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The hate some Indian Hindus have against Muslims.

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What's wrong in what he said? Why do you Muslims need to flaunt your religion everywhere? Do you see Hindus repeatedly saying jai sriram or Christians hallelujah?you even do sajda in public for show off...religion is a pvt thing and keep it as such
People say "merry CHRISTmas" all the time here. Religion itself is private in terms of belief but isolated phrases and actions seep into the public sphere - no harm in this as long as it doesn't cross a line and become proselytizing. Saying "inshAllah" or doing sajda when scoring a goal are not proselytizing acts.
What's wrong in what he said? Why do you Muslims need to flaunt your religion everywhere? Do you see Hindus repeatedly saying jai sriram or Christians hallelujah?you even do sajda in public for show off...religion is a pvt thing and keep it as such

because we say Islam is not a religion its a Deen"the way of life"

how do you know its just for show off?? do you have some supernatural abilities to judge people??
P.S : we do sajdah to thank ALLAAH. not to showoff.
Why would you even waste a single second of your life chatting with a gangu indian on the social media? I really don't know why some pakistanis "like" to interact with gangu indians at every cost.

True.........:lol:.........the very sight of an indian or talking to one makes me want to......:bad:
What's wrong in what he said? Why do you Muslims need to flaunt your religion everywhere? Do you see Hindus repeatedly saying jai sriram or Christians hallelujah?you even do sajda in public for show off...religion is a pvt thing and keep it as such

Then why is it that your women prefer those who flaunt their religion? ie Muslims or christians... must be the disbelief of worshipping statues that your religion prefers
What if Pakistan did not separate from India in 1947. Will Muslims have a chance to become the leader of a united nation?
What's wrong in what he said?

Insha'Allah is literally just two words, if it triggers you then you have problems. It doesn't even denote a particular religion, it just means "God willing".

Why do you Muslims need to flaunt your religion everywhere?

If you perceive a simple "God willing" as flaunting, again, you have problems.

Do you see Hindus repeatedly saying jai sriram or Christians hallelujah?

Yes, I do lol. And idc. Jews do the same with their Yiddish/Hebrew vocabulary.

you even do sajda in public for show off

Almost nobody does, and even when we do, again, no big deal. You guys celebrate diwali and what not in public, so why can't Muslims do a simple prostration in public? It's not like Muslims are the only ones who prostrate.
exactly these retards don't get it. I have seem some people use InshaAllah in office e-mails, don't know where they want to get with this cheap behavior

Ha INSHALLAH. must burn you on the inside. In other nations we have freedom of worship and speech. We can say as we wish without the terror of hinduism trying to stab us some how. Its pitiful that the hindu of today has it fixed in their pysch the 1000 years of muslim rule which were actually the golden period of the sub continent (worlds largest GDP) and full freedom of worship.
Likewise, "cheap" behaviour from a man in public office, propagating his religious affiliation shamelessly.

exactly these retards don't get it. I have seem some people use InshaAllah in office e-mails, don't know where they want to get with this cheap behavior

Insha'Allah is literally just two words, if it triggers you then you have problems. It doesn't even denote a particular religion, it just means "God willing".

If you perceive a simple "God willing" as flaunting, again, you have problems.

Yes, I do lol. And idc. Jews do the same with their Yiddish/Hebrew vocabulary.

Almost nobody does, and even when we do, again, no big deal. You guys celebrate diwali and what not in public, so why can't Muslims do a simple prostration in public? It's not like Muslims are the only ones who prostrate.
They must spontaneously combust when Muslim sportsmen do sajda after scoring a goal or winning a cricket world cup.
What if Pakistan did not separate from India in 1947. Will Muslims have a chance to become the leader of a united nation?

It would be difficult... Hindus have a self inflicted wound to their ego regarding the 1200 years of muslim rule over them. A lot of them have been fed propaganda to suit certain interests. The truth is the muslim rulers of india never focused on spreading islam. They were to busy enjoying the fruits of power. Had they been interested in spreading islam then India today would all be Pakistan but no to busy enjoying themselves
On the topic of this thread, this same hindutva filth have abused sportsmen of Pakistani Muslim origin without an ounce of shame.
Funny thing is if it had been a hindu saying jai shri ram or whatever they would defend him and claim society is anti-hindu lol infact I see nothing wrong with someone saying religiously denomated terms. Only someone who lacks self confidence would care too
Doesn't burn me, I laugh at you morons and hope that one day you wouldn't have to do all these gimmicks and live life like normal human beings, behave normal like the rest of us.

Once again lacking in self confidence... if you didnt have a hurt ego then why would you care what anyone says regarding religion lol

Thats the problem with hindus... their complete lack of self confidence has consumed their whole world view regarding religion. Funny thing is most of your women see right through that and take the first chance they get to run away with Muslims or Christians. Can you answer why is that?

Work on your confidence buddy. Someone saying merry christmas, inshallah, namaste, etc.. should not affect. you :)
It is a broad based and very deep conflict, in all respects, and would not go very easily. We have to live with it.
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