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The hate some Indian Hindus have against Muslims.

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Those Muslims who have not migrated to Pakistan shall spend the rest of their lives, proving their loyalty to India.


I find indian muslims to be more dangerous than hindu/sikhs. A hindu/sikh will still show a level of civility in their interactions with muslims while having a deep profound hatred on the inside. An indian muslim will show their hatred of Pakistan directly
Doesn't burn me, I laugh at you morons and hope that one day you wouldn't have to do all these gimmicks and live life like normal human beings, behave normal like the rest of us.
I also hope that Britain's chancellor of the exchequer wouldn't have to do all these gimmicks and live life like normal human beings, behave normal like the rest of us..

Those Muslims who have not migrated to Pakistan shall spend the rest of their lives, proving their loyalty to India.


The above are not Muslims but Munafiqs of the highest order. These people are NOT real Muslims.

You will find same sample of Muslims who hare Hindus in US in equal numbers too...Forget about US, in my community there are few Muslim people who do not like to say Hi to Hindus.....We can put enough FB/Twitter imahges that will show the hatred of these hate mongers against Hindus...

People can have idelogical differences with other ones...But hate is a very strong word...I might differ in asepct of our beleif with Muslims or Pakistan....But does that mean, we should hate it???? Heck ....not at all....And remember...there are always more bad people around us than few good people....So it us upto us ..to create perception based on our beleif....
Doesn't burn me, I laugh at you morons and hope that one day you wouldn't have to do all these gimmicks and live life like normal human beings, behave normal like the rest of us.

Your kind flings cow shit at each other and you calling that living normal? We will do what we have to do no matter what even if it burns you sanghi ***.
This is an FB conversation between me and an some Indian Hindu immigrant living in Britain.
The problem is they bring their Hindutva hate against Muslims to Britain and try to propagate it.

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Brother believe me you cant measure the hate they have for us.. believe me they work live eat and raiz their kids in muslim world but their hate level never goes down.. mostly hindus send donation to RSS.. no what ever you do you cant clean their inside every one says that its not people its pakistani stablishment who lie when they dont know we are people of pakistan is ISI and stablishment who been surviving against 1.35 billion hatters.
Those Muslims who have not migrated to Pakistan shall spend the rest of their lives, proving their loyalty to India.


I find indian muslims to be more dangerous than hindu/sikhs. A hindu/sikh will still show a level of civility in their interactions with muslims while having a deep profound hatred on the inside. An indian muslim will show their hatred of Pakistan directly

The above are not Muslims but Munafiqs of the highest order. These people are NOT real Muslims.

These are our Muslim brothers who act as sleeper cells. Do not take things that you see at face value.
You will find same sample of Muslims who hare Hindus in US in equal numbers too...Forget about US, in my community there are few Muslim people who do not like to say Hi to Hindus.....We can put enough FB/Twitter imahges that will show the hatred of these hate mongers against Hindus...

People can have idelogical differences with other ones...But hate is a very strong word...I might differ in asepct of our beleif with Muslims or Pakistan....But does that mean, we should hate it???? Heck ....not at all....And remember...there are always more bad people around us than few good people....So it us upto us ..to create perception based on our beleif....

Dont even compare the level of civility between hindus and muslims in the US... Indians here are known to do countless frauds. From call scams, to not paying people in their stores, to lying on their resumes to take IT jobs away from people who actually have credentials. Most people here prefer not even to deal with indians due to their ignorance. I have seen sales people simply not take indian customers because they expect to negotiate on everything even if its on sales. I have seen IT managers who wont hire indians because they are known to lie about their resumes. I have seen stores not hire indians because they are known to discriminate against certain races be they asian, black or middle eastern. I have seen women discriminate against indians due to hygiene and feminin issues. Infact i know indian women who would date any guy but an indian and i know indian guys who cant stand other indians..lol

It appears everyone in the US has an issue with indians... it would def not be religious based as you may think but a more characteristic based
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People say "merry CHRISTmas" all the time here. Religion itself is private in terms of belief but isolated phrases and actions seep into the public sphere - no harm in this as long as it doesn't cross a line and become proselytizing. Saying "inshAllah" or doing sajda when scoring a goal are not proselytizing acts.

Personally for me, i am perfectly fine if my friend Muslim friend shares his religion in front me and i can be a part the good things of Islamic religion without changing myself...

For example...I enjoy being part of the festivities of Eid...Because..my friend allows me enough space that even if i am not Muslim, i will not feel left out in his festivals..... it is even not about religion....It is about the Individual and his attitude that he is the only correct and others are wrong....You can take it as religion or anything...I may be an Hindu/Christian or anything....But any Muslims can not look at me that my faith is simply inferior to him and the same way I can not look at him as Muslims are Inferior to Non-Muslims....So as long as people with any faith respect each other and treat each other in an equal manner, no one really cares about the religion or belief....
On online platforms over the years, only Indians are the ones i have seen who spew crap from their mouth against Muslims openly than every other nation. They resort to hurl abuses towards prophet P.B.U.H, Allah and anything related to Islam. And normally from those places, Indian Muslims are surprisingly absent to confront them or to give counter narrative. I do wonder sometimes; for Indian muslims, is it Islam or proving their Indianess, what's more important or are they too afraid to confront in general.
Personally for me, i am perfectly fine if my friend Muslim friend shares his religion in front me and i can be a part the good things of Islamic religion without changing myself...

For example...I enjoy being part of the festivities of Eid...Because..my friend allows me enough space that even if i am not Muslim, i will not feel left out in his festivals..... it is even not about religion....It is about the Individual and his attitude that he is the only correct and others are wrong....You can take it as religion or anything...I may be an Hindu/Christian or anything....But any Muslims can not look at me that my faith is simply inferior to him and the same way I can not look at him as Muslims are Inferior to Non-Muslims....So as long as people with any faith respect each other and treat each other in an equal manner, no one really cares about the religion or belief....

Good try... your only saying that to somewhat appear educated :D
Dont even compare the level of civility between hindus and muslims in the US... Indians here are known to do countless frauds. From call scams, to not paying people in their stores, to lying on their resumes to take IT jobs away from people who actually have credentials. Most people here prefer not even to deal with indians due to their ignorance. I have seen sales people simply not take indian customers because they expect to negotiate on everything even if its on sales. I have seen IT managers who wont hire indians because they are known to lie about their resumes. I have seen stores not hire indians because they are known to discriminate against certain races be they asian, black or middle eastern. I have seen women discriminate against indians due to hygiene and feminin issues. It appears everyone in the US has an issue with indians... it would def not be religious based as you may think but a more characteristic based

Well...I can narrate countless thing...that i can make it as ..."I have seen/I have experienced" about Muslim/Pakistan in this country....But what matters is about differentiating good or bad based on people...not religion....So you can keep on story telling these items as you like to do always....
Well...I can narrate countless thing...that i can make it as ..."I have seen/I have experienced" about Muslim/Pakistan in this country....But what matters is about differentiating good or bad based on people...not religion....So you can keep on story telling these items as you like to do always....

Say all the none sense you want. Most americans get along with and prefer to work with/be neighbors with Pakistanis over indians any day of the week.
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