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"The Japanese see India as the land of Lord Buddha ,which is why they have a lot of respect for Indians"

The Japanese don't know about the real India.

The Japanese are educated,they know,my cousins are Taiwanese(mixed) and my uncle is an English professor in Taiwan ,they have many Japanese students in Taiwan ,my uncle tells Japanese or Taiwanese don't have good impression of India,everything associated with weird racist stereotype, squalor,poverty,crime and rape cases. Japanese don't want Indian immigrants at all. They all prefer east asian or south east asian immigrants if given a choice.

You will never find inperson Japanese nor even a netz talking kindly about lndia among themselves,the gov of Japan and Japanese public has total divergence ,like the gov of Japan is the representative of a different country not japanese civilians. Everything about India from skintone,culture to personal traits is opposite of what Japanese society revere.Japanese gov rules like a completely detached entity from civilian perspective,like it's the gov of a different state .

Also that Chinese are more likely to be tolerant of Indian shortcomings due to socialist policies,than a Japanese or Taiwanese;the other two has nazi like view against Indians.
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"the Japanese perceive Indians as bright, intelligent and belonging to the land of Lord Buddha. Therefore, assimilation of Indian workers in Japanese society would be comparatively easier".

Kinda embarrassing for a country of 1.4 billion with a proud ancient history.
If I forgot the Chinese language, then you Indians are slave to the English language in that you Indians love the foreign English so much that you people make it the first official language of your country. After all, I do live in North America where English is the dominant and official language there.
Your ignorance showing up.
English is not the first official language of my country, it is one of two official languages used, and is always printed second. The thought of the second printed language being the first official language can only occur in Fujian think.
Just for a silly young person making his debut into Internet communications, here is a quotation that may be of help.
Article 343 of the Constitution of India stated that the official language of the Union is Hindi in Devanagari script, with official use of English to continue for 15 years from 1947. Later, a constitutional amendment, The Official Languages Act, 1963, allowed for the continuation of English alongside Hindi in the Indian government indefinitely until legislation decides to change it

এতটা অবধি যখন এসেছিস, খোকন, বাকিটা বুঝতে দেরি হবে না নিশ্চয়।
Your ignorance showing up.
English is not the first official language of my country, it is one of two official languages used, and is always printed second. The thought of the second printed language being the first official language can only occur in Fujian think.
Just for a silly young person making his debut into Internet communications, here is a quotation that may be of help.

এতটা অবধি যখন এসেছিস, খোকন, বাকিটা বুঝতে দেরি হবে না নিশ্চয়।
Whether it's first or second official language, the fact still remains that you Indians love your former masters' language so much that you people make it the official language of your country, unheard of for a big and proud country with a long history of its own. Except for the minute first or second difference. And your country's constitution is written in a foreign English language too !
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You hubris Indians can brag of all the so called "greatness" of your cow piss drinking Hindu civilization you want. After all, Buddhism is a Nepalese creation and it was just one of the many schools of thoughts in China. Indeed, the famous and prominent Chinese monk Xuanzang (玄奘) in the Tang dynasty as characterized in the famous Chinese novel "Journey to the West" went to study Buddhism mainly in Pakistan, not India. Chinese martial art have nothing to do with you Indians, it was developed over many thousands of years by many Chinese. Get your dirty Indians' hands off China !
Umm, Buddhism is not a Nepalese creation. There is some controversy over where the Buddha was born, and the Nepalese vociferously claim that the ancient site of the place he was born lies in currently Nepalese territory. That's like saying that Chief Sitting Bull was born in a place now in Canada (he wasn't, but I'm trying to explain to a slow and ignorant young person; only imagery works with them).
Apparently you have neither read Xuanzang, nor the Journey to the West. All Xuanzang's investigations were in India as it is incorporated as a state today, except for a few weeks in the Gandhara country west of Peshawar. The rest, from Kashmir, and Jalandhara (Jalandhar) onwards, is entirely within what is today India.

Here is a reconstruction of his travels. If your geography is as good as your history, you might find that he had been in Pakistan. It has to be admitted that many Pakistanis also wish that what you see below were to have been In Pakistan.

What else?
Martial arts!
Ah, by all means cling on to a purely Chinese origin for the martial arts of China. There are numerous records in China about the Indian origin of these arts, but as you probably cannot read Chinese, better go with your brainwave of the moment.

For example History of Pakistan is not the history of India, Right?

Whether it's first or second official language, the fact still remains that you Indians love your former masters' language so much that you people make it the official language of your country, unheard of for a big and proud country with a long history of its own. Except for the minute first or second difference.
I see, So you can't read English as well.

What a pity. Especially as you do live in North America, where English is the dominant and official language there (sic).

And your country's constitutional is written in a foreign English language too !
Foolish young man, I quoted from the English version out of merciful feelings. It is written in Hindi.
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Umm, Buddhism is not a Nepalese creation. There is some controversy over where the Buddha was born, and the Nepalese vociferously claim that the ancient site of the place he was born lies in currently Nepalese territory. That's like saying that Chief Sitting Bull was born in a place now in Canada (he wasn't, but I'm trying to explain to a slow and ignorant young person; only imagery works with them).
Apparently you have neither read Xuanzang, nor the Journey to the West. All Xuanzang's investigations were in India as it is incorporated as a state today, except for a few weeks in the Gandhara country west of Peshawar. The rest, from Kashmir, and Jalandhara (Jalandhar) onwards, is entirely within what is today India.

Here is a reconstruction of his travels. If your geography is as good as your history, you might find that he had been in Pakistan. It has to be admitted that many Pakistanis also wish that what you see below were to have been In Pakistan.
View attachment 838050
What else?
Martial arts!
Ah, by all means cling on to a purely Chinese origin for the martial arts of China. There are numerous records in China about the Indian origin of these arts, but as you probably cannot read Chinese, better go with your brainwave of the moment.

