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The Second Indo-Chinese War (2013-2015)

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ok a bs thread coming from a chinese member(though not a sensible chinese member) about bashing INDIA and is criticised by even pakistani members(though many thanked the thread starter).
i see new year has brought in some change. not bad atall..
Awww whatever makes you feel safe.

Aww cut the BS please :)

I love all these "Awwws" since apparently the original question cannot be answered, even after so many replies. :azn:

Karthic Sri argued that India, in its final dying breath, would be able to take down both Pakistan and China, splitting their already limited nuclear arsenal.

My argument is that India's small nuclear arsenal and limited delivery capabilities are not sufficient to cause MAD towards China.

I would love to hear a rational argument against it.
Your argument has come down to "poof" has it? :azn:

I'll ask once again... if you disagree with my statement that India cannot achieve MAD towards China, then give a rational argument as to why not.

Even given that map above, India's estimated nuclear arsenal of about one megaton, can hardly hope to cover all the bright areas on the map above, or anywhere close to causing enough destruction to achieve MAD.

Well I agree that India wont achieve MAD against China ...whereas China
can.But that does not means China will do that.
Why are we bring MAD into this.
surely we can stop this madness
I believe status quo can be maintained.We wont Hit China nor China will hit us...Thankfully there are mandarins sitting in power who will think 1000 times before launching a war
^^^ I find it hilarious how people argue against my point without actually talking about the point.

The point is, India cannot achieve MAD towards China. Small nuclear stockpile, huge distances to major cities, and the need to reserve some of the stockpile for Pakistan too.

Deterrence, economic damage, that's all possible... but not MAD. That requires a level of destruction that would cause a nation to lose sovereignty.
MAD ....

now i dont know why you chinese always claim that your IQ is above average...
when you cant understan that ... even 100 ... 50MT nuke concentrated on major cities will give you the same effect as a 5KT nuke concentrated on precision strike...

read this:

The Tsar Bomba detonated at 11:32 on October 30, 1961 over the Mityushikha Bay nuclear testing range (Sukhoy Nos Zone C), north of the Arctic Circle on Novaya Zemlya Island in the Arctic Sea. The bomb was dropped from an altitude of 10.5 kilometres (6.5 mi); it was designed to detonate at a height of 4 kilometres (2.5 mi) over the land surface (4.2 kilometres (2.6 mi) over sea level) by barometric sensors

,,,, it had a area of immediate effect of around 3.2 Kms...

now got it ...

the intensity of the blast will be svere ... but the area of effect will be almost same....
you could use 100 50mt nukes but you will be able to destroy only city hubs ...

if you economic structure , ur federal structure is gone all communication gone... what a citizen of china sitting in a small tier 2 city will do same is case with india....

the rest will see nuclear winds in both countries flowing for 35 years to come ...

they wont be living they will be praying to die....

this is called

That's easily achievable. Most of Chinese population is based on East cost. Destruction of major cities will cause the state to stop functioning. Where as Indian population is fairly distributed in the whole country and most being rural. It's rather hard for China to achieve MAD.

If we are talking about 13-15 timeline, we woul have tested Agni-5 and Arihant will be operational. Add to it Su-30s and Brahmos. Sorry but in case of a nuclear conflict I don't see major Chinese cities surviving.

Only 43% of the Chinese population lives in cities, and they are not all on the East coast, many of them are in central and southern China.

Just look at the arsenal size comparison, 294 megatons (with ICBM's developed since the 1970's) vs 1 megaton and a limited delivery system.
I love all these "Awwws" since apparently the original question cannot be answered, even after so many replies. :azn:

Rather that comes from the smirk seeing a senior member whose loves to be in a cocoon of false safety and who gives some amatuer website as link to justify it.

Karthic Sri argued that India, in its final dying breath, would be able to take down both Pakistan and China, splitting their already limited nuclear arsenal.

My argument is that India's small nuclear arsenal and limited delivery capabilities are not sufficient to cause MAD towards China.

I would love to hear a rational argument against it.

If this is not rational enough for you to see the truth, then I think your rationality processor is in serious trouble.

I disagree because you are not spending your time on researching what happened to Hiroshima and Nagasaki when US dropped puny 15 kT nukes on them.

See your economic progress and might is concentrated only on about 15 cities along the eastern coast like Shanghai, Beijing,Shenzhen,Hong kong, Nanjing,Guandong etc. Take out that and you are good as nothing.

All that you can do next is herd sheeps in Tibet and export the wool to other countries ( If Tibet still is with you after the unrest following nuke attacks on the above cities)

In china's case economic destruction = MAD. You are where you are are because of your economy and that economy is what it is because of the cities and the population concentrated around them. Think about it without the veil of fake pride covering your eyes.

Think what will happen if the three gorges is blasted. We can make the war so costly for you that you will wish you had not undertaken it.
I love all these "Awwws" since apparently the original question cannot be answered, even after so many replies. :azn:

Karthic Sri argued that India, in its final dying breath, would be able to take down both Pakistan and China, splitting their already limited nuclear arsenal.

My argument is that India's small nuclear arsenal and limited delivery capabilities are not sufficient to cause MAD towards China.

I would love to hear a rational argument against it.

rational argument? really hmmmm,then what was the reason u calmly ignored the facts about little boy,do u know what is little boy,probably not:cry:
Well I agree that India wont achieve MAD against China ...whereas China
can.But that does not means China will do that.
Why are we bring MAD into this.
surely we can stop this madness
I believe status quo can be maintained.We wont Hit China nor China will hit us...Thankfully there are mandarins sitting in power who will think 1000 times before launching a war

There we go. :tup:

Luckily someone here is sane enough to realize that it's probably best not to launch the nukes in the first place, rather than making boasts about somehow being able to "take others down with us" despite the lack of capability.
Chinese-Dragon said:
Only 43% of the Chinese population lives in cities, and they are not all on the East coast, many of them are in central and southern China.

Is that 'rational' ?

Satellites don't lie


Even though the thread is pretty foolish and waste of time but i really feel like posting some pics for Indian reply:

Artillery options:

first rocket artillery







Attack Helicopters

first Light combat helicopter


Weaponised Dhruv


Akash SAM.


Brahmos cruise missile

Is that 'rational' ?

Satellites don't lie

Did you even look at that picture you posted? :azn:

The large western provinces are dark yes (roughly corresponding to Tibet and Xinjiang), but the eastern/central/southern provinces are bright.

The large size of Tibet and Xinjiang may skew it a little bit to the East, but Xizang/Xinjiang are both "western provinces" despite them taking up a lot of the center too.

Anyway, the area of brightness in China is about the same size as the area of brightness in India, and the level of development in China is obviously much higher as well. Given that China is the 2nd largest economy in the world, and India is not even in the top ten largest economies.
I hate the war mongers.On this thread So many of them.
This thread is stupid
^^^^ the above posts are just a reply to the pics posted by the thread starter.

Nice to see that India is placed well to fend off any misadventure this time :cheers:
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