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The recent LGBTQ invasion from foreign Embassies.

Ancient Greece transmitted knowledge of the Egyptians but also developed its own knowledge. Look at the portable machine called now as Antikythera Mechanism which is called the world's first analog computer. The early Muslims to the mid-age Muslims ( the hundreds of years of the Islamic Golden Age ) learned from the Greeks but also developed their own knowledge together with Greek things led to the European Renaissance and then the Industrial Revolution from which we benefit. The Muslim art of medicine is called Unani medicine. Unan refers to Greece. :)

Why are you simping for someone who just talked trash about your homeland bragging about some failed conquest of it? Are you a cuckold?
Why are you simping for someone who just talked trash about your homeland bragging about some failed conquest of it? Are you a cuckold?
Careful now he will say that Islam is a "progressive" religion which supports Cuckold fetish and how "progressive" communist societies used to practice cuckoldry :lol::lol:
Why are you simping for someone who just talked trash about your homeland bragging about some failed conquest of it? Are you a cuckold?

I tagged the rational Foinikas. And I gave you the the history of Greece and Muslims. Where is simping in it ? I must inform you, @Sainthood 101 and @Apollon about the nuanced history of Alexander the Great, India and Islam.

1. Alexander's army essentially conquered the political center of India and left governors and settlers here some of whose descendants are still present in Pakistan. During the early Greek settlements time in India ruled Chandragupta Maurya whose wife was a part-Greek / Macedonian part-Irani named Helena, the daughter of Seleukus Nikator and his Irani wife :
Daughter of Seleukos Nikator, the Commander-in-Chief of Alexander the Great and ruling Emperor of Persia and his Persian wife, Helena was believed to be around 15 or 16 when she married Chandragupta who was around 39 then.
@Sharma Ji, underlined info for you. Certainly not an alliance dictated by modern Western and their inspired Indian unthinking, dog-loving female but self-hating fake feminists who deserve a bullet in the back of their head or a slap to impose anti-Nature and anti-democracy laws that promote the "magical" "voting age" of 18 ( how was this age decided ? ) that is contained within the anti-democracy Anglo political system and dictate to the female that she should be only 18 and above to indulge in sexual activity. Let's see you board a time machine and take along the bitches sitting in the stupid POSCO office and go back 2300 years and tell Chandragupta Maurya that he was a "pedo" to marry a girl of 15 so what if she also loved him. Sainthood, look at this info.

2. The son of Chandragupta and Helena was Bindusara whose son then was Ashoka, the great Indian emperor under whom Buddhism spread far and wide.

3. There is a legend among Muslims called Zulqarnain, a great man who some say is Alexander the Great and some say is the Irani ruler Cyrus the Great who died about 200 years before Alexander's conquests. Zulqarnain was supposed to be a great and just man and the name is used as the name for Muslim boys.

So I ask you why are you simping for Porus ?

@Foinikas @Apollon, maybe you know some of this.
. Alexander's army essentially conquered the political center of India

No it didn't, the Punjab was on the frontier of the sub-continent and they didn't even acquire all of it, let alone the rest of India.

and left governors and settlers here some of whose descendants are still present in Pakistan

Those primarily came from the Indo-Greeks, an offshoot of the Greco-Bactrians from centuries later who were heavily Dharmicised regardless, adopting Buddhist theology and customs whilst integrating with locals. They were not the same as the Macedonian or Seleucid empires, with their reign also being rather short-lived too.

India ruled Chandragupta Maurya whose wife was a part-Greek / Macedonian part-Irani named Helena, the daughter of Seleukus Nikator

Which he acquired after beating the ever living crap out of them during the Seleucid-Mauryan war.

There is a legend among Muslims called Zulqarnain, a great man who some say is Alexander the Great and some say is the Irani ruler Cyrus the Great who died about 200 years before Alexander's conquests. Zulqarnain was supposed to be a great and just man and the name is also used as the name for Muslim boys.

I don't care, that's irrelevant to everything I said.

So I ask you why are you simping for Porus ?

I barely even mentioned him.

Jamahir, stop acting like you have an inferiority complex.

Careful now he will say that Islam is a "progressive" religion which supports Cuckold fetish and how "progressive" communist societies used to practice cuckoldry :lol::lol:

I hope he gets ghar wapsi'd, they can have him
@Sharma Ji, underlined info for you. Certainly not an alliance dictated by modern Western and their inspired Indian unthinking, dog-loving female but self-hating fake feminists who deserve a bullet in the back of their head or a slap to impose anti-Nature and anti-democracy laws that promote the "magical" "voting age" of 18 ( how was this age decided ? ) that is contained within the anti-democracy Anglo political system and dictate to the female that she should be only 18 and above to indulge in sexual activity. Let's see you board a time machine and take along the bitches sitting in the stupid POSCO office and go back 2300 years and tell Chandragupta Maurya that he was a "pedo" to marry a girl of 15 so what if she also loved him. Sainthood, look at this info.
ah, the bitter you emerges yet again.. "deserves a bullet in the back of their head" eh ? .. how about someone lynch the shit out of you with your entire dirty mohalla in attendance ?

