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I am 170 and desperately attempting to hit 180 before Ramadan!
and I'm 5'6

Thats just incredible, I couldn't touch your numbers if I tried. I stopped dead lifting a while ago, because I couldn't maintain my technique well enough at higher weights and feared a lower back injury. Any tips on how to increase my deadlifts and squats, without the loss of technique?
Btw, any particular reason for trying to get even bigger? I'm 170 at 5'9 and I look too big for my liking...you must be an absolute tank.
Thats just incredible, I couldn't touch your numbers if I tried. I stopped dead lifting a while ago, because I couldn't maintain my technique well enough at higher weights and feared a lower back injury. Any tips on how to increase my deadlifts and squats, without the loss of technique?
Btw, any particular reason for trying to get even bigger? I'm 170 at 5'9 and I look too big for my liking...you must be an absolute tank.

Yeah you really should have not stopped deadlifting. To name a few, dead-lift will work your hamstrings, lower back, lats, triceps, forarms and traps. It is a perfect exercise to gain overall mass. The trick is not to use gloves, straps. This way your grip and forearms will also get stronger. I am not sure how exactly you do dead-lift, you know it's not a pull but a push exercise right? You are suppose to use your legs and hips to push the weight up.

For your back workout, What you should do is start deadlifting any weight for which you could do 12 reps max and then second set 10, third 8 and fourth 6. If you do this for a month, your form will be perfect. After a month, increase the weight to the point where you could do only 5 reps for lets say 3 sets and keep it like that for a couple months. With 5 reps and heavy weight, your strength will reach sky high in no time.

The point is that by starting with 12 reps for first month, you will get use to of the form and when you start doing heavy, your form wont suffer. Furthermore, other than regular squats, add front squats and lunges to your leg workout. Front squats and lunges will make your quads harder than a rock. Also lookup Stiff-leg deadlift. They will make your lower back very strong. I do those for my leg workout but i don't go heavy on those, there is no need to.

I hope that made sense. Goodluck with that.

Anyways, I have small bones that's why i kinda wanna bulkup to suffice for my small frame. Plus I have a fast metabolism. During Ramadan, I loose 7 to 10 lbs even and that's when i am trying to eat whatever i can my hands on so if i bulkup to 180, i'll be back to where i started when Ramadan ends but hopefully with less body fat
all right its been 28 days of me going to the gym after 5 months break --- ive lost 4 inches off my belly ---- fat loss was quicker due to 2 reasons

1] ive dont HIT 30 min jogging rather than 20 min..
2] i havent used any protien shakes this time -- the first 2 meals of the day were high calore,.. next 2 low calorie
3] wts that i am lifting are aimed more mass building .. ie complete burnout on 5th/6th rep ... however wt i lift in my compound exercises are only 70% of the previous routine as i am not taking glucose+protien in 2:1 ratio and secondly its been a while seen ive gone to the gym:wave:

--previously it took me 2.4 months to shred 4inches .. as i was using 2 scoops of protien powder and + glucose -----

However i still need to loose 3 inches ... and this might take longer time as eventhough ive skip days off my deit and exercise , but once the body gets used to working out , it achieves an equilibrium and its slower to get further results

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No longer have long hair lol! Got a hair cut in December. My hair use to come down to my lower chest!



Looking good, bro. So that's you in your avatar pic then, I thought koi filmi jaangli ho ga. lol sorry.

I've been on and off with weight lifting due to a shoulder injury but have started again for a month now and im happy with the noticable results. will post my stats when they are less embarrassing.
Looking good, bro. So that's you in your avatar pic then, I thought koi filmi jaangli ho ga. lol sorry.

I've been on and off with weight lifting due to a shoulder injury but have started again for a month now and im happy with the noticable results. will post my stats when they are less embarrassing.

Yeah its me, I need a new picture though. Anyways, yeah post some pictures man and its ok don't be embarrased. Maybe I can give you some comments on what you need to work on. Just trying to help and goodluck in the gym, lift hard and stay safe!
Antibody - Have you tried P90X or Insanity? I ordered a CD for Insanity yesterday and will be starting it in a few days.
Antibody - Have you tried P90X or Insanity? I ordered a CD for Insanity yesterday and will be starting it in a few days.

ive done m200s instead of HIT jogging ---- some people in the gym think i jump like monkey lol

rest of the wts traing time -- , i decrease rest time or use drop sets ----- however i am not regular due to my work
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