Stop BS you arrogant and ignorant Indian, the "Journey to the West" novel is quite different from the actual path of Xuanzang. You Indians like the Koreans like to claim that you people created the universe just as your claim that Buddha is Indian, LOL. Chinese martial arts are the product of many thousands years of many Chinese everyday physical practices evolution, long before any monk of Indian origin ever showed up in China. One monk of Indian origin practised some form of martial art in China got recorded in the past doesn't constitute that you Indians created Chinese martial arts, period. Then, why there are no Indian martial arts similar to the Chinese martial arts ever existed or practised in India as we know, you Indians are indeed jokers to claim that you people created Chinese martial arts, LMAO.
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Stop BS you arrogant and ignorant Indian, the "Journey to the West" novel is quite different from the actual path of Xuanzang. You Indians like the Koreans like to claim that you people created the universe just as your claim that Buddha is Indian, LOL. Chinese martial art is the product of many thousands years of many Chinese everyday physical practices evolution. One monk of Indian origin practised some form of martial art in China got recorded in the past doesn't constitute that you Indians created Chinese martial arts, period. Then, why there are no Indian martial arts similar to the Chinese martial arts ever existed or practised in India as we know, you Indians are indeed a jokers to claim that you people created Chinese martial art, LMAO.
Indians created every thing, they are msters of the universe the sooner you realize the better.
Umm, Buddhism is not a Nepalese creation. There is some controversy over where the Buddha was born, and the Nepalese vociferously claim that the ancient site of the place he was born lies in currently Nepalese territory. That's like saying that Chief Sitting Bull was born in a place now in Canada (he wasn't, but I'm trying to explain to a slow and ignorant young person; only imagery works with them).
Apparently you have neither read Xuanzang, nor the Journey to the West. All Xuanzang's investigations were in India as it is incorporated as a state today, except for a few weeks in the Gandhara country west of Peshawar. The rest, from Kashmir, and Jalandhara (Jalandhar) onwards, is entirely within what is today India.

Here is a reconstruction of his travels. If your geography is as good as your history, you might find that he had been in Pakistan. It has to be admitted that many Pakistanis also wish that what you see below were to have been In Pakistan.
View attachment 838050
What else?
Martial arts!
Ah, by all means cling on to a purely Chinese origin for the martial arts of China. There are numerous records in China about the Indian origin of these arts, but as you probably cannot read Chinese, better go with your brainwave of the moment.


I see, So you can't read English as well.

What a pity. Especially as you do live in North America, where English is the dominant and official language there (sic).

Foolish young man, I quoted from the English version out of merciful feelings. It is written in Hindi.
You arrogant stupid Indian have all the time to twist around the meanings and facts, "your country's constitution is also written in English language" as you have shown in the your previous post, what is your fuss and problem ? Oh yeah, Chinese have the IQ of only 82 that it's hard to understand your Hindi English that you pride so much in front of your white masters !

quoted from Wikipedia on your India's constutition :

Each member signed two copies of the constitution, one in Hindi and the other in English. The original constitution is hand-written, with each page decorated by artists from Shantiniketan including Beohar Rammanohar Sinha and Nandalal Bose. Its calligrapher was Prem Behari Narain Raizada.
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Japanese only respect whites, they don't even respect themselves.

View attachment 837852

Kaju Sugiura the admiral of Japanese navy and teacher of emperor Hirohito highlighted a Japanese doctrine in social Darwinian view in terms of conflict between white race led by European/American and yellow race led by Japan.

"There are only 2 of the 7 common racial groups that have formed powerful states and possess advanced civilization.
From the arrival of Vasco da gama in 15th century to the advent of WWI ,is shown as an attempt by white race to overpower the yellow race,Saem is nominally independent,but it obviously has no actual power;although china is a large country ,due to meany years of internal strife the Chinese lack the power to unite as a state and thus utterly incapable of competing with the forces of the white race.In the East,the Japanese empire alone has been able to deter the western imperial invasion in the East.

Viewed in this way , world history is the history of the rivalry & confrontation between the yellow and white races."
This doctrine is still so true,just that China replaced Japan as the leading figure in the confrontation between white & yellow race.

China for millenniums, had been a shadow civilization of India. They can approximate Buddha too. They claim the martial art bought to China by Indian prince Bodhi Dhama.
Do u even realize there was no such thing as India back then if you look at the map? there was more than a dozen nations in the region? The region had no actual appeal or influence culturally or politically ? It wasn't known for high attributes or development ? Just a bunch of south asian civilization states ?

I can assure you, no bats.

You are safe with us.
You are more likely to find those in India rather than China.

Because the viral images of Chinese eating bats as reported by western media are actually not from China but Palau.
Bat soup is palau speciality.





Indian always peddling a narrative of irony.

Indians were "partner of crime" in that the Indians supported Japanese war of WW II in Asia even toda, they have the opinion that Japanese were merely "liberating" Asians from the whites, but in reality, the Japanese were most savage and they were more than ten times worse than the white colonizers, indeed the Indian judge had the moral audacity to side with the WW II war criminals of Japan at the international criminal court in Tokyo, the only country in the court to do so. .

Since u have such high moral standard why didn't you demanded accountability for warcrime from both sides of the war-US,CHINA,UK etc instead of just Japanese side?
Or is it supposed to be like only the victorious side can walk away free of any accountability?
Not saying that the Japanese didn't commit war crimes but you mean the allied side which won due to higher rate of death and destruction upon the Japanese , was totally the side with ZERO war criminals?
What a self-serving hypocrisy.

BTW the Indian wasn't alone ,many prominent figures from the allied side said the whole thing was a hypocritical sham.Eveyone
knew it was just a sham .




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