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The hate some Indian Hindus have against Muslims.

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The war is one way, let’s leave dishonesty aside. They are a small minority which is up against in many cases state and federal government machinery.
No worries about your reactions it’s expected from soulless folk.

It was a WAR waged on Indians by Indian and foreign Muslims with support from foreign countries ... muslim and non Muslim.

And we know which countries.

I wont be backing down in this one. Your name calling is sad, seeing what you used to be and represent.

Zero respect now.
I absolutely refuse to accept that Islam is the issue in 2020. Those who talk of 'Muslim hatred' are deluded because they must think only Pakistan is Muslim. If there is Muslim hatred by Indian establishment where is it when it comes to cavorting with Iranians, Saudis, Emiratis etc?

The Indians seem to have no problem with majority of Muslims and Muslim world. The truth is hatred for some groups within India is endogenous to Hindu belief system and might come across as dressed in 'Muslim' cloak. The hatred toward Pakistan in 2020 is purely 70 years of political rivalry, history and wars. Again it is ssecular hatred that many like to dress in religion.

Heck ..even there are good number of Indian( Hindus) who will not have absolute problem with Pakistan or Pakistan muslims for religion....So i completely agree with you....We are trying to simplifying the problem by saying that Indian Hindus Hate Muslims or Pakistan hates Hindus....This difference in opinion is not due to being Muslim, it may be due to political problem in Kashmir....Suppose, Kashmir issue is resolved as per the expectation of India and Pakistan, i am damn sure, majority of Pakistan and Indian people will have non enemical relation with each other irrespctive of our religion...
It was a WAR waged on Indians by Indian and foreign Muslims with support from foreign countries ... muslim and non Muslim.

I wont be backing down in this one. Your name calling is sad, seeing what you used to be and represent.

Zero respect now.

Indians facing a collective war? Funny haven’t seen Sikhs, Jains, swaminaryan, many Christians say the same thing. I left out Muslims so as not to enrage you and associate them with India.
I don’t call for the deaths of innocents, you have in subtle terms. To hell with your respect, not something I’d miss.
You're neglecting the elephant in the room - literally.

Indians - brainwashed by hindutva - have a specific hatred for those Muslims whom they perceive as having destroyed their 60000 year old elephant riding utopia. They hate subcontinental Muslims/mughals/Pakistanis as all these groups overlap in terms of that key defining characteristic.

Precise and to the point.
Nobody can find fault with such measured reasoning, however I'm sorry to say that this silent minority you seem to be part of is totally ineffective in a BJP dominated nation.

BJP is in our national radar since last 25 year...Now, some one has to think, why this kind of thinking of BJP gets enough space in India that propelled a party of virtually 0 seats in 1980'S to control 350 seat in 2019....If we want to kick away any moster, then the root cause need to be understood...Otherwise, today it is BJP, tomorrow it will come up in another version...And the monster is not only BJP from our side, Pakistan is also a party to this entire episode too...
Being a Hindu, you do not want to accept that Indus Pakistan has verbalised what we all know.

Your understanding is wrong and so is his. Hindus don't view muslims as some low-caste converts, they view them as invaders who came from outside to destroy our culture and the existing ones are seen as left overs of ghauri & ghazni, watch some bollywood movies & TV debates to understand.

And where pakistan comes into picture they are the biggest traitors on earth and responsible for any WAR india might lose in future because they are a unpatriotic baggage that is being carried, very similar to hitlers antisemitism.
Indians facing a collective war? Funny haven’t seen Sikhs, Jains, swaminaryan, many Christians say the same thing. I left out Muslims so as not to enrage you and associate them with India.
I don’t call for the deaths of innocents, you have in subtle terms. To hell with your respect, not something I’d miss.

Your hatred post 370 has gotten the better of you.

I'm sure you're a cool guy in the real world.

It's just that I've lost respect for online Waz.

I don't care if you don't care. I don't respect guys because they want me to respect them.
Your understanding is wrong and so is his. Hindus don't view muslims as some low-caste converts, they view them as invaders who came from outside to destroy our culture and the existing ones are seen as left overs of ghauri & ghazni, watch some bollywood movies & TV debates to understand.

And where pakistan comes into picture they are the biggest traitors on earth and responsible for any WAR india might lose in future because they are a unpatriotic baggage that is being carried, very similar to hitlers antisemitism.

Man how can you lot be so ignorant?

How dafuq are Indian and Pakistani muslims "Invaders"?

How dafuq do you invade the soil you have been birthed and living on for millenia?!
Your understanding is wrong and so is his. Hindus don't view muslims as some low-caste converts, they view them as invaders who came from outside to destroy our culture and the existing ones are seen as left overs of ghauri & ghazni, watch some bollywood movies & TV debates to understand.

And where pakistan comes into picture they are the biggest traitors on earth and responsible for any WAR india might lose in future because they are a unpatriotic baggage that is being carried, very similar to hitlers antisemitism.
You're absolutely right. This is how hindutva regards the groups you mentioned.

@SIPRA sir, this guy also gets it.
Your hatred post 370 has gotten the better of you.

I'm sure you're a cool guy in the real world.

It's just that I've lost respect for online Waz.

I don't care if you don't care. I don't respect guys because they want me to respect them.

Hatred is a good thing when channelled at an enemy who deserves it, it makes you strong and powerful.
Thanks for the rest.
Man how can you lot be so ignorant?

How dafuq are Indian and Pakistani muslims "Invaders"?

How dafuq do you invade the soil you have been birthed and living on for millenia?!

Why are you confusing it as my views, I told you what hindu nationalists think in general about muslims.
It has got no caste angle, your narrative is very simplistic that they are hated because they were low-caste. Listen to the view BJP spokesperson or RSS people tell on television, you need not be a genius to realize what I am saying.
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