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The real gap between China and India

Yes which are following:
1. badar 1
2. badar-2
3. paksat-1
4. Paksat-1R
5. ICube-1
6. PRSS-1 Remote_Sensing_Satellite

I don't think speaking truth is cruelty.

How much of them are your own ,designed and launched from your soil and also in active service?
China is super power of warnings and blow air on your face.....that's it
Agree, the whole world knows who is the superpower - USA. but I heard that one nation considers itself a superpower. And morbid war mania... But when it does not match the propaganda...

Now they seem anxious to accept defeat. ;)
the way you defeated japan by warnings and took those islands ;)
the way you defeated japan by warnings and took those islands ;)
Indians are poorly educated. Not surprising.

Diaoyu Islands have always belonged to Taiwan and are not subject to the jurisdiction of the Beijing. After the end of Second World War, the Diaoyu Islands were controlled by americans. In 1972, the USA returned Okinawa to Japan, At the same time, the control of the Diaoyu Islands was transferred to japan. This caused great dissatisfaction with the government of Taiwan. Eventually, in 1990, the Taiwan army secretly laid down the the “Hanjiang plan"(https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/漢疆演習). But the action was finally stopped by Li Denghui.

By 2012, Japan had tried to bring the Diaoyu islands into its territory. expel and arrest the fishermen of Taiwan.

Then... China sends sea police ship to Diaoyu island.

So... So sorry, China's control of the Diaoyu Islands began in 2012. Oh, I thought only Japan protested to China, China warned Japan too? ;)

BTW, Coast Guard Forces in Asia
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Saudis Use Chinese-made Cannons in Yemen



Saudi PLZ-45 howitzers have been deployed to the border in preparation of Operation Decisive Storm. Currently firing at Houthi rebel positions like artillery bombing Saudi border posts, the PLZ-45s will advance alongside any Arab intervention force into Yemen.


The Saudi Army is deploying its best cannons, the NORINCO PLZ-45 self propelled howitzer (SPH) to bombard Houthi rebels in western Yemen. This is the first time that a modern Chinese SPH has seen combat. While Saudi Arabia has bought primarily American weapons, recent advances in Chinese artillery technology has actually made Chinese artillery more capable in many respects over its American counterparts.


The PLZ-45 is the artillery workhorse of the Saudi Army, it can a range of nearly 40km and can fire American and Chinese made smart munitions guided by lasers and satellite navigation, as well as cluster munitions.


The PLZ-45 is a 33 ton artillery vehicle, with a 6.97 meter long cannon that fires guided and unguided 50kg 155mm shells up to 39 kilometers away (in contrast, the America M109A7 Paladin's shorter cannon has a 30km maximum range). First developed in the 1980s, the PLZ-45 did not see widespread Chinese service, though its bigger descendant, the 50km ranged PLZ-04, is in widespread PLA service. The PLZ-45 comes with an ammunition supply vehicle that carries 90 shells, as well as sophisticated counterbattery and fire control radars, in addition to forward observation scouts.



While Kuwait has chosen to buy western equipment such as the American M1A1 Abrams tank, it has ordered 75 PLZ-45 SPHs from China. The original 1998 purchase of 27 was intended as a political favor for Beijing, but the Kuwaiti was satisfied enough to keep ordering more cannons.


Currently, over 200 PLZ-45 SPHs have been sold by China's NORINCO weapons manufacturer to Algeria, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia. Especially noteworthy is that while Saudi Arabia also possesses American made M109A5 and French AMX-GCT SPHs, they have chosen more capable Chinese made artillery to take the lead in Operation Decisive Storm, the Arab intervention into Yemen. However, we should not be too surprised at the use of Chinese land weapons; as the 2014 U.S. Defense Department's China Military Power Report noted that Chinese defense contractors like NORINCO are producing world class weapons systems not just in new areas like drones, but also in traditional technology like armored vehicles.


@turbofan7a @el nino @SrNair @Windjammer @Dotachin @Narendra Trump @navtrek

I'm just telling the truth —— any sophisticated weapons are rubbish in India, because India's industrial base is as weak as a baby. There is even a lack of basic maintenance skills. Let's see how many SU-30, MIG, Mirage 2000 have crashed in India... Even C-130, the most reliable fighter in the world. The whole world only happen in India 2 aircraft in 3 days crashed.
Chinese A-100 Heavy Rockets on Display in Tanzania



The Tanzanian Army takes out its A-100 multiple rocket launchers for rehearsals for Tanzania's 50th anniversary. These Chinese made heavy rockets can be equipped with many types of precision guided munitions.

China Defense Forum

The Tanzanian Army runs a A-100 heavy multiple rocket launcher past the Benjamin Mkapa National Stadium in Dar es Salaam during rehearsals for the 50th Union Day parade. Each A-100 rocket launcher Transport Erector Launch (TEL) vehicle carries ten 300mm 800kg rockets. Each of those rockets has a 200 kg warhead, which can strike targets up to 120km away. The Tanzanian A-100s are likely equipped with infrared guided submunitions for anti-tank usage. Pakistan is also an A-100 customer as well.



Shown here is a comparison of size between a 120km range 300mm rocket, compared to lighter 122mm rockets and portable 107mm rockets.

China Defense Forum

While the Chinese A-100's design owes a great deal to the Russian SMERCH 9K58 rocket artillery, it has greater range, a different rocket motor and GPS guidance. The PHL-96, the domestic version of the A-100, is in service in PLA artillery regiments stationed at the Taiwan Straits. Compared to larger ballistic missiles, large guided rocket artillery offers the advantages of lower cost, higher accuracy and greater mobility.



The Lanzhou Military Region's PHL rocket launchers fire a barrage during exercises. While these 300mm rockets are similar in size to the Russian SMERCH, they use a different rocket motor and warheads.

Xinhua News Agency, via www.news.cn

Tanzania has enjoyed strong military and economic relations with China since the 1970s; China is Tanzania's largest importer, and Tanzania has received a range of weapons like tanks, fighters, patrol ships and heavy rockets such as the A-100. The Tanzanian acquisition of A-100 rocket launchers is part of a larger pattern of African military modernization, with Chinese weapons often at the center. For its part, China's export of rocket artillery is part of a wider push to promote its international trade and market access by offering modern weapons to newly prosperous countries.

Why does the India army not choose "made in India"?
So the cheapest and the inferior are Indians, and India is the world's most garbage country. How many MIG, SU-30., and even C-130 crashes in India? This is almost the most reliable plane in the world, but the garbage state is not even capable of maintaining it.

Conclusion: Because inferior Indians are the world's most rubbish, so any sophisticated weapons are rubbish in India.

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