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The Pakistan Navy's Frigate Options

I am telling you they are coming more chances are of EF because both NATO and USA had money due on us which they don't want to give in form of cash and instead are offering us weapons including EF
EF doesn't make sense, they only option is f-16s or had we been good enough in politics since day1, the f-15..
why would usa pay money to foreign companies !!!!???
remember the f-16 line is closing and Lockheed would be doing everything it can to get more customers
EF doesn't make sense, they only option is f-16s or had we been good enough in politics since day1, the f-15..
why would usa pay money to foreign companies !!!!???
remember the f-16 line is closing and Lockheed would be doing everything it can to get more customers
Well sometimes you have to keep your allies happy. As for EF it does make sense even Air Chief recently checked it out
It may make sense for PAF to want to go after it, but doesnt make sense that the US will pay for it, nor can PAF afford iy alone.
Does it make sense, Other countries are getting involved to fight a common war to protect USA goal.
When you force them to do it, you have to pay some cost.
Afghan war is a shared war among allies.
I think, Pakistan is not getting as much it deserve.
Deserve means nothing in politics. The only thing one deserves is what they take/get. Pakistan for sure is not receiving equal benefit but at the same time is not acting like an equal partner...rather it acts like a servant doing others bidding. Why are we suprised when others take advantage of it.
well yes that would be a good idea but instead of a lighter variant why not go for the full size ship instead? the f22p was $175 million dont you think it would be best to go for somthing like the algerian c28a which is roughly the same size of the f22p but instead of the fm90 sam a south africain vls would be a good idea instead.
how much would you think it would cost about not more than $220 million.


Umkhonto vls
I've always been a proponent of a further developement of F-22P, e.g. along the lines of c28a. In many post, I've also outlined weapons and sensor options. I merely provided a cost indication for the HPF, based on the 054A. It would seem logical that PLAN keeps 054A for itself, and HPF for export. I know I would.

C28a is not much different from F-22P, to me its more of a combination of Azmat class FAC and F-22P .. the Design of Azmat class FAC is pretty Stealth , and it can also transformed into a Corvette from less than 1000 ton FAC into a 2500+ Frigate . Our engineers can work it up and come up with a new Design based on both platforms .
C28A is an example of what you can do if you develop on the basis of F22P. Find a good VLS SAM for it, preferably IRH or ARH to cut back on sensors needed (Umkhonto, Iris-T, CAMM, VL Mica, etc) and presto. Even ESSM could be an option but would require one or more radar target illuminators.
C28A is an example of what you can do if you develop on the basis of F22P. Find a good VLS SAM for it, preferably IRH or ARH to cut back on sensors needed (Umkhonto, Iris-T, CAMM, VL Mica, etc) and presto. Even ESSM could be an option but would require one or more radar target illuminators.

Why any European or American company provide the weapon systems for Chinese built ships? Weapon embargo still exist.

And if not, then who do the integration in this ship? who do the integration with CMS? who do the the integration with chinese Fire Control Radar? who do the various testings? who do the various weapons trials?
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whats kadai?
Well if you consider eating kadai and that hard flat bread thingy being one, then maybe I am hahahahahahahaha! Sorry dude late reply! Weekends you know how it is.

I've always been a proponent of a further developement of F-22P, e.g. along the lines of c28a. In many post, I've also outlined weapons and sensor options. I merely provided a cost indication for the HPF, based on the 054A. It would seem logical that PLAN keeps 054A for itself, and HPF for export. I know I would.

C28A is an example of what you can do if you develop on the basis of F22P. Find a good VLS SAM for it, preferably IRH or ARH to cut back on sensors needed (Umkhonto, Iris-T, CAMM, VL Mica, etc) and presto. Even ESSM could be an option but would require one or more radar target illuminators.
well dont you guys have design rights to the f22p? meaning you can build your own. why not simply design your own providing they have the money. the mk41 and the french vls is too big, the south africain vls is the perfect option, as its a reliable supplier. but the mica vls? im not so sure with france being india's bff. so the umkhonto is the ideal solution, besides it can be modified to fit a variety or missiles. the iris-t and the camm would be quiet expensive. the type 54a is a good ship but for its size and weapons packages you can fit that on to the f22p or a modified one quiet easily.
Why any European or American company provide the weapon systems for Chinese built ships? Weapon embargo still exist.

