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The hate some Indian Hindus have against Muslims.

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Oh nooo did you say God? whyyyy my self confidence is so shattered now

He is a devout Hindu and a very nice fellow, from South India. No need to be harsh with him. Just my opinion.
And there is another phenomenon because of this. The converts deep sense of inferiority means they work overtime to create myths about their lineage. In South Asia there appear to be more descendants from Arab pristine figures then even in Arab countries. How can that be? The number of syeds, qureshis etc is staggering. All are fake wannabes. The other thing to note is the converts are zealous in peddling hatred for Hindus. So bizzarely the Hindus hate the converts and the converts work even harder to hate the Hindus in some complex to divorce themselves from them.

You can even observe that on PDF.
And there is another phenomenon because of this. The converts deep sense of inferiority and work overtime to create myths about their lineage. In South Asia there appear to be more descendants from Arab pristine figures then even in Arab countries. How can that be? The number of syeds, qureshis etc is staggering. All are fake wannabes. The other rhing to note is the converts over overtime in peddling hatred for Hindus. So bizzarely the Hindus hate the converts and the converts work even harder to hate the Hindus in some complex to divorce themselves from them.

You can even observe that on PDF.

Muslims in India are largely looked at by mid to high caste Hindus the same way Pakistanis look at your Christians or Churas(?)
Muslims in India are largely looked at by mid to high caste Hindus the same way Pakistanis look at your Christians or Churas(?)
If you come from untouchable background and convert to Islam the only quality you have is thart you are a Muslim. You have faith and your lineage. If your lineage was that of a untoucable you will stress the faith as your identity. If you have pedigree you will retain that and make a amalgam. Pedigree/faith.
This idea that many love to peddle here that Indian Hindu's hate Muslims is rubbish. The same Indianm Hindus have no issues, indeed they drool over Muslims from Iran, Arabs [UAE, Saudi, Omani, Palestinians, Afghans] so it can't be hatred for Muslims per se.

The hatred actually is for converts from lower castes of Hinduism who make the bulk of Indian Muslims. This is the same prejudice within Hinduism for untouchables, christians etc. The underlying dynamic is the Hindu caste system. It is a reminder that just because these untouchables etc or other lower order Hindu's have converted to Islam and adopted false Turkish/Arab family pedigree they can't escape from what they are. Hindu low castes.

Of course this might be the sentiment that informs this prejudice but socio-political factors have also conjoined with the underlying dynamic leading to what you see today. On top of this Hindu populists have used the India-Pak rivalry to add more fire and played on these sentiments to gain support.

Modi might talk but you don't see any Muslim hate when he is clasping the UAE royal family etc

Hinduism is very diverse so you would have to break it down more to understand where the hatred comes from and how we as a nation can take advantage of if. Id break it down further to the following categories:

Indian muslims (considered hindus)- Very dangerous. Must never be compromised with. Will stab you in the back at the first chance

Brahmin- This is tricky. Id split this as 50-50 for those who are more open minded and live outside the kashmir valley. Brahmins who are of pandit ancestory or who reside outside of north india can also be considered dangerous to me for their insane hatred of muslims and pakistan. Northern indian brahmin are more curious and open minded with regards to pakistan due to close genetic linkages with northern pakistan.

Congress-liberal hindu- Also somewhat dangerous but less than the 2 above. They have intense hatred for Pakistan more than muslims due to their belief that the country was partitioned and it could have been prevented. They will only appear to appease muslims due to their own political benefits but most are non-religious hindus who hate religion and are atheistic in general

Sikhs- Similar to brahmins I would put them at 50-50- Half are somewhat curious regarding pakistan/islam and may have anti-indian tendancies due to 1984. Other half are pro hindu and very anti-islam/pakistan. hard to tell where they fit in personally until you strike up a conversation with one

Bjp leaning hindus- More curious regarding pakistan/islam. Most are insecure but seem normal once you strike up a conversation. Also may change their mind or soften their tone with regards to pakistan due to genetic-linkages (northern india). The more dangerous ones would be bjp leaning hindus who are brahmin or from lower castes ie modi, advani, etc

Dalits- Most (80%) wouldnt care regarding religion and can be soft in tone towards pakistan due to not really caring about political/religious issues. if pakistan makes more of an outreach to this group we can influence indian government

South indians (non-brahmin)- Same as above but with the added caveat that they are far more open minded than other groups listed above. Along with their positive outlook on muslim rule (Sultanates of south india) they can be pretty pro-pakistan. Pakistan should make a direct outreach to these groups to gain better influence in indian govts

Let me know if I missed anything :)
Hinduism is very diverse so you would have to break it down more to understand where the hatred comes from and how we as a nation can take advantage of if. Id break it down further to the following categories:

Indian muslims (considered hindus)- Very dangerous. Must never be compromised with. Will stab you in the back at the first chance

Brahmin- This is tricky. Id split this as 50-50 for those who are more open minded and live outside the kashmir valley. Brahmins who are of pandit ancestory or who reside outside of north india can also be considered dangerous to me for their insane hatred of muslims and pakistan. Northern indian brahmin are more curious and open minded with regards to pakistan due to close genetic linkages with northern pakistan.

