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I Spy a Spy: Profile of India's new NSA

Turf wars between diplomats and intelligence officers are not unknow

Politicians/ Diplomats love Spies to a point, both love to use each other. Spies need cover, Embassies and Consulates work well for them. Diplomats hate spies taking over already limited seats in foreign countries with the added luxury of diplomatic cover. In there eyes it doesn't seem very 'James Bond'.

And that point? Is the Spy is only useful to the former up until shit hits the fan. And in order to maintain their innocence from engaging as middlemen in the covert world they tend to pull some strings and get the Spy pulled and silenced, gag order (best case scenario). Depending on the spy's connections in his agency, he can keep himself from being 'Iced'.

But other accounts hold that Doval spearheaded the rescue, leading teams into Punjab and taking out one kidnapper after the other.

Sounds like your average Agent Vinod.

Four or five men huddled together in a Delhi hotel room. They were going through travel arrangements. Three of them were to leave for Dubai a little later to execute one of the most audacious operations by Indian intelligence agencies. The plan was to smuggle in two sharpshooters into the Grand Hyatt hotel near Dubai airport. The marriage of the daughter of Dawood Ibrahim, India’s most wanted don, with Pakistani cricketer Javed Miandad’s son had been solemnised in Pakistan. A post-wedding feast was being organised at the hotel. Indian intelligence believed Dawood would attend it and saw an opportunity to take him down. The task was outsourced to the Chhota Rajan gang. The calculation was that neither Indian operatives nor Chhota Rajan’s gangsters could have pulled it off on their own; together, they stood a better chance.

Isnt this a plot for some Bollywood movie?
He has the right thinking and mindset :tup: we must be pro-active in the fight against terror and go after them where they live just like Mossad does or other intelligence agencies.

Chota Rajan gang took out Dawood's key finance guy in the India club in Dubai ;) but Dawood struck back in BKK but Rajan survived and hit back.
yes yr right this is something i had also been thinking as well. But u need to also understand that we in a state of war right now but we were in the better position then india upto 80s and since the end of Mushy times our economy was booming we were 2nd fastest economy growing in Asia. However i hardheartedly agree that our intel setup of ISI has been governing by Military and that has to change so that they could drive up a concrete strategy to tackle indian IT, industry base, economy and influence.,

ISI cannot change its ideology due to their geographical position and the mess they have created. The India centric policy of ISI will never be substituted by other policy because that's what hold the Pakistanis together. And the ISI knows it. They shift towards economy, IT, etc this will be a golden opportunity for others to penetrate ISI. This is one reason for un-invited war inside Pakistan.
ISI cannot change its ideology due to their geographical position and the mess they have created. The India centric policy of ISI will never be substituted by other policy because that's what hold the Pakistanis together. And the ISI knows it. They shift towards economy, IT, etc this will be a golden opportunity for others to penetrate ISI. This is one reason for un-invited war inside Pakistan.
we r not debating around their policy and it is in the right direction all im trying to imply is to diverse our objectives.
we r not debating around their policy and it is in the right direction all im trying to imply is to diverse our objectives.

and I am saying that objectives will not diverse because then it will be a severe threat to the existence of Pakistan. ISI knows very well that Pakistanis are only united because there is a neighbor called India. The politicizing of Islam has caused too much destruction in Pakistan. The only way to unite is the India centric policy.
and I am saying that objectives will not diverse because then it will be a severe threat to the existence of Pakistan. ISI knows very well that Pakistanis are only united because there is a neighbor called India. The politicizing of Islam has caused too much destruction in Pakistan. The only way to unite is the India centric policy.
Uh shut up. Im talking abt tackling yr economy and IT base and industry.
He was working in the high commission at that time. They had no charges to arrest him on. Sporting a fake beard and attending a mosque are not crimes.

At least not in the diplomatic sense. But when it comes to hilarity, these are legends.

However, his tete-a-tete with his mirrors from across the border may also improve certain relations.. many a crises between the US and the USSR were averted due to the back channels created between the GRU-KGB and the CIA.
it has too after all. We all agree on their objectives already so no question abt that but diversifying them is needed.

If you diversify, you will lose cover capabilities, because then it has to come under a civilian. Military will never let that happen.
If you diversify, you will lose cover capabilities, because then it has to come under a civilian. Military will never let that happen.
And who r u to decide? If u know a little abt our country then dont bother to post.
And who r u to decide? If u know a little abt our country then dont bother to post.

I am not saying on the basis of my day dreams, I am saying this one some facts. This is one reason for which Nawaz was sacked and sent on exile.
I am not saying on the basis of my day dreams, I am saying this one some facts. This is one reason for which Nawaz was sacked and sent on exile.
:lol: Kid like i said why bother to post abt pakistan when u know nothing abt it.
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