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The Iraqi Armed Forces

the news for upgrading the T-72 being for awhile. Those tanks we should buy from eastern Europe. But I thought they already left this idea?.
the news for upgrading the T-72 being for awhile. Those tanks we should buy from eastern Europe. But I thought they already left this idea?.

Quote from DJ eliott

Minimum number of tanks needed by IA for 1 Armor and 7 Mech Divs that are the minimum planned ATT is: 1,470.
If they are building to the 11 heavy Divs [3 Arm/8 Mech] then you are looking at 2,135 tanks.
Not including any tanks you give to your motorized/infantry Divs.
Current number of tanks in the IA is ~350.

Iraq cannot afford to buy 1100-1800 tanks at the pricetag of M1A1/T90/T84/T80/T64/Challenger/Leopard or any other of the better tanks - they cost too much.
Which means the IA is going to have to go with a 2 tier system:
Most of the tanks being used/cheap low-end T72s with an incountry Iraqi done upgrades. Probably the Mech Divs: 1,225-1400 tanks.
With a high-end strike force of M1A1s. Probably the Armor Divs: 315-805. [Number skewed because 56th Bde is expected to get 2 M1A1 Rgts - Preatorian.]
Iraq cannot afford all high-end armor. It is not in the budget. The only country that might 'give' Iraq any tanks is the US via EDA and so far that is only 6 tanks with Iraq paying for the refurb...

They rejected T90 due to Russia itself rejecting more aswell, it has issues.
The T72 you can read about in the quote ^^.
A T72 facility would be more useful for Iraq to train on and head on its way to develop upgrades and tanks themselves more than the T72 itself, which is an outdated piece of weaponry.

They are already doing this kind of engineering work already, the Czech facility will allow them to do more.



It indeed would be better to go for around ~500-800 Abrams instead of 1200+, too expensive. Develop tank programs on their own in the mean time as we will try not to get in a conventional war any time soon.
Numbers of armed forces active fighting forces
Last years report from Minister of Defence gave:

250.000 Army including AAC/ADC, numbers will grow ( new equipments tanks/IFV, artillery ).
3000 Army Air Aviation Command with plan for ~10,000
2000 Air Defence Command with plan for ~12,000
4000 Navy/Marines with plan for 10,000.
6000 Air force command with plan for 12,000.
10.000 ISOF ( special forces ), part of the SF is comparable to the former republican guard tasks.

Numbers above do not include reserve forces, reserve forces still not formed.
MoD is looking to increase the total manpower to around 400.000.

Ministry of interior counts 900.000 to 1 million troops of which mostly regular Iraqi police and a smaller number of federal/military police.
MoD requests the US several air defences

40 Avenger Fire Units
681 FIM-92H Block I Stinger Reprogrammable Micro-Processor (RMP) missiles used for the Avenger.
3 HAWK XXI Batteries (6 Fire Units).
216 MIM-23P Hawk Tactical Missiles
+ ( some other systems part of the HAWK )

13 AN/MPQ-64F1 Sentinel medium-range radars
7 AN/YSQ-184D Forward Area Air Defense Command, Control, and Intelligence (FAAD C2I) Systems

The DSCA also acknowledges that the Integrated Air Defense Systems includes Lockheed Martin’s TPS-77 Long-Range Radars (the radars already ordered and in place), 10 Medium Range Radars, and the Air Command and Control System.

long range radar Phased array ( 400 km )
10 have been ordered in total, a few already in service.
configuration is something like this..


Hawk XXI (Hawk 21)

The Hawk XXI or Hawk-21 is a more advanced, and more compact version of Hawk PIP-3 upgrade. Hawk-XXI basically eliminates the PAR and CWAR radars with the introduction of 3D MPQ-64 Sentinel radars. Norway's Kongsberg Company provides an FDC (Fire Distribution Center) as it is used in NASAMS system in Norway. The missiles are upgraded MIM-23K standard with an improved blast-fragmentation warhead that creates a larger lethal zone. The system is also effective against short range tactical ballistic missiles.
A MPQ-61 HIPIR radar provides low altitude and local area radar coverage as well as continuous wave radar illumination for the MIM-23K Hawk missilles.

Good start, though an old system.

Hope for an S300 version within the Russian deals to take the real air defence.
based on old system configuration though this seems to be the latest upgrade of the configuration..not bad.
Since Iraq is rebuilding its military from nothing this is actually good since all other countries still have a lot of old equipment in storage.
Once more advanced equipment is purchased they can move these to 2nd option or storage, we have a lot to buy.
From Iraqi military forum
من داخل مصانع منظومة البانتسير . العمل جاري على قدم وساق لتجهيز الصفقة العراقية
Russia working on Iraqi pantsirs







800 Kornet-E ATGM missiles for Iraq in the Russian deal according to a news article from Russia.

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