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The recent LGBTQ invasion from foreign Embassies.

My social and moral values are exactly how they are here since 5000 years.

Considering what Greeks were like that long ago... I should hope not

All that infanticide, pederasty, etc

As for Greece, its a EU member nation. Even the poorest EU member nation Romania is lightyears ahead of your country in material splendor.

Being less poor doesn't mean you're not poor, and both of those countries have trashy economic growth rates

The indian subcontinent never reached our level


At one point Greece even conquered India.

No it didn't, the Mauryans slaughtered the Seleucids and Alexander prior to them was unable to advance past Porus and his tiny kingdom on the frontier of the sub-continent

I wonder how many of your distant relatives had their heads severed by Chandragupta

Now go crawl back to your yoghurt sh!thole before a Turk takes more of your women as slaves
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Dude right now we have far bigger issues to focus on rather than this LGBT thing.
Whatever sexual happens between two consenting adults should be no ones business.
I don't care if they were doing it in their private bedroom- their business
but the biggest issue was that german diplomats sexually harassing our women
and then gay parties are not exactly in line with the values of the country- do as the romans do
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I agree with the cultural issues that come as a part of dealing with the West. But perhaps our focus and priority should be the vast amounts of filth (lying, bribery, kaam-chori, etc.) that is rampant in our own culture anyway. Islam is equally hostile to these things, but what really riles people up are LGBTQ+ issues.

It is a problem, for sure, but we need to get our own sh*t together as well. It's always easier to blame the imperial culture for all ills. Maybe we can also learn from their positives (overall better meritocracy, focus on science/tech/R&D = way better human development indicators and wealth per capita, etc.).
These are virtues in Pakistani culture and society, Pakistanis especially take pride in out doing each other in choona lagana...the more creative way of ripping someone off, the prouder their family and friends.
Considering what Greeks were like that long ago... I should hope not

All that infanticide, pederasty, etc

Being less poor doesn't mean you're not poor, and both of those countries have trashy economic growth rates


No it didn't, the Mauryans slaughtered the Seleucids and Alexander prior to them was unable to advance past Porus and his tiny kingdom on the frontier of the sub-continent

I wonder how many of your distant relatives had their heads severed by Chandragupta

Now go crawl back to your yoghurt sh!thole before a Turk takes more of your women as slaves

Umm amigo. I fly 1st class to Argentina. We should not discuss wealth here. My family is doing well. That said Greece has good economic numbers in last years.

That said, we wiped floor with India. But Indians never made it here.
Agreed. That is why I suspect @Black Vigo who constantly calls me and other Communists and Socialists as "Gay" and "Fag" in a very aggressive tone. Well, if he is gay it's no business of mine.
I like how your *** still burns because of the thrashing I gave you in other threads so you had to tag me here and by your logic I might be a communist, Nazi and NATO member because I hate them as well? :crazy:

This is the most common response by filthy proggie pigs "if you hate gays you might be one yourself" no need to project your latent homosexuality gay boy you're the fag here and we all know and this is probably why you keep yapping about gay mullahs because you might fantasize about them all the time :lol::lol:

We agree on something
We get it bro you're gay this is why it pains you when someone stands against your degenerate kind you are really down bad to the point you have to agree with a pig like jamahir LOL :D
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In any other normal country this German official would have been shown the door by the host country. He was caught harassing and molesting Pakistani women. Recordings are available. We have people on this forum that are actually defending the culprit. It goes to show how deeply Pakistan and Pakistanis have fallen.
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Umm amigo. I fly 1st class to Argentina. We should not discuss wealth here. My family is doing well. That said Greece has good economic numbers in last years.

That said, we wiped floor with India. But Indians never made it here.
rats come to the cheese to eat
cheese does not walk to rats

that's why Greeks come to rich lands
I fly 1st class to Argentina.

Is throwing your money on a planet ticket meant to be a brag? :lol:

That said, we wiped floor

Looks like you really maintained those 5,000 year old values by remaining quasi-illiterate huh. The Mauryans decked your empire, and you never came back. You were violently slaughtered, just like how the Persians, Arabs and Turks all butchered you as well and now Pakistani immigrants in Greece literally bash your heads in with rocks all whilst you come to whinge on a Pakistani forum. Super ironic.

