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The importance of Syria for Iran .

You can say way to go terrorists and mercenaries with passport for heaven issued in ksa and Jordan and shipped with Turkish airway

Syria is vitally important for Iran, for geographical, historical, religious, geopolitical reasons. Syria was Iranian portal to Arab world, and yet to Islamic world, and loosing it as an ally means the collapse of Ayatollah's dream to spread Iranian influence in the region, which Iran has been working on for 33 years and was counting on despite the dire consequences and effects it suffered from. All Iranians got from their support to Syrian regime is much tougher sanctions and losing trust and respect of all people in the region, especially the Syrians, Iran is left all alone, broken and injured with no allies nor friends. Good luck guys...:wave:
Syria is our Redline

I am not supporting Assad ...

they need changes , but peaceful changes ...

we don't need another wahhabi country in middle east ...

but at last ... Iran is the winner ...

no offence Turkish & Arab bros ...

this is reality ...

What is your definition of Wahabi nation ?

Do you consider all Sunnis as Wahabis ?

Syria is 70% Sunni ruled by 10% Alawites ( a sect close to Shia Iran ).

You guys need to drop your hypocrisy. On one hand you complain about the Shia Population of Bahrain ruled by Sunni royalty and on the other hand you support Alawite minority ruling Sunni majority.

I don't know of any Wahabi country any where in the World. Even Saudi Arabia is not a Wahabi country. Most Saudi citizens are not Wahabis. Only the Royal family and some tribes near Riyadh follow Wahabism.

Assad regime will eventually fall and Sunnis will rule Syria, Inshallah.

All you have done is made enemies with the majority of Syrian People. Syria will not forget the treachery of Iran and the role of Iranian people in the murder of 50,000+ Sunni Syrians.
As a Syrian I say that Iran does not care about Alasad just like Russia also does not care about Alasad...
Now why does Iran back the Syrian people?
Well, it might be returning the favor, since Iraq war, Syria and Syrians stood with Iran..
Also Syria and Iran have mutual defense agreement... Attack on Syria means an attack on Iran. and attack on Iran means an attack on Syria
Overall, Iran is preventing Syria from becoming a major western ally and Zionist puppet.. because we all know that if Alasad goes.. the so called rebels will put their hands and homeland into Israels control.. and I already posted a thread and videos about the rebels saying we are friends with Israel... and SNC said it will give the rights of Golan...
First of all, Mid-east is the black box of this planet,and now syria is the black box of middle east. If that genius falls the allies would win and peace will be ordered. But if he wins the battle, forget everything that represents uncle sam and it's friends in the region. Simply; if he goes, "farewell iran, hello obama" but if he wins "farewell uncle sam, hello crazy ivan"
goddamn middle east. What a peaceful place to live huh? lol
First of all, Mid-east is the black box of this planet,and now syria is the black box of middle east. If that genius falls the allies would win and peace will be ordered. But if he wins the battle, forget everything that represents uncle sam and it's friends in the region. Simply; if he goes, "farewell iran, hello obama" but if he wins "farewell uncle sam, hello crazy ivan"
goddamn middle east. What a peaceful place to live huh? lol

Its the American and British politics have made ME a peaceful region . Thanks Uncle Sam and the Old queen .
As a syrian, and i precise a sunni, the mood in syrian sunni are rage against iran (and the shia axis). The least reaction u will have is cut the relations for the next 20 years, no iranians allowed in syria, the media will bash iranian day and night.
And as a sunni are 80% of the population, u can make ur own conclusions

The really bad for iran would be the new regime in syria helping their sunni brothers in iraq and lebanon. In lebanon, if a war start, the shia militia would be alone as grand dady assad wont be here and in iraq, it might provok liberation of whole part of western and northern iraq.
As a syrian, and i precise a sunni, the mood in syrian sunni are rage against iran (and the shia axis). The least reaction u will have is cut the relations for the next 20 years, no iranians allowed in syria, the media will bash iranian day and night.
And as a sunni are 80% of the population, u can make ur own conclusions

The really bad for iran would be the new regime in syria helping their sunni brothers in iraq and lebanon. In lebanon, if a war start, the shia militia would be alone as grand dady assad wont be here and in iraq, it might provok liberation of whole part of western and northern iraq.

You are racist rat... remove those holy flags from your profile.. you coward..
Syria is playing ground of regional and superpowers now. We already know this.
As a syrian, and i precise a sunni, the mood in syrian sunni are rage against iran (and the shia axis). The least reaction u will have is cut the relations for the next 20 years, no iranians allowed in syria, the media will bash iranian day and night.
And as a sunni are 80% of the population, u can make ur own conclusions

The really bad for iran would be the new regime in syria helping their sunni brothers in iraq and lebanon. In lebanon, if a war start, the shia militia would be alone as grand dady assad wont be here and in iraq, it might provok liberation of whole part of western and northern iraq.
No surprise,sectarian brainwashed Jihadis all over the place.You can hate Iran as you like,no one gives a crap actually,you people have been always like this in history.
What is your definition of Wahabi nation ?

Do you consider all Sunnis as Wahabis ?

