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The importance of Syria for Iran .

constant threat ? Hey man , look why we've had that for 3 decades and you don't have ? both countries are Muslims and our Islam has just 1 way . If we're gong the same way why you don't have that ?

I just wanna hear that from you dude . ( I don't let myself to judge other countries that easily you did )

extreme nationalists ? living far away from realities ? You are first so far from the reality In Iran cos if you were an Iranian and had lost a member of your family because of the western's dirty politics and benefits and had seen them trying to take your country down for almost 4 decades then wouldn't have opened that big mouth like that and . However you need to know that all the Shias are nationalists and do care about their country , beliefs and ... and if those shias be Iranians it will be 2 times more .

You know such people like Surenas or the ones trying to be a liberal Iranian haven't done the sh*it for the country . none of these guys talking about Iran , It's pride and these stuffs even dared to take part in ran-Iraq war and just stood behind and kept trolling and dreaming .

Yeah, why Iran is under a constant threat while the other 60 Muslim countries are fine? Stop playing the victim and open your eyes. Your regime is also responsible from all of this.

If i were an Iranian, i would oppose the injustice and cruel sanctions of West on medication like you are doing, but i would also oppose the regime's injustice executions and oppressions on opposition. So you can not blame people like Surenas for not doing anything for Iran, while they would got arrested if they ever enter Iran.

Yet, you are insulting him and saying him, "none of the Iranians are counting you as human"...

Btw, my sympathy and condolonces to the member and his family who lost their father.
Oh, of course. It has probably to do with the fact that those mullahs have destroyed the image of Iran and Iranian abroad, which has resulted in Iranians who try hardly to show others that they aren't fanatics, that they are strong and intelligent. Its of course counterproductive if you consider the men who try to show that image of Iran on such forums. People like Soheil, Soorn3a and Shahin Vatani are only validating that image.

You're absolutely right. But the Iranians are more extreme in this one. Just look at that ridiculous 'Iranmilitaryforum', where the biggest idiots have gathered. Turks are IMO at least more rational.

What image you're talking about man ? Do you like they call us their friends , allies , Persians , cultural and ... like before the revolution and looting our country respectably ?

If the mullahs give up today and kis$ their balls the west call them and the whole Iranians like before the revolution .

We don't need their respect man . Most of the Americans and westerns even haven't read 1 page about Iran and Iranians . All their judgements is based on what their media says . You must be a fool to care about their blind judgments while those European and American's support took at least 300000 of our people in Ian-Iraq war . You again must be a fool t forget that its them , want war , slavery and Colonization . The image of Europeans after burning the world 2 times , killing more than 100 millions of people in 2 world wars haven't been destroyed , the image of the Americans after bombing half of the world's countries and nuking those innocent Japanese haven't been destroyed . BUT the image of our innocent country and people who didn't want to live under the western's balls , who wanted to e independent , who wanted an Islamic system and elected that , who wanted to build their country and who have been under attack for almost 4 decades while they even haven't started any war for 250 years in their history and they've been the victims of war and colonization themselves have been destroyed ?

Are you sure you're living on the earth ? I know that you're not in Iran but I gonna doubt if you live in the earth cos you're totally off .

Seems you're a UFO trying to get information .

Surenas , Its enough here , people have eyes and judge us . don't ruin the thread more than that

Ḥashshāshīn;3731798 said:
You are right, I read some posts saying Iran can destroy all of US, Nato and Israel at once :lol:

Show me please if an Iranian have said that or its again a Troll like what your friends have been doing for hours .

Mullah propaganda can do strange things with men. :D

Tired of your trolls
Let's hope it is not like that.

I hope the silence of Iranian people is because of the regime's pressure and they are waiting for the right time to raise their voice so that they can enjoy the freedom and prosperity they deserved.

I'm not 100% percent pro system or against it man . You can see my posts always mention we have lots of problems here which have to be solve or they give a golden chance to the system's enemies to take it down .

Iran is suffering many problems , like our crazy president who is absolutely extremist in foreign policy and a shi*t in our economy however he's done good things too . Our educational system is a shi*t too and as a university student can feel the lacks which cause on our industry , Labor market and has brought unemployment for educated people and brain drain . we also have problem in our economy cos Iran has become a user . farming was almost destroyed by encouraging the villagers leaving their villages and giving a free ground in major cities after the revolution . I think our next president won't have any similarity to the current one and hope he has some plan to improve them .

