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The importance of Syria for Iran .

Oh, of course. It has probably to do with the fact that those mullahs have destroyed the image of Iran and Iranian abroad, which has resulted in Iranian who try hardly to show others that they aren't fanatics, that they are strong and intelligent. Its of course counterproductive if you consider the men who try to show that image of Iran on such forums. People like Soheil, Soorn3a and Shahin Vatani are only validating that image.

You're absolutely right. But the Iranians are more extreme in this one. Just look at that ridiculous 'Iranmilitaryforum', where the most biggest idiots have gathered. Turks are IMO at least more rational.

I think it would be wrong to say such a thing. We also have lots of idiots (see Ottoman-Turk). It has nothing to do with being an Iranian or a Turk but has something to do with being a human i suppose...

But i must say, most of the Iranians i encountered with in internet are pro-regime and tend to insult if you say anything against the regime, while almost all of Turks in such forums, let alone defending the government against your words, they would join you criticizing it.
I think your observation is absolutely correct TurAr. Turks are more critical against their government, even if they do agree with it partially. Iranians lack these abilities completely. With Iranians its only black or white.
Let's hope it is not like that.

I hope the silence of Iranian people is because of the regime's pressure and they are waiting for the right time to raise their voice so that they can enjoy the freedom and prosperity they deserved.

Oh, absolutely. Most Iranians still want reforms or regime changes. We are not hating the west, not even Israel or the US. We want to have good ties with everyone, whether Christians or muslims. If you want to have a real image of Iran, please read all those trip reports. Most Iranians are sick and tired of their regime, telling them what to do and how to live. How can humans live like that?
Oh, of course. It has probably to do with the fact that those mullahs have destroyed the image of Iran and Iranian abroad, which has resulted in Iranians who try hardly to show others that they aren't fanatics, that they are strong and intelligent. Its of course counterproductive if you consider the men who try to show that image of Iran on such forums. People like Soheil, Soorn3a and Shahin Vatani are only validating that image.

You're absolutely right. But the Iranians are more extreme in this one. Just look at that ridiculous 'Iranmilitaryforum', where the biggest idiots have gathered. Turks are IMO at least more rational.

hey look !!!

you can't speak Persian ...

you didn't born in Iran ...

so , who are you ???

an Iranian sperm ???


Oh, absolutely. Most Iranians still want reforms or regime changes. We are not hating the west, not even Israel or the US. We want to have good ties with everyone, whether Christians or muslims. If you want to have a real image of Iran, please read all those trip reports. Most Iranians are sick and tired of their regime, telling them what to do and how to live. How can humans live like that?

this is bullshix ...

ha ha ha ... moron :D
Let's hope it is not like that.

I hope the silence of Iranian people is because of the regime's pressure and they are waiting for the right time to raise their voice so that they can enjoy the freedom and prosperity they deserved.

wait for ever ...

try to protect your own country ...

dark days coming ...
wait for ever ...

try to protect your own country ...

dark days coming ...

You should be the one, waiting with excitement the day you are going to be free. But apparently, you are suffering from Stockholm Syndrome and need other's guidence in order to know how to behave, what to think, what to eat, what to drink, what to wear, where to go, what to do. TBH, i don't give a fvck, but the problem is, lots of people are not very happy with being dictated about how to live their lifes. And i assure you, they won't remain silent forever :)

Dark days are coming? Care to explain?
hey look !!!

you can't speak Persian ...

you didn't born in Iran ...

so , who are you ???

an Iranian sperm ???

Yeah, keep believing that.

You should be the one, waiting with excitement the day you are going to be free. But apparently, you are suffering from Stockholm Syndrome and need other's guidence in order to know how to behave, what to think, what to eat, what to drink, what to wear, where to go, what to do. TBH, i don't give a fvck, but the problem is, lots of people are not very happy with being dictated about how to live their lifes. And i assure you, they won't remain silent forever :)

Dark days are coming? Care to explain?

Millions of Iranians will eventually rise up, and he knows it:

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But i must say, most of the Iranians i encountered with in internet are pro-regime and tend to insult if you say anything against the regime, while almost all of Turks in such forums, let alone defending the government against your words, they would join you criticizing it.

My mate..it is because of hard censorship by regime. any citizen cant dare to critisize regime on internet in Iran..it risk of imprisonment for years or being executed..

Any slightly opposition againist regime regarded as hostility...no respect no mercy for any kind of thoughts and opinions..there is zero freedom of stetament and press...Iran and North Korea are the most oppresive regime in the world..comunist China relatively to Iran very more a free country..i had been in both country many times and i may go next year again...China getting more free country while Iran become more oppresive..

This is why increasing of druge use, prostitutions, corruptions public order are about to uncontrollable in Iran..
in 80s and 90s Iran was more fair than the current situation..

moreover, many people outside think iran society bbecame more religous after islamic revolution...whereas the real case is opposite..Iran society by their sipirutal was more religous in the times of Shah..Because of hard oppressions on behalf islam by regime society graudally moved away from religion..

