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The Health and Fitness Thread

High Intensity Interval Training is the best way to do it.

You can do it on any equipment - treadmill or stationary bike or elliptical

warm up for 5 mins

then continue highspeed/high resistance for a minute and slowdown for 30 secs.

Repeat this 5-8 times

Cool down for 5 mins

- do it for 5 days in a week and be sure to rest for 2 days.

- This will blast your belly fat in a few weeks.

And try relora if you have high stress at office as a supplement as cortisol can cause belly fat and relora will cutdown the effects of cortisol.

Thanks. I'll try. How frequent should I do ab exercises?
Thanks. I'll try. How frequent should I do ab exercises?

Ab exercises will not help with belly fat but I have seen it helps me get rid of the water retention in my stomach while building the stomach muscles - I do it at the end of the both cardio and weight sessions which would be 5 days for me. I do bicycle crunches - some 110-120 reps in a 3 set split(60,30,30)

- Though ideally I would say upto 1-2 times in a week is sufficient if you do not have time.
Even Pizza can be made healthy - My wife does it for me at home - whole wheat pizza with Mozarella but half skim milk cheese. Tastes as good as a regular pizza and I love it.
i stay in a hostel. :lol:
and half slim milk cheese??wonder where i ll find them. :P
@Marshmallow , I've no quams about being called fat. For weight loss I would advice against HIIT, yes you read that right. From experience, HIIT does burn more fat (calories actually) but there are a couple of factors that must be taken into account. Firstly, HIIT requires HIIT: meaning your intensity should be 100-90% and it's really hard for most people to achieve that in workouts. Secondly, the body adapts within two weeks no matter what your level of fitness is so starting it earlier will make it harder and harder for progression.

Thirdly, HIIT makes you prone to injuries. Injury = no weight loss. It's better to go for a moderate-high aerobic workout ranging from at least 45-120 minutes and mixing it with mulitiple workouts throughout the day really helps (e.g. 45 mins in morning light, 1 hour evening hard etc.,) I would reccomend people going for elliplticals to lose fat, I have squatted 120 kgs still running made my knees hurt after 8 weeks, my doctor suggested going for low impact workouts. I would recommend that because losing over 10 kgs of weight drastically changes the body physiology and essentially your body is in a catabolic state (for many people this means healing for the body will be harder than usual that is also why recovering will be harder).

Also, be very, very clear: do you want to lose weight, lose fat or gain muscle or be toned these are different and require different techniques. For example, if you want to lose weight then keep your calories capped at around 1200-1500 cals (though it varies according to wieght) and give your body varaition with two days on 1200, 1 day on 1500, then 1200 then 1800, then 1200, 1200 and so on. That makes the body be tricked about the availibility of food and thus weight loss easier. Unless you have a problem like hyperuricemia (uric acid) then do not go for a high protien I would suggest making protiens no more than 40% maximum of your cals and that too with a lot of water (4-5 liters). Also eat complex carbs, healthy fats and be patient: reward yourself, have cheat meals, ask for support.

If you want to lose fat, then keep your calories where you can maintain your lean mass (usually 2000-2500 cals but calculate it) and then have a cardio session 4-5 times a week, keep them moderate to high intensity.

For toning, go for weight training, non-free weight training such as crunhes, pushups, pull ups, hacksquats work wonders for toning the body, Yoga has been shown to be perfect for hard to tone areas such as the glutes (butt).

For muscle gain eat a surplus calories but that should be mostly protiens keep sugars in check. Go for weight training but try to get at least 3x light to moderate cardio in.

For fatties like me I would suggest having focus on cardio, remember CALORIES ARE SUPREME! You can slack in terms of exercise but you cannot exercise your excess calories out. For that have substitutions: eat Fruitella (50 cals, fruit sugars) if you want to have ice cream and that's actually recommended. It makes losing weight easier if you are eating foods you like. If you want ice cream you can make some at home and get some good brands at Hyper and good stores just keep that the calories in check. Secondly, have fruits, have green tea, try to cap sugars (cookies, refined sugars) but I would say that if you need sugar in tea then take one tea spoon with tea in skimmed milk (that's about 60 cals) tab that in your calorie count don't go for fake sugar. Keep the cardio up and keep 2-3 toning sessions per week (crunches, pull ups, push ups the more the merrier start with 3 sets of 8 for each move up to 4 sets of 25 reps and 5 sets of 20). However, focus on weight and then aesthetics. And YES one last precaution: you need to change your lifestyle no diet is permanant. Have good days, have meals off and be healthy that's the precedence not thinness. You will feel great afterwards and oh yes it will takes 2 weeks for you to start notice the change. SO STICK WITH IT and GOOD LUCK!
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i stay in a hostel. :lol:
and half slim milk cheese??wonder where i ll find them. :P

Bro - if you are in a hostel you will have a metabolism where you blast off anything you eat(meaning you are too young to worry about weight loss).
Bro - if you are in a hostel you will have a metabolism where you blast off anything you eat(meaning you are too young to worry about weight loss).