Oh, absolutely. Most Iranians still want reforms or regime changes. We are not hating the west, not even Israel or the US. We want to have good ties with everyone, whether Christians or muslims. If you want to have a real image of Iran, please read all those trip reports. Most Iranians are sick and tired of their regime, telling them what to do and how to live. How can humans live like that?

you're sure surenas ? most Iranians ? or most rich people living in the north of Tehran ?

Most Iranians are Muslims and still support the Islamic system not the current government ( There is a big difference between the system and current government which is called the 10th government )

In our last election most people thought all those people came to the streets were against the system while they hated Ahmadinejad like me and were tired of him ( not denying that the opponents of the Islamic system were among them and tried to show people were against the whole system ) , but lying here is crazy surenas , many people like you that are living outside post BS while you are not even allowed to do that cos you're not counted as Iranians while you're living abroad all your life .
My mate..it is because of hard censorship by regime. any citizen cant dare to critisize regime on internet in Iran..it risk of imprisonment for years or being executed..

Any slightly opposition againist regime regarded as hostility...no respect no mercy for any kind of thoughts and opinions..there is zero freedom of stetament and press...Iran and North Korea are the most oppresive regime in the world..comunist China relatively to Iran very more a free country..i had been in both country many times and i may go next year again...China getting more free country while Iran become more oppresive..

This is why increasing of druge use, prostitutions, corruptions public order are about to uncontrollable in Iran..
in 80s and 90s Iran was more fair than the current situation..

moreover, many people outside think iran society bbecame more religous after islamic revolution...whereas the real case is opposite..Iran society by their sipirutal was more religous in the times of Shah..Because of hard oppressions on behalf islam by regime society graudally moved away from religion..

Only by intelligence, police,pasdar and basij forces regime cannot control irani people for a more long time..
so there is two probablities..........
either regime will divide by itself to fractions or there will be a graet public revolt that could cause a new revolution..

who the hell are you to judge Iran ? ( I agree with you in some points but I ensure you there is no freedom in he world , Even in the US that the Hollywood trying to show as a liberated country there is no sign of that , same in Iran , Same in Turkey , Same in European countries . If you take step against the government , you'll be punished . )
I'm not 100% percent pro system or against it man . You can see my posts always mention we have lots of problems here which have to be solve or they give a golden chance to the system's enemies to take it down .

Iran is suffering many problems , like our crazy president who is absolutely extremist in foreign policy and a shi*t in our economy however he's done good things too . Our educational system is a shi*t too and as a university student can feel the lacks which cause on our industry , Labor market and has brought unemployment for educated people and brain drain . we also have problem in our economy cos Iran has become a user . farming was almost destroyed by encouraging the villagers leaving their villages and giving a free ground in major cities after the revolution . I think our next president won't have any similarity to the current one and hope he has some plan to improve them .

I wish the best for Iran and its people, that is why i'm critizing its regime. Because, in my opinion, the best bet for Iranian people is to get rid of its regime and enjoy democracy, where people like you, who is in favor of Islamic system can continue to exercise their religions freely, and where those who are against it would no longer be forced to shape their lifes according to other's beliefs. I don't need to be Iranian or live in Iran to know the fact that there are many people who are against that system.

What are you studying by the way?
Some of you Iranians need to learn how to act like a humanbeing and how to make a civilized conversation.

It was my reaction to your degrading post about Turkey.

So next time, do not try to show it as if it should surprise anyone in international forums, if you do then prepare for mocking/reaction. A democratic, secular country like Turkey with great potentials, with strong infrastructure and economy, surpassing a Theocratic, Totalitarian, Police State whose economy is highly depentent on oil.

If you have a hard time on digesting this post, this time refrain from insulting and read it slowly once again.

Hey dude , I didn't write about Turkey just mentioned they were building their economy during Iran-Iraq war but your response wasn't matched with that and seemed like mocking as we're used to see that in your countrymen posts .

I appreciate your will which brought your strong economy but again making troll about Iran's potential is BS cos there is no need to say Iran has the most potential in science and development in west Asia not just ME and if we're right here its just half of our power cos you can see brain drain and thousands of our talents are leaving Iran and are in charge of important positions in the US and other European countries . And its good to see our science rank in the last 15 years to see how its going up .

Our economy is based on oil but fortunately the west's pressure will make the mullahs to think about that and you need to know the most important plan in Iran is to end depending on oil by 2025 ( a 20 years plan ) .

