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The hate some Indian Hindus have against Muslims.

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Mr and Mrs corona is not differentiating between a muslim, hindu or a jew...may be they are trying to tell us something.
On online platforms over the years, only Indians are the ones i have seen who spew crap from their mouth against Muslims openly than every other nation. They resort to hurl abuses towards prophet P.B.U.H, Allah and anything related to Islam. And normally from those places, Indian Muslims are surprisingly absent to confront them or to give counter narrative. I do wonder sometimes; for Indian muslims, is it Islam or proving their Indianess, what's more important or are they too afraid to confront in general.

Hindus are just jealous that Jinnah gave a Muslim nation for us but Gandhi did not give a Hindu nation for them.
Muslims are best when mixed and mainstreamed with healthy doses of non Muslims.

This is my personal life experience so no one bite my head off.

If that were true then hindu laborers would be butchered from indonesia to the Gulf.. but time and time again hindu minorities have enjoyed the civility of muslim majority countries. The same cannot be said about muslim minorities living with hindu majorities...

Mr and Mrs corona is not differentiating between a muslim, hindu or a jew...may be they are trying to tell us something.

Typical hindu diversion tactic. Once proven wrong try to be civil and prove we are all humans first... obvious fact that this has been overlooked many times in your country. Maybe you should be preaching this on your indian forums? that would be a better audiance
Mr and Mrs corona is not differentiating between a muslim, hindu or a jew...may be they are trying to tell us something.

They are trying to tell us many things, but we are not ready to listen.:lol:
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Why would gulf countries kill slave labour?

I have maids and gardeners and handymen and runners working for me at my place.

They do a good job. I pay them.

Why would I start butchering them?

Thats funny... a moment ago your personal life experience was living in a non muslim country. That seems to have changed with convenience. Must be one of the benefits of being an online warrior.

All these claims are all in your head... definately sounds like a mental issue to me at this point
Thats funny... a moment ago your personal life experience was living in a non muslim country. That seems to have changed with convenience. Must be one of the benefits of being an online warrior.

All these claims are all in your head... definately sounds like a mental issue to me at this point

When did I say I was living in a Muslim country?

I'm a Parsi. Deepest darkest Africa looks nice.
People say "merry CHRISTmas" all the time here. Religion itself is private in terms of belief but isolated phrases and actions seep into the public sphere - no harm in this as long as it doesn't cross a line and become proselytizing. Saying "inshAllah" or doing sajda when scoring a goal are not proselytizing acts.

Here in Germany all Turks and Arabs say "Wallah" (Same as we say "Allah di qasmay" in punjabi) like in every other sentence and no one seems to have any problem with it, I have noticed that it is just part of Turks and Arabs everyday speech. It has even a meaning of "really", so when some Arabs or Turk says "wallah", he usually means "really".
Similarly in Pakistan Inshallah means "hopefully" and "Mashallah" means "beautiful".
When did I say I was living in a Muslim country?

I'm a Parsi. Deepest darkest Africa looks nice.

If i were you Id get to reproducing before your kind goes extinct. Could use more of you in pakistan :)
If i were you Id get to reproducing before your kind goes extinct. Could use more of you in pakistan :)

The only ones who chose to remain in Pakistan are the ones who had big businesses and land holdings.

Like a part of my dad's family in Lahore.

Even they moved out in the late 60s.
The only ones who chose to remain in Pakistan are the ones who had big businesses and land holdings.

Like a part of my dad's family in Lahore.

Even they moved out in the late 60s.

Seen very few parsis move out. Many more simply died out with only a kid or none...

More parsis are prob leaving india here in Pakistan they fit in pretty well
Typical hindu diversion tactic. Once proven wrong try to be civil and prove we are all humans first... obvious fact that this has been overlooked many times in your country. Maybe you should be preaching this on your indian forums? that would be a better audiance

may god shower his blessings on you and your family...and give you strength .protection from this epidemic...stay safe brother.
If you ask me even the phrase "Thank God" also has a religious connotation, recently I have noticed that some atheists in some international forums are using "Thank Dog" to play on the religious phrase of "Thank God" :lol:.
Seen very few parsis move out. Many more simply died out with only a kid or none...

More parsis are prob leaving india here in Pakistan they fit in pretty well

Dude, you have close to 4000 left.

I meet many of them regularly. We are a close knit community globally.

Once Karachi is overrun, even those will leave.
Dude, you have close to 4000 left.

I meet many of them regularly. We are a close knit community globally.

Well you should prob get to work like I said or you might not have any left anywhere in a few decades...
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