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The importance of Syria for Iran .

thanks ... so you are at Hanbali Mad'hab !?

but actually , all those Mad'habs have signification difference between each other .... for example , Hanafi believe in using rational ( حسن و قبح عقل ) in their Fatwa but Hanbali only believe in Hadith and Sunnah and Quran and don't using rational/wisdom ( حسن و قبح عقلی ) in their fatwa .....

forgive me , but saying they have tiny difference is just like saying Alavi and Twelver shia only have some little difference ( and it is ridiculous !!! )

well , lets finish this here ..... actually , I can understand your view much better .... ( and I should say understanding is not mean that I accept it )

All Sunni branches take Quraan and Sunnah as their only references, and they all have the very same bases (usul) and differences in interpretation of branches (foro) and they are all correct. Unlike Sunnah and Shia which have deep differences in the bases (usul). I hope you get it now.


Differences in the Schools

[/SIZE][/COLOR]Interpreting Islamic law by deriving specific rulings - such as how to pray - is known as fiqh, commonly termed jurisprudence. A madh'hab is a particular tradition of interpreting this jurisprudence. These schools possess different focuses, such as specific evidence (Shafi'i and Hanbali) or general principles (Hanafi and Maliki) derived from specific evidences. As these schools represent clearly spelled out methodologies for interpreting Islamic law, there has been little change in the methodology with regard to each school. All four madh'habs are recognised viable legal schools and are not seen as in error in contrast to one another, each school has their evidences and differences are respected as being Ikhtilaf; this is because all the schools are united upon the usul (base) issues but generally differ on furu' (branches).
As the social and economic environment changes, new rulings are derived - this is known as Ijtihad - this can be from a Mujtahid who specialises in one or more Madh'habs. For example, when tobacco appeared, it was considered disliked because of its smell. When medical information showed that smoking was dangerous, most jurists took the view that it is forbidden. Current issues include social topics such as downloading pirated software and scientific issues such as cloning.
Syria is our Redline

I am not supporting Assad ...

they need changes , but peaceful changes ...

we don't need another wahhabi country in middle east ...

but at last ... Iran is the winner ...

no offence Turkish & Arab bros ...

this is reality ...

Iran is next on the red list.. Lol. This is reality.
@ thefreesyrian ...

can you say you are on which branch of Sunni !?

Hanafi !?
Maliki !?
Shafi'i !?
Hanbali !?

Wahbabi/Salafi !?


actually all these branch have different view ... I want know what you believe in it !?

@ thefreesyrian ...

can you say you are on which branch of Sunni !?

Hanafi !?
Maliki !?
Shafi'i !?
Hanbali !?

Wahbabi/Salafi !?


actually all these branch have different view ... I want know what you believe in it !?

Sunni = Salafi !

Salafism holds that the Qur'an, the Hadith and the consensus (ijma) of approved scholarship (ulama) along with the understanding of the Salaf us-salih as being sufficient guidance for the Muslim. As the Salafi da'wa is a methodology and not a madh'hab in fiqh as commonly misunderstood, Salafis can come from the Maliki, Shafi'i, Hanbali or the Hanafi schools of Sunni jurisprudence and accept teaching of all four if supported by clear and authenticated evidence from the Sunnah. They support qualified scholars to engage in ijtihad in the face of a clear evidence be it from Qur'an of Hadeeth as opposed to total blind imitation (taqlid) if he is qualified. Their views in theology are based on the Athari creed as opposed to engaging in kalam, dialectics or any form of speculative philosophy.
there is one difference between syria and bahrain
In Bahrain nobody send armed tugs there to make discord , but in Syria some other country issue passport to heaven .

another difference is n Syria asad is ready to held a free election to show all the world who is the man that Syrian wants but the FSA said no we don't want election Asad must go and then we must come to power. on other hand in Bahrain no one ever offered something that even remotely looked like a free election .

when foreign mercenary fight against another country government , then it's not freedom that they seek their mtivation is something far more sinister

I don't know what funny stuff you are smoking but Assad claiming that he will hold FREE ELECTIONS is like a MURDERER claiming he will hold fair trial against himself. Let Assad step down and an Independent party hold free elections and that would be acceptable to Syrian people. Remember 70% of Syrians are Sunni Muslims and they detest Bashar Al Assad.
Guess no one has read the thread , I can see everything except the answers of my questions here .

Hope the guys that have the power of closing the threads , do it here .
Sunni = Salafi

Where you find it in my post !?

anyway , Salafi idea is closer to Hanbali mad'hab more than others ...
and it begun to become like a Mad'hab ( thanks to some obvious support from Al Saud ) between Sunnis ....

well , my English isn't good enough to discuss about complex issue .... so let finish it here ...
Genuin Shia muslims like Ja'afaris in respect of principles of islam and iman(faith) closer toAlawites or Sunnis..?
Who want to admit that reality?