Congress-liberal hindu- Also somewhat dangerous but less than the 2 above. They have intense hatred for Pakistan more than muslims due to their belief that the country was partitioned and it could have been prevented. They will only appear to appease muslims due to their own political benefits but most are non-religious hindus who hate religion and are atheistic in general

Sikhs- Similar to brahmins I would put them at 50-50- Half are somewhat curious regarding pakistan/islam and may have anti-indian tendancies due to 1984. Other half are pro hindu and very anti-islam/pakistan. hard to tell where they fit in personally until you strike up a conversation with one

Bjp leaning hindus- More curious regarding pakistan/islam. Most are insecure but seem normal once you strike up a conversation. Also may change their mind or soften their tone with regards to pakistan due to genetic-linkages (northern india). The more dangerous ones would be bjp leaning hindus who are brahmin or from lower castes ie modi, advani, etc

Dalits- Most (80%) wouldnt care regarding religion and can be soft in tone towards pakistan due to not really caring about political/religious issues. if pakistan makes more of an outreach to this group we can influence indian government

South indians (non-brahmin)- Same as above but with the added caveat that they are far more open minded than other groups listed above. Along with their positive outlook on muslim rule (Sultanates of south india) they can be pretty pro-pakistan. Pakistan should make a direct outreach to these groups to gain better influence in indian govts

Let me know if I missed anything :)
I absolutely refuse to accept that Islam is the issue in 2020. Those who talk of 'Muslim hatred' are deluded because they must think only Pakistan is Muslim. If there is Muslim hatred by Indian establishment where is it when it comes to cavorting with Iranians, Saudis, Emiratis etc?

The Indians seem to have no problem with majority of Muslims and Muslim world. The truth is hatred for some groups within India is endogenous to Hindu belief system and might come across as dressed in 'Muslim' cloak. The hatred toward Pakistan in 2020 is purely 70 years of political rivalry, history and wars. Again it is ssecular hatred that many like to dress in religion.
In logoon ke mun lagta kyun ho?
Well frankly this is nothing. He is only objecting to your saying inshallah. In India they abuse and kill muslims. They abuse Islamic personalities etc. They beat them and force them to sk g national anthem etc. And it goes on and on.
Well I live in Britain not India.
Here we got legal freedom to practice our faith
They should leave their dirty Indian Hindytva mentality back in India before coming to Britain
Well I live in Britain not India.
Here we got legal freedom to practice our faith
They should leave their dirty Indian Hindytva mentality back in India before coming to Britain

You can report them to the home office...many of these hindus claim to be escaping religious persecution :D
What's wrong in what he said? Why do you Muslims need to flaunt your religion everywhere? Do you see Hindus repeatedly saying jai sriram or Christians hallelujah?you even do sajda in public for show off...religion is a pvt thing and keep it as such
Do u even know what "inshallah" means? It means "God willing"...it's not exactly flaunting...it is just generally associated with Muslims...
...like saying "Namaste" as a greeting is associated with Hindus and saying "Sat Sri Akaal" is generally associated with Sikhs. None of that amounts to flaunting. Why do u care so much about what others' beliefs are? It never bothered me if somebody said "namaste" to me...it's bcuz I'm not a bigot with flimsy beliefs.

On a separate note...
@Safriz this thread is completely unnecessary. It's a defence forum...do u really think it necessary to open a thread based on a Facebook conversation?

@The Eagle @waz plz close this thread...it will invite nothing but trolling and flamebaiting.
The number of times I have met these and had to listen to rant about their ancestry is incredible. Almost everytime I have been staring at a Dalit face or modified Dalit face straight from Ganga jungles.

Lmaoooo :D tell me about it. We need a national re-education system so people can get it through their heads. Our mullahs are mostly to blame for this as well
Personally for me, i am perfectly fine if my friend Muslim friend shares his religion in front me and i can be a part the good things of Islamic religion without changing myself...

For example...I enjoy being part of the festivities of Eid...Because..my friend allows me enough space that even if i am not Muslim, i will not feel left out in his festivals..... it is even not about religion....It is about the Individual and his attitude that he is the only correct and others are wrong....You can take it as religion or anything...I may be an Hindu/Christian or anything....But any Muslims can not look at me that my faith is simply inferior to him and the same way I can not look at him as Muslims are Inferior to Non-Muslims....So as long as people with any faith respect each other and treat each other in an equal manner, no one really cares about the religion or belief....
Nobody can find fault with such measured reasoning, however I'm sorry to say that this silent minority you seem to be part of is totally ineffective in a BJP dominated nation.
If you come from untouchable background and convert to Islam the only quality you have is thart you are a Muslim. You have faith and your lineage. If your lineage was that of a untoucable you will stress the faith as your identity. If you have pedigree you will retain that and make a amalgam. Pedigree/faith.

I suspect the pedigree thing is alive and kicking within the Indian Muslim community as well.

As I'm sure it is in Pakistan society.

The whole Muhajir thing is class/caste/pedigree with refugee overtones (settlers vs the settled).

The thing that really pisses Hindus about Muslims is their refusal to accept their ancestry and lineage.

Their links to this soil in extreme cases.

You spoke about the Qureshi's.

The entire angst in 2017 between the Jats and Qureshi's stems from the fact that they claim they are not of this soil, but of Arab lineage.

All bets are off then.

In the present climate, and I do not see it changing ever, now that there's been a continental shift and awakening of a billion Hindus, this is only going to lead to them being hounded increasingly and broken.
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