We have evolved, we are not the same hunter-gatherer people from a 1000s years back

what do I have to do with Chandragupta Maurya et al ? :lol:

that sort of behaviour would generally be frowned upon in current times, and across cultures.

ha, "bitches sitting in a POSCO office" .. there's that inner snake of you again rearing it's starving communist head again :sarcastic:
Tell me one thing, for thousands of years me n were having copulation with the female and thus the offspring is born .
Marriage, regardless of religious views is basically a key to a stable life , where kids look after the old parents and the cycles has continued .
Why s
Now ?
Pehle to koi nai karta tha ye sab
My social and moral values are exactly how they are here since 5000 years. Homosexuality was always completly normal here.

As for Greece, its a EU member nation. Even the poorest EU member nation Romania is lightyears ahead of your country in material splendor.

The indian subcontinent never reached our level. At one point Greece even conquered India.
Sun be german , the only thing you make are good locks
As far as greeks conquering indian subcontinent, magadh wants to have a chat with you .
Wasn't that a Greek king called selucus?
Who gave his daughter to chandragupta maurya ?
As a peace treaty

I tagged the rational Foinikas. And I gave you the the history of Greece and Muslims. Where is simping in it ? I must inform you, @Sainthood 101 and @Apollon about the nuanced history of Alexander the Great, India and Islam.

1. Alexander's army essentially conquered the political center of India and left governors and settlers here some of whose descendants are still present in Pakistan. During the early Greek settlements time in India ruled Chandragupta Maurya whose wife was a part-Greek / Macedonian part-Irani named Helena, the daughter of Seleukus Nikator and his Irani wife :

@Sharma Ji, underlined info for you. Certainly not an alliance dictated by modern Western and their inspired Indian unthinking, dog-loving female but self-hating fake feminists who deserve a bullet in the back of their head or a slap to impose anti-Nature and anti-democracy laws that promote the "magical" "voting age" of 18 ( how was this age decided ? ) that is contained within the anti-democracy Anglo political system and dictate to the female that she should be only 18 and above to indulge in sexual activity. Let's see you board a time machine and take along the bitches sitting in the stupid POSCO office and go back 2300 years and tell Chandragupta Maurya that he was a "pedo" to marry a girl of 15 so what if she also loved him. Sainthood, look at this info.

2. The son of Chandragupta and Helena was Bindusara whose son then was Ashoka, the great Indian emperor under whom Buddhism spread far and wide.

3. There is a legend among Muslims called Zulqarnain, a great man who some say is Alexander the Great and some say is the Irani ruler Cyrus the Great who died about 200 years before Alexander's conquests. Zulqarnain was supposed to be a great and just man and the name is used as the name for Muslim boys.

So I ask you why are you simping for Porus ?

@Foinikas @Apollon, maybe you know some of this.
The son of chandragupta and durdhara was bindusara , comrade
And not Helena, you don't bring foreign blood in the ruling lineage
Sources, parishistah parvan for jains and mahavamsa for Buddhists.

No it didn't, the Punjab was on the frontier of the sub-continent and they didn't even acquire all of it, let alone the rest of India.

Those primarily came from the Indo-Greeks, an offshoot of the Greco-Bactrians from centuries later who were heavily Dharmicised regardless, adopting Buddhist theology and customs whilst integrating with locals. They were not the same as the Macedonian or Seleucid empires, with their reign also being rather short-lived too.

Which he acquired after beating the ever living crap out of them during the Seleucid-Mauryan war.

I don't care, that's irrelevant to everything I said.

I barely even mentioned him.

Jamahir, stop acting like you have an inferiority complex.

I hope he gets ghar wapsi'd, they can have him
He is the kind of man we don't want to have

Please keep him
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I hope he gets ghar wapsi'd, they can have him
He has been ghar wapsi'd already not by Indians but some commie masters of his he is an atheist who has nothing to do with Islam this is why you'll see him posing as a Muslim while rejecting hadiths, "reforming" Islam and advocating for LGBT filth and naked women at the same time :lol:
I tagged the rational Foinikas. And I gave you the the history of Greece and Muslims. Where is simping in it ? I must inform you, @Sainthood 101 and @Apollon about the nuanced history of Alexander the Great, India and Islam.