Most of Alawite sects dont worship daily obligated prayers , dont hold ramadan, not accept zakat, hajj, hijab etc..
Many Alawite authorities says that Alawite have nothing to do with Shias..Shias closer to Sunnis...Shias-Sunnis are the same for us.
In turkey the society which had most opposed Islamic revolution iran was Alawite while most of sunnis saluted the revolution.
i dont mean alawites should be regarded as non islam society..Such ideas totally fault and strictly must be avoided..

It is clear that the foreign policy that Iran conducts not accordince with neither islam nor shiia....

So it is totaly a dirty politics that trying to be hiden under Shia cover by Persian nationalist and racists..

We are ready, but west can not. west doesn`t know our power.

Oh, come on. Iran is no match to the US. Iran's whole military and industrial infrastructure could be destroyed within one month.

The US could challenge the whole world and still win that fight. You think Iran is something different?
Oh, come on. Iran is no match to the US. Iran's whole military and industrial infrastructure could be destroyed within one month.

The US could challenge the whole world and still win that fight. You think Iran is something different?

yes, we are different. we defeated iraq in iran-iraq war. East(USSR) and west(USA,UK,France, Germany,Italy and other) supported iraq, but we won. we fought with Germany , UK chemical weopens, with france mirage and super etendard, with MiG and Sukhoi of USSR, with T-72 tanks, with spy orbits of USA and USSR, with exocet anti ship missile and ............ . but at last iraq lost.
USA has powerful and modern army, but we know that how engage with them.
Our software in region could (and can) defeat zionist regime in 3 wars. if you study about iran-iraq war then confirm my opinion that IRAN is different. disussion about this matter is very good for me, you and others. :yes4:
ya ali.
yes, we are different. we defeated iraq in iran-iraq war. East(USSR) and west(USA,UK,France, Germany,Italy and other) supported iraq, but we won. we fought with Germany , UK chemical weopens, with france mirage and super etendard, with MiG and Sukhoi of USSR, with T-72 tanks, with spy orbits of USA and USSR, with exocet anti ship missile and ............ . but at last iraq lost.
USA has powerful and modern army, but we know that how engage with them.
Our software in region could (and can) defeated zionist regime in 3 wars. if you study about iran-iraq war then confirm my opinion that IRAN is different. disussion about this matter is very good for me, you and others. :yes4:
ya ali.

Iran defeated Iraq? BS. Yes, we defeated them in the first two years in the war, but then we couldn't conquer any significant lands in Iraq. It was a draw, and no side won.

The US defeated Iraq within weeks.

You are a air force men, consider you name, so you probably know that our air force is no match to the US. When F-22's and F-15's are patrolling Iranian sky, you would know what I mean. We could damage some ships in the Persian Gulf, but no more than that. And the regime knows it. When the Americans begin marching, the world is shivering.
Iran defeated Iraq? BS. Yes, we defeated them in the first two years in the war, but then we couldn't conquer any significant lands in Iraq. It was a draw, and no side won.

The US defeated Iraq within weeks.

You are a air force men, consider you name, so you probably know that our air force is no match to the US. When F-22's and F-15's are patrolling Iranian sky, you would know what I mean. We could damage some ships in the Persian Gulf, but no more than that. And the regime knows it. When the Americans begin marching, the world is shivering.

I think everyone posting BS here including you Surenas which is normal . As long as I remember this thread isn't about Iran Iraq war or religion and ...

About your opinion , I doubt if you've read the Iran-Iraq war history . Altough I agree both countries were losers cos Iran got behind for at least 20 years . while we could use the energy of our revolution to build our country and advance double faster an unwanted war came and destroyed it meanwhile a country like Turkey was building it's industry and economy . There was no win or lose in that war but if you take a look in the history you'll get it was Iran attacked Fav Island and had an operation to take basarh city which was unsuccessful and the Iranians were preparing for another operation but the US started the direct war to put pressure on Iran which made Iran to accept 598 in UN.
I think everyone posting BS here including you Surenas which is normal . As long as I remember this thread isn't about Iran Iraq war or religion and ...

About your opinion , I doubt if you've read the Iran-Iraq war history . Altough I agree both countries were losers cos Iran got behind for at least 20 years . while we could use the energy of our revolution to build our country and advance double faster an unwanted war came and destroyed it meanwhile a country like Turkey was building it's industry and economy . There was no win or lose in that war but if you take a look in the history you'll get it was Iran attacked Fav Island and had an operation to take basarh city which was unsuccessful and the Iranians were preparing for another operation that the US start a direct war to put pressure on Iran which made Iran to accept 598 in UN.

Ouch, you are hurting our feelings :cheesy:
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