I don't have hard time for digesting that cos I can see hope among our youth who haven't sold their souls to the westerns and Americans and never forget that shia lives with hope and that's why we haven't been silent in the history .
Yeah, why Iran is under a constant threat while the other 60 Muslim countries are fine? Stop playing the victim and open your eyes. Your regime is also responsible from all of this.

If i were an Iranian, i would oppose the injustice and cruel sanctions of West on medication like you are doing, but i would also oppose the regime's injustice executions and oppressions on opposition. So you can not blame people like Surenas for not doing anything for Iran, while they would got arrested if they ever enter Iran.

Yet, you are insulting him and saying him, "none of the Iranians are counting you as human"...

Btw, my sympathy and condolonces to the member and his family who lost their father.

1.other 60 countries ? you mean Saudi Arabia , Qatar , Jordan , Emirates , Egypt , Kuwait , Azerbaijan and nowadays Turkey ? Its clear cos they're just Muslim in appearance , Islam never says stay silent against justice and cooperate with them . those Muslim countries tried to find the Islam's way but every time there was a big hand pressing them to the ground . You can't see the remains of Islam in their governors ( not their people ) except some betrayer puppets . The point about Surenas is BS cos the government has no problem with regular people its just the leaders of the groups opposing the system .

2.Its the truth man , All he does is opposing Iran and we've seen these people and what they've done for the country after the revolution , even before that . You'd better do your business instead of acting like a nosy poker cos none of the Iranians forget their lost because of the West's politics and now this gentleman judging 80 million people while he's been totally influenced by the west's media .

3.Thanks , but that doesn't change the fact , and you can't except their families , friends and whoever knew them to forget that or betray them and their purpose and that's one of the reasons the system has not fallen cos it's been built by our martyrs' blood .
I wish the best for Iran and its people, that is why i'm critizing its regime. Because, in my opinion, the best bet for Iranian people is to get rid of its regime and enjoy democracy, where people like you, who is in favor of Islamic system can continue to exercise their religions freely, and where those who are against it would no longer be forced to shape their lifes according to other's beliefs. I don't need to be Iranian or live in Iran to know the fact that there are many people who are against that system.

What are you studying by the way?

Thanks , These discussions usually happen and people don't have same idea but I respect you .

I study Civil engineer .
Dude, Creationism sucks. Why would a supreme deity support one group over another. Stick to education, science and economy. Don't waste your time with secterian bull crap. Iran needs confucious not Ayotollahs.
Thanks , These discussions usually happen and people don't have same idea but I respect you .

I study Civil engineer .

Of course, people do not have to agree with this idea but there are actually lots of people who are agreeing with it. The regime must show some respect to the rights of those people and stop dictating them how to live and how to think.
But unfortunetely, they don't. That is where the source of the problem is.
Yes , Iran needs some changes in the system but I still agree with ayatollah .

lol no you don't

You're just saving face and trying to show your love for the country. It's admirable, but plz don't lie. All you're doing is confusing people here.

The mullahs in Iran don't even have the support of people within the regime, let alone the avg Joe on the street.
lol no you don't

You're just saving face and trying to show your love for the country. It's admirable, but plz don't lie. All you're doing is confusing people here.

The mullahs in Iran don't even have the support of people within the regime, let alone the avg Joe on the street.

People have no problem with Islamic system which is called mullahs by some guys like Surenas living in Amsterdam or you have been living in Canada since your childhood .

I'm not confusing anyone here . all I say is that most people agree with the Islamic system and the evidence is that 80% of Iranians voted the Islamic System in last election . I'm living in Tehran , The Opponents are just in Tehran (not the whole city , at most 50% ) and some small groups in other major cities that don't want the Islamic system ( not meaning Ahmadinejad government ) . And I ensure everyone if the Islamic system ( mullahs ) didn't have a strong base amongst people they'd have fallen decades ago .

Abii , brother , you're just sitting thousands of kilometers away from Iran and all your sources are YouTube , balatarin , BBC , VOA and ... all on the net . You should be among people to see what they say or think .. Most want the Islamic system with changes not changing the whole system and bringing a Western liberal or Secular system . I just ask the ones living inside Iran to reply this post to tell others what is really going on in Iranians' minds .
People have no problem with the Islamic system? Haha, what a joke!

From poor people to rich people, most hate this backward system. And don't tell me this 'you live in Amsterdam' bullsh!t, because most of my family members still live in Iran, I travel to Iran and I have many friends who are living in Iran.
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