Dude you don't know... @Ayush is practically a Sumo wrestler on a diet ! :fie:

He once dated a lady & when he went in for the kiss....he couldn't reach her because his layers of tummy fat came in the way....finally on trying very hard the kiss couldn't be made but the lady in question did ricochet off his stomach & off the balcony ! :unsure:
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Dude you don't know... @Ayush is practically a Sumo wrestler on a diet ! :fie:

He once dated a lady & when he went in for the kiss....he couldn't reach her because his layers of tummy fat came in the way....finally on trying very hard the kiss couldn't be made but the lady in question did ricochet off his stomach & off the balcony ! :unsure:

noooooo :pissed:
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Dude you don't know... @Ayush is practically a Sumo wrestler on a diet ! :fie:

He once dated a lady & when he went in for the kiss....he couldn't reach her because his layers of tummy fat came in the way....finally on trying very hard the kiss couldn't be made but the lady in question did ricochet off his stomach & off the balcony ! :unsure:

Dunno about sumo wrestler on a diet unless you mean this - :lol:

By fasting overnight and before morning training, sumo wrestlers switch their bodies to a fat storing mode when all the dishes are served on the table. Sitting in a circle, they are ready to dig in. Matsuda recalls some wrestlers who eat five kilograms of meat or ten bowls of rice in one meal.

Secrets of sumo wrestler's diet | CNN Travel
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A week ago i got diagnosed with minor tendinitis in my shoulders(the pains been there fr over 2 months) , probably due to excessive volume on weighted chin ups.

My shoulders ache like hell when bench pressing or doing chin ups with 200+pounds(including my weight 180).

Id love to know if anyone has experiences with tendinitis any therapy that works(no medication recommendations) and will it ever go the fk away...its really pissing me off.
Salman Khan does Push up 1000 a day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sharukh Khan does Push up 100 only!

Just google it: "Salman Khan 1000 Push up"
A week ago i got diagnosed with minor tendinitis in my shoulders(the pains been there fr over 2 months) , probably due to excessive volume on weighted chin ups.

My shoulders ache like hell when bench pressing or doing chin ups with 200+pounds(including my weight 180).

Id love to know if anyone has experiences with tendinitis any therapy that works(no medication recommendations) and will it ever go the fk away...its really pissing me off.

My gym partner has tendonitis near his wrist. It sucks, but it does die down over time. Until then go easy at the gym, it's not worth a permanent injury.
A week ago i got diagnosed with minor tendinitis in my shoulders(the pains been there fr over 2 months) , probably due to excessive volume on weighted chin ups.

My shoulders ache like hell when bench pressing or doing chin ups with 200+pounds(including my weight 180).

Id love to know if anyone has experiences with tendinitis any therapy that works(no medication recommendations) and will it ever go the fk away...its really pissing me off.

I had left shoulder tendonitis and went for 3 weeks physical therapy - 3 days a week where they deep massage your shoulders to remove scar tissue and provide some basic hand exercises with 2-3 pound dumbbells and few other exercises.No medication involved except for the topical cream what they apply on the shoulders with heat treatment. And after that for couple of months you have to take it easy.
Why can't you lot stick to doing a few...very few but functional compound exercises instead of overdoing & injuring yourselves ?

I stick to Bench Press, Barbell Rows, Squats, Deadlift & Overhead Press - Not a single exercise more ! And I've never injured myself except through overdoing on my lower back but even that was squarely my fault - Too much weight on the Deadlift !
Why can't you lot stick to doing a few...very few but functional compound exercises instead of overdoing & injuring yourselves ?

I stick to Bench Press, Barbell Rows, Squats, Deadlift & Overhead Press - Not a single exercise more ! And I've never injured myself except through overdoing on my lower back but even that was squarely my fault - Too much weight on the Deadlift !
Yeah yeah we know,you and your deadlift, 10 kilo's?:rofl:

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