1. Alexander's army essentially conquered the political center of India and left governors and settlers here some of whose descendants are still present in Pakistan. During the early Greek settlements time in India ruled Chandragupta Maurya whose wife was a part-Greek / Macedonian part-Irani named Helena, the daughter of Seleukus Nikator and his Irani wife :

@Sharma Ji, underlined info for you. Certainly not an alliance dictated by modern Western and their inspired Indian unthinking, dog-loving female but self-hating fake feminists who deserve a bullet in the back of their head or a slap to impose anti-Nature and anti-democracy laws that promote the "magical" "voting age" of 18 ( how was this age decided ? ) that is contained within the anti-democracy Anglo political system and dictate to the female that she should be only 18 and above to indulge in sexual activity. Let's see you board a time machine and take along the bitches sitting in the stupid POSCO office and go back 2300 years and tell Chandragupta Maurya that he was a "pedo" to marry a girl of 15 so what if she also loved him. Sainthood, look at this info.

2. The son of Chandragupta and Helena was Bindusara whose son then was Ashoka, the great Indian emperor under whom Buddhism spread far and wide.

3. There is a legend among Muslims called Zulqarnain, a great man who some say is Alexander the Great and some say is the Irani ruler Cyrus the Great who died about 200 years before Alexander's conquests. Zulqarnain was supposed to be a great and just man and the name is used as the name for Muslim boys.

So I ask you why are you simping for Porus ?

@Foinikas @Apollon, maybe you know some of this.
They lost their courage In front of magadh , just after facing raja paurava who for his eternal bravery and greatness was a minor ruler in punjab .

He has been ghar wapsi'd already not by Indians but some commie masters of his he is an atheist who has nothing to do with Islam this is why you'll see him posing as a Muslim while rejecting hadiths, "reforming" Islam and advocating for LGBT filth and naked women at the same time :lol:
You know recently a case of a muslim girls living in a lgtv relationship ?
Kerala state is ruled by communist party of india , baki sab khud samajhdar hai
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They lost their courage In front of magadh , just after facing porus, who for his eternal bravery and greatness was a minor ruler in punjab .

You know recently a case of a muslim girls living in a lgtv relationship ?
Kerala state is ruled by communist party of india , baki sab khud samajhdar hai
Yeah the disease is spreading like a virus this is why it needs to be eradicated for the good of humanity's future

And whether a communist or a NATO thug they're both the same thing they destroy every culture and civilization wherever they go
Yeah the disease is spreading like a virus this is why it needs to be eradicated for the good of humanity's future

And whether a communist or a NATO thug they're both the same thing they destroy every culture and civilization wherever they go
I'd rather suffer the wrath of a NATO invasion than the slow blood curdling and hemotoxic poisoning of a disgusting collectivist communist ideology.
I'd rather suffer the wrath of a NATO invasion than the slow blood curdling and hemotoxic poisoning of a disgusting collectivist communist ideology.
You're entitled to your opinion but Muslims have suffered at the hands of both I have hatred towards both of them none is above the other they're both the same filth to me including Nazis
You're entitled to your opinion but Muslims have suffered at the hands of both I have hatred towards both of them none is above the other they're both the same filth to me including Nazis
are you from A-stan ? :D

I get it, though.. NATO brings destruction, communism brings hunger, poverty and famine.. they compliment each other quite well if death and misery is your thing.. wonder who's next ?
are you from A-stan ? :D

I get it, though.. NATO brings destruction, communism brings hunger, poverty and famine.. they compliment each other quite well if death and misery is your thing.. wonder who's next ?
Now nobody's is next, for all things we Indians can say to Pakistanis.
Pakistanis are not afgans , na .
Both are not comparable , pakistan is a proper state with all institutions still functioning well and good , though some what erratic for now due musings of khan ji but its same every where you see .
Amriks and nato cannot harm Pakistanis much like they did in Afghanistan although, effect of War on afgans has been felt by Pakistanis tremendously.
In recent times , the refugees from 80s its economic and social and costs on pakistan .
Pakistanis have suffered indirectly due to nato too much , seems like it is not good to rally your country to become a front line player in so called "global war on terror ".
They fought against commies , in return sufferd due to nato and phree world
Am sorry but let's see the Pakistan embassy try organising an event without permission from local
To my knowledge the embassy areas are not under Pakistani Jurisdiction, International Law applies there. Same applies to Pakistani embassies abroad, International law applies there. Though i am not aware of the exact formalities/procedures so i could be wrong.
We do have , Some Karachi University hosted a LGBT party where Women were Pole Dancing along with Some Gay Boys half naked ofcourse , Sad Police has something way important to take care of (Politics)
That was at IBA Karachi, some students were suspended for it and it was done by the students not the faculty or any officials at the University.
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