Syria is 70% Sunni ruled by 10% Alawites ( a sect close to Shia Iran ).

You guys need to drop your hypocrisy. On one hand you complain about the Shia Population of Bahrain ruled by Sunni royalty and on the other hand you support Alawite minority ruling Sunni majority.

I don't know of any Wahabi country any where in the World. Even Saudi Arabia is not a Wahabi country. Most Saudi citizens are not Wahabis. Only the Royal family and some tribes near Riyadh follow Wahabism.

Assad regime will eventually fall and Sunnis will rule Syria, Inshallah.

All you have done is made enemies with the majority of Syrian People. Syria will not forget the treachery of Iran and the role of Iranian people in the murder of 50,000+ Sunni Syrians.

In both cases Iran's asked for a political solution, which means a national negotiation amongst oppositions and governments to result in a free and democratic election to choose their government ... could you please tell me what happened?

In Bahrain : the most democratic country which has got a rich and shiny history in the human right in the region sent its troops to suppress and crackdown Bahrainian people.( the same story in the Yemen, besides don't forget their supports of Mobarak , Ben Ali I mean all dictators)

In Syria : again the same country with assistance of some the other monarchies in the region (democracy seekers), which are the biggest contributors ,have been funding and financing terrorists and rebels in Syria.

I'm asking you , what would have happened if Iran had done the same thing in Bahrain ? do you think we were not able to help the Shia population in Bahrain?couldn't we send weapons there?

Dear pal the point is those who decided to suppress Bahrainian people and help the king to save its throne by virtue of their interests has decided to topple the Assad now with the same aim.

You are accusing us of murdering Syrian people , could you please explain me what the hell Saudi , Qatar , USA , UK , French Turkey are doing their?
What is your definition of Wahabi nation ?

Do you consider all Sunnis as Wahabis ?

Syria is 70% Sunni ruled by 10% Alawites ( a sect close to Shia Iran ).

You guys need to drop your hypocrisy. On one hand you complain about the Shia Population of Bahrain ruled by Sunni royalty and on the other hand you support Alawite minority ruling Sunni majority.

I don't know of any Wahabi country any where in the World. Even Saudi Arabia is not a Wahabi country. Most Saudi citizens are not Wahabis. Only the Royal family and some tribes near Riyadh follow Wahabism.

Assad regime will eventually fall and Sunnis will rule Syria, Inshallah.

All you have done is made enemies with the majority of Syrian People. Syria will not forget the treachery of Iran and the role of Iranian people in the murder of 50,000+ Sunni Syrians.

there is one difference between syria and bahrain
In Bahrain nobody send armed tugs there to make discord , but in Syria some other country issue passport to heaven .

another difference is n Syria asad is ready to held a free election to show all the world who is the man that Syrian wants but the FSA said no we don't want election Asad must go and then we must come to power. on other hand in Bahrain no one ever offered something that even remotely looked like a free election .

Syrian rebels are fighting for freedom

when foreign mercenary fight against another country government , then it's not freedom that they seek their mtivation is something far more sinister
As a syrian, and i precise a sunni, the mood in syrian sunni are rage against iran (and the shia axis). The least reaction u will have is cut the relations for the next 20 years, no iranians allowed in syria, the media will bash iranian day and night.
And as a sunni are 80% of the population, u can make ur own conclusions

The really bad for iran would be the new regime in syria helping their sunni brothers in iraq and lebanon. In lebanon, if a war start, the shia militia would be alone as grand dady assad wont be here and in iraq, it might provok liberation of whole part of western and northern iraq.

you see the foreign militant always ave a far more evil plan , after Syria yo want to made discord in Lebanon and Iraq and only Gos knew where after that . didn't one of your clerics claimed Germany must have Sharia Law because of some minority who live there

and its your wet dream that kurds support your dreams over their own interest and by the way turkey face would be funny if a independent Kurdish government established in northern Iraq
@ thefreesyrian ...

can you say you are on which branch of Sunni !?

Hanafi !?
Maliki !?
Shafi'i !?
Hanbali !?

Wahbabi/Salafi !?


actually all these branch have different view ... I want know what you believe in it !?

@ thefreesyrian ...

can you say you are on which branch of Sunni !?

Hanafi !?
Maliki !?
Shafi'i !?
Hanbali !?

Wahbabi/Salafi !?


actually all these branch have different view ... I want know what you believe in it !?
there is one difference between syria and bahrain
In Bahrain nobody send armed tugs there to make discord , but in Syria some other country issue passport to heaven .

another difference is n Syria asad is ready to held a free election to show all the world who is the man that Syrian wants but the FSA said no we don't want election Asad must go and then we must come to power. on other hand in Bahrain no one ever offered something that even remotely looked like a free election .

when foreign mercenary fight against another country government , then it's not freedom that they seek their mtivation is something far more sinister

You are whitewashing Assad here.

1- His father killed some 10,000 Sunnis during his rule.

2- Assad has been ELECTED 3 times with above 90% votes. Everyone knows that elections were rigged to hell.

3- You insistence that Iran has a higher moral ground is hogwash. Iran wields considerable influence in Shi'ite population and Iran's foreign policy is made to protect and exploit this influence.
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