directed us, we were hungry of Qafir meat. But that Narindar Moody poured water into our plans. We had to release them in return of our security.

If we are alive, we can f#ck those Indian nurses in their own land and with interested capital. Our organization has already vowed to enter India and for that we have already started our planning, but for that we have to be alive. India can’t be defeated in overt war and if none else, at least Pakistanis must not forget this and lecture us. The Pakistanis have get their bottom drilled by the Indians a number of times in war against India. Better they not lecture is. Rather they should learn from us how we bring India down.

Lastly I would like to categorically state that ISIS doesn’t discriminate between Hindus and Shias, they both are Qafir for us. At least Shias are corrupt version of Muslims but Hindus are not even that. We know our duty what to do with Hindus, but sometime leaving the enemy is only a scope to finish them with more brutality. We didn’t release the Indian nurses by choice but due to lack of choice. Ameen!

This confession was a part of a questionnaire by the Confession Files Middle East team with an ISIS commander on the recent release of Indian nurses and parallel brutality with Shias. Confession Files neither supports nor opposes the views expressed in the confession. We are against any advocacy of inhumane acts and we have put this only to help the information seekers gain the answer. Readers are requested to follow their own consciences. Regards, CF team.

..::ISIS didn’t do any partiality to Indian nurses but it was need of time::..

WTFITS ( what the f**k is this shit )
If punitive actions were not carried out following killing of Indian hostages it might have been a political disaster for the new government.

I agree if hostages were killed and no action taken then good bye BJP.
If punitive actions were not carried out following killing of Indian hostages it might have been a political disaster for the new government.
Political disaster is better than Diplomatic disaster Mate And its Implications to Our International Image In Longterm Perspective.
I agree if hostages were killed and no action taken then good bye BJP.
ohh really If Its Taken the Result was not different remeber Kandhar incident and its Implications after that
hi guys do you think that just a talk/ diplomacy with those terrorists can save those Indians out of iraq which out showing some military power?? if you do then good luck with your intelligence:tup: nobody is gonna believe the whole the article but there must be some truth, indian intelligence agency must had threatened them with something to bring those savages to table... the terrorists who don't even show any humanity to iraqis will show mercy to some indians? NO!! never...
ohh really If Its Taken the Result was not different remeber Kandhar incident and its Implications after that

Yes and this time BJP came into power with hard lines. Basically not to follow mistakes of past but this is all hypothetical as nothing happened so no one can predict what could have happened or not precisely.

But i have my views and you have yours and don't try to impose your views on me.

Thank you
Political disaster is better than Diplomatic disaster Mate And its Implications to Our International Image In Longterm Perspective.

Modi and his cabinet has been elected by the people of India to serve their interest. Domestic Political Compulsions overweight "International Image" in such cases, particularly when the country has got a decisive leadership with nobody remote-controlling it from outside. Any punitive action by India would have only strengthened India's domestic and global image in this case.
whatever might have happened, not a single Indian was harmed and they are safe with their families. That's all which matters.
Modi and his cabinet has been elected by the people of India to serve their interest. Domestic Political Compulsions overweight "International Image" in such cases, particularly when the country has got a decisive leadership with nobody remote-controlling it from outside. Any punitive action by India would have only strengthened India's domestic and global image in this case.
Its not the way diplomacy works we are not in state war what if iraqi thinks it's the aggression rather it will gives more ammo to our enemies(pakistan) to spoil are relationship with Arabs nations which will impact are economy . Secondly it will give direct reasons to Mullah brigades to wage jihaad against India even more aggressively which will do some collateral damage to US.if the nurses have been killed it will only get more sympathy to us from international organisations and moral boost to are war against pakistani terrorists elements.look what ever you call me but I'm strongly oppose any negotiations with terrorists in any case if the hostage situation arises
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Its not the way diplomacy works we are not in state war what if iraqi thinks it's the aggression rather it will gives more ammo to our enemies(pakistan) to spoil are relationship with Arabs nations which will impact are economy . Secondly it will give direct reasons to Mullah brigades to wage jihaad against India even more aggressively which will do some collateral damage to US.if the nurses have been killed it will only get more sympathy to us from international organisations and moral boost to are war against pakistani terrorists elements.look what ever you call me but I'm strongly oppose any negotiations with terrorists in any case if the hostage situation arises

Moral victory means zilch in geopolitics.
lol, a retired IB chief (mind it not RAW) and now NSA immediately made contacts in a country so distant. While RAW did not play any role.
This is just a pure fantasy. Let's give the people due credit and stop fantasizing
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