And if not, then who do the integration in this ship? who do the integration with CMS? who do the the integration with chinese Fire Control Radar? who do the various testings? who do the various weapons trials?
See C28A for Algeria. What counts is the end user. Built in China by China State Shipbuilding Corporation CSSC in its Hudong-Zhonghua shipyard in Shanghai, the C-28A's CSTC-supplied combat management system (CMS) is largely Chinese, with the exception of the Thales Smart-S Mk2, associated (four or so) multifunction operator consoles (MOC)/Tacticos cluster, Link Y datalinks, and associated consoles. Two navigation radars - an I-band (X-band) set and an E/F-band (S-band) set - that are thought to be Kelvin Hughes SharpEye radars.
C28A is an example of what you can do if you develop on the basis of F22P. Find a good VLS SAM for it, preferably IRH or ARH to cut back on sensors needed (Umkhonto, Iris-T, CAMM, VL Mica, etc) and presto. Even ESSM could be an option but would require one or more radar target illuminators.

So I wasn't wrong when i say C28A are mixed design of Azmat and F-22P right ?
See C28A for Algeria. What counts is the end user. Built in China by China State Shipbuilding Corporation CSSC in its Hudong-Zhonghua shipyard in Shanghai, the C-28A's CSTC-supplied combat management system (CMS) is largely Chinese, with the exception of the Thales Smart-S Mk2, associated (four or so) multifunction operator consoles (MOC)/Tacticos cluster, Link Y datalinks, and associated consoles. Two navigation radars - an I-band (X-band) set and an E/F-band (S-band) set - that are thought to be Kelvin Hughes SharpEye radars.

Smart S Mk.2 is volume search radar, not Fire Control Radar,

for greater situation awareness it must be integrated into CMS (like most of modern destroyers), but that is not necessity. But Fire Control Radar & weapon systems are must to be integrated with CMS.

And I am pretty sure there are no western weapon systems that integrated with Chinese CMS ( or with Chinese FCR ), or vice versa. Actually I am 100% sure.
well dont you guys have design rights to the f22p?
By 'you guys' I suppose you mean PN (I am Dutch, so it's not strictly speaking 'my' ship).

meaning you can build your own. why not simply design your own providing they have the money. the mk41 and the french vls is too big, the south africain vls is the perfect option, as its a reliable supplier. but the mica vls? im not so sure with france being india's bff. so the umkhonto is the ideal solution, besides it can be modified to fit a variety or missiles. the iris-t and the camm would be quiet expensive. the type 54a is a good ship but for its size and weapons packages you can fit that on to the f22p or a modified one quiet easily.

An 8 cell Mk41 measures 2.62m x 3.43m ('deck area). It is available in 3 lengths, the shortest of which is 5.3 m for the self-defense version, 6.8 m for the tactical version, and 7.7 m for the strike version.

For reference, the length of a Crotale missile (from which the HQ7/FM80/FM90 derive) is 2.35m. With an allowance for the container, that's pretty close to 2.62 (2 rows of 4 cells). Missile diameter is 0.165m. With an allowance for folded wings,for each missile containter, for the rack in which the container are placed, and for the turntable supports in which the rack sits you might well approach 3.43m. A depth of 5.3m is, what, 2 decks and a bit? See the Australian Perry/Adelaide class that received a Mk41 for ESSM

And should Mk41 single 8-cell block be too big, it also comes in Single Cell Launcher variant. Besides, for ESSM only, there is the compact Mk48/Mk56 VLS. One compact 6 cell unit can pack 12 ESSM.


Mod 1 (Dutch M frigate)

Mod 3 (Red cap, on Danish vessel) Mod 0 (grey on Canadian vessel)

Mod 2 on South Korean vessel

The Mod 3 has been fitted to ships as small as the SF300 patrol/attack cract of the Danish navy. Penetrated only 1 deck.

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