It's ok, go relax with your STIs in Argentina.
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It's ok, go relax with your STIs in Argentina.
These degenerates just dropped a new STD called MonkeyPox lol

Pakistani immigrants in Greece literally bash your heads in with rocks all whilst you come to whinge on a Pakistani forum. Super ironic.
I guess this latent homosexual apollon didn't get bashed by a Pakistani yet this is why he keeps bitching and moaning on our forums :lol:
I don't care if they were doing it in their private bedroom- their business
but the biggest issue was that german diplomats sexually harassing our women
and then gay parties are not exactly in line with the values of the country- do as the romans do
Dude if they are not ok with all those club and party things then they should not attend such events. In clubs when people get drunk little touching happens. I ve read that article and to me it looks like a cultural issue bcz our desi women can only party with our desi men. Like a halal party in parda and limitation lol. That German guy was just behaving according to his culture and mentality.
I am against homo parades and try to bring others into this homo thing but if people are doing it behind closed doors in privacy then we are no one to break into their bedrooms and dictate them.
We are ok with corruption, injustice and every other thing unislamic which literally destroyed this country and god forbid we are going to become srilanka, but LGBT and personal matters of people matters more to us. This is a typical mullah behavior actually , full of incompetence but commanding authority over others by just using religious texts .
Looks like you really maintained those 5,000 year old values by remaining quasi-illiterate huh.

Ancient Greece transmitted knowledge of the Egyptians but also developed its own knowledge. Look at the portable machine called now as Antikythera Mechanism which is called the world's first analog computer. The early Muslims to the mid-age Muslims ( the hundreds of years of the Islamic Golden Age ) learned from the Greeks but also developed their own knowledge together with Greek things led to the European Renaissance and then the Industrial Revolution from which we benefit. The Muslim art of medicine is called Unani medicine. Unan refers to Greece. :)


I like how your *** still burns because of the thrashing I gave you in other threads so you had to tag me here and by your logic I might be a communist, Nazi and NATO member because I hate them as well? :crazy:

You are a bunch of contradictions. You hate Communists but you claim you hate NATO which has been acting, genociding and regime-changing Communists and Socialist since its establishment in 1949. Whatever you claim or delude yourself with your types are always used by NATO against Communists and other progressives especially if they happen to Muslims.

I am against homo parades and try to bring others into this homo thing but if people are doing it behind closed doors in privacy then we are no one to break into their bedrooms and dictate them.

I support this.

We are ok with corruption, injustice and every other thing unislamic which literally destroyed this country and god forbid we are going to become srilanka, but LGBT and personal matters of people matters more to us. This is a typical mullah behavior actually , full of incompetence but commanding authority over others by just using religious texts .

I don't care if they were doing it in their private bedroom- their business
but the biggest issue was that german diplomats sexually harassing our women
and then gay parties are not exactly in line with the values of the country- do as the romans do

Dude if they are not ok with all those club and party things then they should not attend such events. In clubs when people get drunk little touching happens. I ve read that article and to me it looks like a cultural issue bcz our desi women can only party with our desi men. Like a halal party in parda and limitation lol. That German guy was just behaving according to his culture and mentality.
I am against homo parades and try to bring others into this homo thing but if people are doing it behind closed doors in privacy then we are no one to break into their bedrooms and dictate them.
Yeah no
A- You don't touch women without them agreeing to it -
B- especially a old *** German dude touching our women - young women
F no
You think they'll ever be attracted to a smelly old man

He was clearly taking advantage of them

No old man even goes to party with young women in the first place and than goes on to touch them sexually- not just one
But everyone

This is literally the definition of taking advantage of his position cause he know without authority they'll never let his old *** touch them forget laying with a frickin 50 y/o

I don't know where you're coming from dude
We are ok with corruption, injustice and every other thing unislamic which literally destroyed this country and god forbid we are going to become srilanka, but LGBT and personal matters of people matters more to us. This is a typical mullah behavior actually , full of incompetence but commanding authority over others by just using religious texts .
Private alright- not out in the open
smelly old white man in a position of power taking advantage of our women- not alright
we are not thai cucks where middle age men come and walk around with 13 y/o hand in hand
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You are a bunch of contradictions. You hate Communists but you claim you hate NATO which has been acting, genociding and regime-changing Communists and Socialist since its establishment in 1949. Whatever you claim or delude yourself with your types are always used by NATO against Communists and other progressives especially if they happen to Muslims.
Is your IQ on the negative scale idiot? Hating one doesn't mean I can't hate the other you're more fucking retarded than you appear, I hate all of you I couldn't care less if you're a part of NATO or communist block or a Nazi I hate all of you the same way all of you are anti-Islam proggie pigs and I want none of you in my country or have anything to do with my society, faith. religion, culture, ideology etc etc.

I'm not contradicting myself ON THE OTHER HAND YOU ARE
You claim to be a Muslim but at the same time support LGBT filth which is clearly a sin in Islam and even the story of the nation of Lot is there for everyone to learn from

You claim to be a Muslim yet support rejection of Hadiths and support "reformation" of Islam
You claim to be a Muslim yet advocate nudity for women because "mUh pRoGrEsSive"

But wait using the logic from your and your latent homosexual partner apollon's posts since I speak against murtad atheist and hadith rejecters maybe I am Anti-Islam since I hate Anti-Islam elements is that what you're gonna say you gay proggie pig? :lol::lol:
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