Only by intelligence, police,pasdar and basij forces regime cannot control irani people for a more long time..
so there is two probablities..........
either regime will divide by itself to fractions or there will be a graet public revolt that could cause a new revolution..
I've no idea, but 'what is wrong with Iranians on military forums' is probably a better question. Seriously, if you look at all forums Iranians are enrolled in, the military ones seem to attract the most stupid and idiot ones. It attracts all those military fanboys, who think that Obama and Clinton can't sleep at night because they fear an Iranian strike. Those delusional guys, that lack every sense of intelligent and objectivity. We have Iranian football forums, historical forums, etc. but the amount of idiots on those forums is quite small if you compare it to military forums.

Firstly , Thank you for writing your feelings however it seems there is a pain right there .
Surenas , I doubt if Iranians inside Iran count some timid , debauchee and worthless people who are living outside and trying to show their pity and loyalty by posting on the Internet forums as their country men .

I searched in our map but didn't find any place similar with your location .

Try not to show yourself as Iranian , cos you're not and there is no sign of Iranian blood in you .
Its enough for every Iranian in this forum who are living in Iran to be useful for their country just for a day as it helps the country advance but what can you do there ? sitting there and trolling , insulting and accusing Iran to not advancing ? You accuse the Iranians while you are not among them , you don't know them and your mind is based on western's media ( which is normal cos I can see how they're trying to hit Iran by that - Even in some north European countries that aren't involved in politics or wars you can read about Iran in every single newspaper every day , no need to say about other ones there )

He cought me off guard :D

Seriously though, what is wrong with that guy?

That was the answer of mocking , Some of you Turks need to learn how to post in Iranian forum .
I've no idea, but 'what is wrong with Iranians on military forums' is probably a better question. Seriously, if you look at all forums Iranians are enrolled in, the military ones seem to attract the most stupid and idiot ones. It attracts all those military fanboys, who think that Obama and Clinton can't sleep at night because they fear an Iranian strike. Those delusional guys, that lack every sense of intelligent and objectivity. We have Iranian football forums, historical forums, etc. but the amount of idiots on those forums is quite small if you compare it to military forums.

again Troll ? You can see none of the Iranians count you as human here but still trolling ?

I don't need to write a long story here to show all people Its not Iranians who like war , enjoy it or try to start it . All those guys think Iranians are like that do really need to read our history not in the last 2000 years . Just in the last 200 years to see who the Iranians are and If they really want war or don't .

If you really live in Iran , you just need to ask yourself why The westerns have started their war and pressure on us when Iran even isn't close to their lands and haven't done anything against them . Some stupid people like Surenas who is a dick head think its because of nuclear program , Israel and ... and again thinks If Iran stops nuclear program and kiss their as$ or accepts to negotiate with them while it's result is chosen before they'll stop their pressure but .

As$hole , take a look , what they want is our resources , our money , our country as a military base and exactly like a tool for their benefits . None of them care about Iranians eventugh 1 million die in a day . Democracy is a BS in this world and if you believe them and try to hit our current system then you're even not worth to continue writing for . Our governors could make their deals with the west and enjoy ruling Iran for centuries with no problem while they even wouldn't be called mullahs and the west would call them friends but they're not and it just needs an eye to see why .
That was the answer of mocking , Some of you Turks need to learn how to post in Iranian forum .

Some of you Iranians need to learn how to act like a humanbeing and how to make a civilized conversation.

It was my reaction to your degrading post about Turkey.

So next time, do not try to show it as if it should surprise anyone in international forums, if you do then prepare for mocking/reaction. A democratic, secular country like Turkey with great potentials, with strong infrastructure and economy, surpassing a Theocratic, Totalitarian, Police State whose economy is highly depentent on oil.

If you have a hard time on digesting this post, this time refrain from insulting and read it slowly once again.
Well, it might have been something to do with living under a constant threat, and of course, living in a theocratic, totalitarian police state which uses heavy propaganda on its people also worth checking when adressing this problem.

Also, it is no secret that these kind of forums attracts extreme nationalists from all over the world who are usually living far away from realities, instead creating their own...

constant threat ? Hey man , look why we've had that for 3 decades and you don't have ? both countries are Muslims and our Islam has just 1 way . If we're gong the same way why you don't have that ?

I just wanna hear that from you dude . ( I don't let myself to judge other countries that easily you did )

extreme nationalists ? living far away from realities ? You are first so far from the reality In Iran cos if you were an Iranian and had lost a member of your family because of the western's dirty politics and benefits and had seen them trying to take your country down for almost 4 decades then wouldn't have opened that big mouth like that and . However you need to know that all the Shias are nationalists and do care about their country , beliefs and ... and if those shias be Iranians it will be 2 times more .

You know such people like Surenas or the ones trying to be a liberal Iranian haven't done the sh*it for the country . none of these guys talking about Iran , It's pride and these stuffs even dared to take part in ran-Iraq war and just stood behind and kept trolling and dreaming .
Syria, Iraq and Iran. Like the Bermude triangle. One of falls and the triangle falls...
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