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The Iraqi Armed Forces

What do you think of Iraq cooperating with Jordan?
You know that is confusing question they are so different in economy and education Iraq have strong corruption even in government I heard that upgraded tank was militia work not army I don't think it is possible today but on future sure
They can seek local production with assistance from many countries, including Russia, Ukraine etc. That's not the problem. Iraq has been in a constant stage of war since the new army was formed in 2003, and they had to prepare for each one of those. The post 2004 low-level insurgency, the 2006-2008 civil war, the 2014-2018 ISIS war. There was simply no room to invest for local production plans of large projects.

Kafeel tank is an effort of the PMU military industry not the army, they're for PMU units.
They can seek local production with assistance from many countries, including Russia, Ukraine etc. That's not the problem. Iraq has been in a constant stage of war since the new army was formed in 2003, and they had to prepare for each one of those. The post 2004 low-level insurgency, the 2006-2008 civil war, the 2014-2018 ISIS war. There was simply no room to invest for local production plans of large projects.

Kafeel tank is an effort of the PMU military industry not the army, they're for PMU units.
Aren't the groups the PMU are fighting armed with ATGMs? This honestly won't be able to take even an older generation At-3.
Aren't the groups the PMU are fighting armed with ATGMs? This honestly won't be able to take even an older generation At-3.

Even the Iraqi M1A1M Abrams can't take the new generation of ATGM's well which IS has in some quantities. They could've pushed for local production of T90MS perhaps even, the problem is finance. Whilst Iraq is very rich money somehow is short, maybe corruption or maybe the high need for money in other sectors such as electricity and mainly reconstruction of Mosul, Ramadi, Fallujah etc.

Iraq has planned its tank inventory in several levels for the short-term given the restricted availability of money.

With the tier 1 level tanks being the Abrams and T90's, followed by T72's and the Kafeel tank providing PMU with armored mobile heavy strike capability for which otherwise they'd have to rely on the army 9th division. T90, M1 Abrams or Kafeel tank. It won't make that much difference when it comes to fighting a group like IS.

For anti-tank capability Iraq currently relies on its tanks, ATGW and air assets (Su-25's, helicopters etc.) It fills the gap and allows other sectors to be developed, including air defense (S-400 perhaps). It will take many years as arms are expensive, but it's unlikely we will see a tank inventory like during Saddam's regime with 6000 or even 1000 tanks. A more realistic push is to 600 tanks.

When it comes to effective anti-tank weapons I believe Iraq should upgrade its existing SU-25's to the newest, they'd be a capable tank destroyer.
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Even the Iraqi M1A1M Abrams can't take the new generation of ATGM's well which IS has in some quantities. They could've pushed for local production of T90MS perhaps even, the problem is finance. Whilst Iraq is very rich money somehow is short, maybe corruption or maybe the high need for money in other sectors such as electricity and mainly reconstruction of Mosul, Ramadi, Fallujah etc.

Iraq has planned its tank inventory in several levels for the short-term given the restricted availability of money.

With the tier 1 level tanks being the Abrams and T90's, followed by T72's and the Kafeel tank providing PMU with armored mobile heavy strike capability for which otherwise they'd have to rely on the army 9th division. T90, M1 Abrams or Kafeel tank. It won't make that much difference when it comes to fighting a group like IS.

For anti-tank capability Iraq currently relies on its tanks, ATGW and air assets (Su-25's, helicopters etc.) It fills the gap and allows other sectors to be developed, including air defense (S-400 perhaps). It will take many years as arms are expensive, but it's unlikely we will see a tank inventory like during Saddam's regime with 6000 or even 1000 tanks. A more realistic push is to 600 tanks.

When it comes to effective anti-tank weapons I believe Iraq should upgrade its existing SU-25's to the newest, they'd be a capable tank destroyer.
Iraq should cooperate with Ukraine to assemble ATGMs in house. Agree?
They already do, but they haven't been mass produced.

Iraq also produces Russian ATAKA guided missiles locally for its attack helicopters
Really?? Can you give me a link?
Great I thought Iraq Military industry was destroyed after war and not reborn
Really?? Can you give me a link?
Great I thought Iraq Military industry was destroyed after war and not reborn

My Arabic reading skills aren't that good, you can find it or ask it on that iraqimilitary forum. Such news is also over the years posted on the monthly MoD released Khaima magazine.

Items that are being produced locally are often artillery shells, mortar shells, bombs (unguided), rockets etc.
My Arabic reading skills aren't that good, you can find it or ask it on that iraqimilitary forum. Such news is also over the years posted on the monthly MoD released Khaima magazine.

Items that are being produced locally are often artillery shells, mortar shells, bombs (unguided), rockets etc.
Needed productions

My Arabic reading skills aren't that good
Me too :woot:
Can you read any Arabic? I learned how a couple years back but speaking and grammar are difficult for me.
So low you know that I'm born in Iran Tehran and I always used Farsi at this moment I'm in a little community who speaks Farsi in Turkmenistan and still speak Farsi in majority times I just speak Brocken Arabic with my father and mother

Can you read any Arabic? I learned how a couple years back but speaking and grammar are difficult for me.
Arabic is one of hardest language for who speak English from first day
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