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The Health and Fitness Thread

K thx mate ill try it see how it goes....But i dont think ill find a good therapist in Chandigarh.Ill have to do some self healing. Google here i come.

Bro - I got a good therapist when I came to India 100 miles south of Chennai in a remote town. Compared to that Chandigarh is a better off city and you will find someone.
@Armstrong is it ok to do cardio after weight lifting? I have been told by a lot of my friends.
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@Armstrong is it ok to do cardio after weight lifting? I have been told by a lot of my friends.

I have done it on separate days as well as combining both(cardio after weights) - I have not seen any ill effects with it - In fact for the past couple of months I have been doing lots of isolation for biceps as it is the weakest muscle and not focusing on overall weight training - start with biceps isolation for close/wide grip ez barbell or dumbbell curls and do cardio and end with bicycle crunches. I have seen my Biceps lift go up by 20 pounds for EZ bar bell lift per rep and I could see growth which proves that combining cardio does not have any detrimental effect.
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Become 118 kg . Trying hard to be on ideal weight of 75 kgs. Mammoth task. Ain't it!
Those who are trying to lose weight, try this in addition to exercise. Drink 500 ml of water before your meals, that way you'll end up eating less.

I some times have pain in tibialis anterior when going for a long walk in steep hilly areas -- I just use diclofenic tablet/gel and take rest for some days from strenuous walking

selecting the shoe with right arch and shock support is also important

If it's along medial border of tibia (with tenderness), then it could be "Periostitis" = imflammation of periosteum. I had been thru a VERY-SEVERE case of that condition, so much that I couldn't walk without support for a month. Reason was I did too much too quickly & without proper warm-ups. Since muscles are attached to bones thru periosteum, & if we jog over the limit periosteum over tibia can sustain, we end up causing micro-tears & inflammation ensues. Pain of Periostitis appear to be common muscle cramps, but it is not. Cramps tend to decrease if we continue to exercise, pain due to periostis keeps on becoming severe with every other bout of exercise. I made exactly that mistake. I thought it was just cramps & kept of jogging thinking it would gradually go away. But the opposite happened.

Periostitis can be precursor to stress-fracture. So stop right there & review the way you exercise(Jog/Walk).

The key is very thorough warm-up & taking things slowly. & listen to Mastan's advice below:



To those of you who are heavy / over weight---and use treadmill for excercize---stop using the treadmill and use a stationery bike----the one that you sit on it like riding a bicycle and not the one where you lay back----.

First of all---riding the bike will strengthen your thigh muscles---which will make it easier for you to carry your weight---. You can ride the bike in short bursts of 5 minutes 2 to 3 times a day starting at level 3 and going onto level 5---. Start riding at 3.25 minutes a mile speed and see the difference in your life within 2 weeks.

Jogging on the treadmill won't give you strength---plus it will impact your joints---.


I have not gone thru all the thread--but here is my input---I am almost 56 and my blood pressure at rest is like 115/70---i am 6 ft tall and250 lbs +.

I used to workout 3-4 hours a day or jog---sometimes averaging 35-40 miles a week---my weight at that time---220-240 lbs range. In the 80's---90's my pulse while lying down was like 55---60---Did heavy weights and dumbells----. On a good day I would lift 100 lbs on each hand ---.

Now I know that it was sheer stupidity---my shoulder bones are sort of bent backwards due to lifting that kind of weight----my knee joints and ankles are totally worn out---and so are my bottom vertebrae---in the x rays---the cartiledge is gone.

I wish that when I was working out---the gyms had large frame pictures of worn out joints and vertebrae posted on the walls to discourage extreme heavy weightlifting----and excessive running on the street.

So here is a not to do list-----don't lift to show off----don't do extra heavy lifting---remember you ethnic background when doing heavy weight training---don't over do yourself in order to impress others---.

Don't run on the pavement for long distances----the tarmac or concrete kills your joints---run on a treadmill----.

And the most important---if you jog---then replace your joggers often---don't let them completely wear off before shopping for new ones---. If you are over 200 lbs around 6ft---be careful running long distances---.

For long distance running---SAUCONY is an excellent brand---one of my friends ran L A marathons recommended them to me.

Now some healthy tidbits----.

Anyone with HIGH CHOLESTROL---if you have not started on any medication yet---try BLACK EYE PEAS---3 to 5 bowls a day----just sprinkle some salt pepper red pepper and lemon and chopped tomatoes and onions---that's eat and eat and eat and eat---you will be surprised after 4 months---. Good luck.

In the u s you can get them in a can----so 2 to 3 cans a days would do wonders.
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Excellent thread :cheers:

Manticore, I have a collection of fat around my waist, tummy.

I've excerised a lot, burnt fat from all parts of body except waist.

Any advices buddy?
Excellent thread :cheers:

Manticore, I have a collection of fat around my waist, tummy.

I've excerised a lot, burnt fat from all parts of body except waist.

Any advices buddy?
carry a heavy back pack and climb up and down of stairs for 30minutes every day

do it for a week
twin lab amino feul is advertised in flex magazine for atleast 12-15 years that i know of

get on/optimum gold standard whey pre/post workout--- add casien at night if you feel muscle soars

whey has all the amino acids -- and gold standards has a good combo of filtered and ionized amino acids [concentrates & isolates] which will also boost immunity.. such amino acids will be absent in 100% isolates

if you have extra money to throw , get the hydo whey --- abosrbtion 5 minutes quicker than gold st. whey--- if you care -- i personally wont waste my money on this, rather buy multivitamins, essential fatty acid tablets and also glucose, creatine if i am in the muscle building phase --- i can make cell tech/ mass tech / nitro tech at home at 1/3 of the price
mostly companies sell certain amino acids and not all the essential a.a -- however one should get balanced and complete a.a -- one source is whey-- which is quick absorbing ---- casien however is very slow

most of these combinations in the market are combination of 10 compounds, I being in the final year of my plastic surgery fellowship, can easily read the ingredients

muttivitamins, average grams of whey/scoop, 2x quantity of glucose to 1x quantity of whey--- however glucose source is cheap , creatine, caffiene , vasodilators like no2 --- even some amino acids have this function so dont need a lot of NO from outside synthetic chamicals

take a good multivit pill, add 1x whey into 2x glucose which you can buy from general store ---- this glucose will help in recovery or help in lifting more weights but it is not necessary to open channels for nutrients in exercising muscles ----- mass tech has the above combo

nitro tech i think added creatine, you can buy a good creatinepo4 and use it as you want-- personally creatine is used up within minutes to seconds of workout and is not worthwhile--- creatine po4 is only a small source -- the triphosphate in atp, gotten from glucose is way more long acting

now just search the amino acids which cause vasodilation and you will see that its all covered in whey and you dont need to waste money on no2 supplements

the only thing i havent mentioned is caffiene for concentrations present in tea/coffee
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