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The recent LGBTQ invasion from foreign Embassies.

You're a decent member so I'm not going to be rude with you but the other guy was deliberately behaving like a street hound and then Jamahir decided to start talking about muh Greek culture, it was inappropriately timed and just plain weird for him to focus on that of all things.
Who? Which one? Apollon? I didn't follow the thread. If it was Apollon,don't mind him. He will be rude and arrogant to you.

Also, yes the Macedonian Empire was quite extensive but it barely touched the fringe of the sub-continent, when the Seleucids later tried to advance further the Mauryans not only steamrolled their advance but then beat them back too, going as far as Kandahar. That's all I said in this regard. India wasn't conquered by Greeks.
There were two reasons why the Greeks stopped and didn't go any further:

1.The soldiers were tired and wanted to go back home. They had been fighting for years.
2.The information about the kingdoms in the subcontinent and the encounters with some of them,gave them a picture of masses of armies and a huge land. They knew it would be extremely tough to keep going east.
Yeah no
A- You don't touch women without them agreeing to it -
B- especially a old *** German dude touching our women - young women
F no
You think they'll ever be attracted to a smelly old man

He was clearly taking advantage of them

No old man even goes to party with young women in the first place and than goes on to touch them sexually- not just one
But everyone

This is literally the definition of taking advantage of his position cause he know without authority they'll never let his old *** touch them forget laying with a frickin 50 y/o

I don't know where you're coming from dude

Private alright- not out in the open
smelly old white man in a position of power taking advantage of our women- not alright
we are not thai cucks where middle age men come and walk around with 13 y/o hand in hand
And I know exactly where you come from lol. Someone who doesn't get laid and get jealous :lol:
You probably never been to any night club so you don't know what really happens inside.
And it's common to see even 50 year olds in clubs .And you know how he smells like wow.
Men age slower in comparison to women. It's common to see women with older guys.
Our women are no saints either these days .Dont go to any such party if you are conservative type.
Will they allow our embassies to call for shariah in Europe and America’s and allow us to hold shariah rallies and shariah parties in Washington, in Ottawa, in London, in Berlin and in Paris?
If no, they shouldn’t talk about gays in Pakistan. Keep your ideologies to your self like we keep ours or let us promote our ideologies in your countries as well
Here you go
I must warn you though a Pakistani fake blonde wannabe exists in the video watch at your own risk because you might puke

Oh good lord 😂.

Imagine Pakistani embassy in USA called for shariah law party and called for giving rights to those who want to impose shariah law inside USA.
The Murica brigade would descend faster on that than a couple of hobo’s on a dollar bill:

I will be happy if all non-Muslim males become LGTV then I will make their women my 2nd, 3rd and 4th wife :partay:
We shall do “love jihad” as Indians call it 😎

The Murica brigade would descend faster on that than a couple of hobo’s on a dollar bill:
Texas is already like an Islamic Emirate minus the islam part. Rednecks literally want what shariah wanters (lgbtq, tax, gun laws, abortion etc) want minus the Islam part. Once they find out jizya is 2.5% they’ll definitely want to establish Islamic Emirate of America 🤣
Germany should investigate and if true prosecute any harassment, whether straight or lgbtq.

I don't think someone who is lgbtq does that on purpose - it's just something that happens to them or they were made that way by whichever God or nature you belive in.

They too however have a responsibility to the society and not flaunt their lifestyles just to spite the rest of the society. Keep sex regardless of whatever kind in the bed room
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