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The Health and Fitness Thread

Thankfully I've got a Mom who'd put the US Navy Seals to shame if she ever found out that I smoked even a single cigarette ! So No Smoking for me !

They all like this at the beginning but they will get used to it eventually, all of my bothers got beat up for smocking but not me :chilli: I am their favorite one...nothing better than a Dunhill cigarette..:P
arnold press hits all the 3 deltoids--- its the best deltoid exercise if you are saving time--- otherwise front raises, lateral raises, tilted raised and shoulder press would itself take 18 minutes minimum

I suppose thats where the training philosophy differs...I don't do isolation ever ! I do implore you to google in 'Stronglifts 5x5' - it doesn't cost a dime...and its worth a read !

I do understand that the machines stabilize the weights. I hit the plateau with the barbells and that is when I started switching the workout approach and it has worked out well for me.

I suggest you go for 'Stronglifts 5x5' - its a no-nonsense approach to strength building (not bodybuilding mind you). You won't get that juiced up look if you're looking for that but you will build some nasty functional strength and with it an athletic body...perhaps even one that is chiseled if you take care of your diet. Once you hit a plateau on it (and you don't do it very quickly) move on to the 'Texas Method'. I suggest you check out their site over here : StrongLifts.com: Gain Strength And Muscle While Losing Fat
I suppose thats where the training philosophy differs...I don't do isolation ever ! I do implore you to google in 'Stronglifts 5x5' - it doesn't cost a dime...and its worth a read !

I would rather prefer to get trained by a specialist than to do it myself, you will be motivated when you see others big muscles in the gym, I am joining the gym inshaallah soon.
They all like this at the beginning but they will get used to it eventually, all of my bothers got beat up for smocking but not me :chilli: I am their favorite one...nothing better than a Dunhill cigarette..:P

I'm the eldest and the only son so if I were to even contemplate smoking and get caught I'd be beaten senseless by my Mom ! Not to mention my Dad is a Doctor so he'd probably find out sooner then most people. :D
You body builders are funny. You guys want an exercise?

Come to village this summer, and help me dig an irrigation canal. I can promise you that in 10 minutes you will give up.
I would rather prefer to get trained by a specialist than to do it myself, you will be motivated when you see others big muscles in the Jim, I am joining the Jim inshaallah soon.

I dunno about your country but here in my Land, the specialists usually have grown up on 'MensHealth' and other sh*t like that...so they don't really know what the heck they're talking about. And going by the few fitness forums I've visited even internationally few trainers are actually 'trainers'. Even still...it shouldn't harm you to check the above posted site out...because if I'm anything to go by : I did SL 5x5 for a year; my weight remained the same (76 kg at 5'8) but my waist went down a couple of inches and my bench press went from a meagre 50 kg to 112 kg, My squats went from 72.5 kg (they have those 2.5 kg weights) to around 137.5 kg and lastly I even managed to do 3 sets of 15 reps of weighted pullups with a 20 kg plate hanging from the belt ! The progression was phenomenal compared with what I had on a 3x12, isolation, 5 days a week regimen !
I would rather prefer to get trained by a specialist than to do it myself, you will be motivated when you see others big muscles in the Jim, I am joining the Jim inshaallah soon.

I started myself without a trainer (not that I am against employing a trainer but was not confident that I will pursue the gym regularly and felt I will engage one once I am a regular). Couple of sites helped me formulate my own routine - especially bodybuilding.com - hurt myself couple of times trying to overdo things and had to go for physical therapy - fell out of routine due to minor procedures I had - luckily I was able to get back to the gym as I have kind of got addicted to the routine. My motivation was the profiles people started posting in the bodybuilding.com and also my own changes.
You body builders are funny. You guys want an exercise?

Come to village this summer, and help me dig an irrigation canal. I can promise you that in 10 minutes you will give up.

Abaieee...tou kaab ban seh waapas ayeee yaaar ? I know what you're talking about I don't go to the gym anymore, I visited one of those Greeco-Roman Wrestlying Dojos (Pehalvani) in the Inner City (Lahore) and they made me do 100 Dands, 200 Baithaks and dig a ditch with one of those wooden spades and boy even a dog can't pant that hard. Ever since then I'm hooked to Dands and Baithaks and I do them religiously everyday...!
Abaieee...tou kaab ban seh waapas ayeee yaaar ? I know what you're talking about I don't go to the gym anymore, I visited one of those Greeco-Roman Wrestlying Dojos (Pehalvani) in the Inner City (Lahore) and they made me do 100 Dands, 200 Baithaks and dig a ditch with one of those wooden spades and boy even a dog can't pant that hard. Ever since then I'm hooked to Dands and Baithaks and I do them religiously everyday...!

I did farm work and have a pretty decent physique. I know I have a good amount of power as I knocked a guy out once by slapping him. Don't care for the lifting weights, but have carried sacks on my back and ran from my field to the house, which is a good 2 to three kilometers.
I did farm work and have a pretty decent physique. I know I have a good amount of power as I knocked a guy out once by slapping him. Don't care for the lifting weights, but have carried sacks on my back and ran from my field to the house, which is a good 2 to three kilometers.

Bhai zaraa number tou dei ! Koi phadaa shadaa howa tou call maraoon ga ! :woot:

On a serious note...farm work and carrying sacks will build your physique. I remember I was helping a friend out at his business and for 1 month I and him, we used to carry all the supplies from his pick up van and up two floors into the plaza. Never felt stronger in my life...because the supplies consisted of 'dry-fruits', 'bags of rice' and the occasional 'furniture piece' !
talking about proportion -- i finally saw some guys in shorts yesterday -- they had twigs instead of legs -- and their biceps where double their hams

After that i went on a treadmill -- saw a fat dude walking and drinking moutain dew at the same time :argh:

Errr...yeah, I was THAT guy, with the chicken legs and awkwardly large upper body. My workouts are far more balanced now, I do a lot of squats (with the full range of motion, which most people throw out the window)...but my lower body is still very weak. For comparisons sake, I can benchpress and deadlift over 200lb, but I can't squat more than 135lb for reps...that's a pretty massive discrepancy.
I would rather prefer to get trained by a specialist than to do it myself, you will be motivated when you see others big muscles in the gym, I am joining the gym inshaallah soon.

the specialists in my gym [a reputed chain] come to me to construct their diet plans and routines.. infact i just gave two 5pound tubs of optimum 100% whey to the specialist as they were about to expire in 3 months and i was trying to decreases by calorie intake.. as you know , any form of extra calories end up in fat , even extra protiens
the specialists in my gym [a reputed chain] come to me to construct their diet plans and routines.. infact i just gave two 5pound tubs of optimum 100% whey to the specialist as they were about to expire in 3 months and i was trying to decreases by calorie intake.. as you know , any form of extra calories end up in fat , even extra protiens

How do you plan so much calorie intake for a person? I assume you measure the basal metabolic rate of a person. Are you using machines like Tanita or Omron to measure it?
1gm of protien intake per kg shredded body wt /day [different source recommend from 0.6 to 2 gms-- so 1 gm is the average i use]

add porridge / wheatabix in the morning -- and carbs + protien pre/post workout -consider one of this meal as lunch--

the rest of the 2 meals , add vegetables , multivitamin tablets , fish oil tablets

more mass building people keep the 2;1 ratio between carbs and protiens

strict protien intake and looses carb control depending on how you feel [energy level] and how shredded you wanna be --- protien intake is a very costly matter these days

these days i am trying to shred ... so will take just enough calories preworkout so that i can have a robust workout ..

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