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The guy who tried to stop a man from burning Holy Quran

I say it openly YES. I will reach as same as above. You are too wrong to judge me & Islam which pretty much tells about your wrong thought process & pre-mindset. No Muslim will aware dare or think to burn Bible. Do you know what Islam says about other Holy Books? Therefore, I suggested you to read Islam properly.

Really? I posted this earlier. Care to reply ?

In 2016 a Muslim man broke into a church in Pakistan and burnt various copies of the bible. He was never prosecuted by the authorities who claimed that he was "insane" whilst the church members had evidence that he was not insane. On various occasions Pakistanis have burned the United States flag. Why are Pakistani Muslims so offended by a Norwegian man burning the Q'uran when they are experts at burning anything they find offensive?
Really? I posted this earlier. Care to reply ?

If I was the authority, I will definitely be charging him for blasphemy but as you stated, the man was proven mentally ill/insance then the law does not punish and that is the fact. On other hand, I wish could upload, I have the first hand video of a mentally unstable man, walking nakedly into Masjid, smashes all the windows and door glass, injures himself as well and then goes to the Qibla where Iman used to lead namaz and lays down and the blood is all over the floor... what happened to him... nothing except that few people in Masjid at that time throw him out and called for Police. There were no charges against him knowing that he is unstable mentally rather, I think was handed over to Edhi (I am not sure Edhi or to the family) but did you hear anything on that.... I am sure, you didn't. What you quote was the fact reported by authority and what I said, is my believe as well as teaching of Islam that no one is allowed to disrespect other religion let alone burning Bible at all (Astaghfirullah). Bible is part of Islamic Faith and no Muslim will dare so except some mentally ill person or the one who doesn't know a bit about Islam. Try to read what Islam says in Al-Imanul Mufassal and Al-Imanul Mujammal.
sorry for any inconvenience from my side and any of my misunderstanding ,regards

Perks of mobile touch screen and a fat thumb

the man was proven mentally ill/insance then the law does not punish and that is the fact.
That is sad. We're all the others cheering also mentally unstable?

Sorry haven't been following the circus

Atheism religion was designed to breed Fascism. It's maturing rapidly.
I am so sorry my fat thumb is making moderating impossible
That is sad. We're all the others cheering also mentally unstable?

Sorry haven't been following the circus

This is about another story that member quoted above. Not related to topic in hand, I think.
If I was the authority, I will definitely be charging him for blasphemy but as you stated, the man was proven mentally ill/insance then the law does not punish and that is the fact. On other hand, I wish could upload, I have the first hand video of a mentally unstable man, walking nakedly into Masjid, smashes all the windows and door glass, injures himself as well and then goes to the Qibla where Iman used to lead namaz and lays down and the blood is all over the floor... what happened to him... nothing except that few people in Masjid at that time throw him out and called for Police. There were no charges against him knowing that he is unstable mentally rather, I think was handed over to Edhi (I am not sure Edhi or to the family) but did you hear anything on that.... I am sure, you didn't. What you quote was the fact reported by authority and what I said, is my believe as well as teaching of Islam that no one is allowed to disrespect other religion let alone burning Bible at all (Astaghfirullah). Bible is part of Islamic Faith and no Muslim will dare so except some mentally ill person or the one who doesn't know a bit about Islam. Try to read what Islam says in Al-Imanul Mufassal and Al-Imanul Mujammal.

Agreed. If I was the authorities I would also have charged him for blasphemy.
Unfortunately the perp in Pakistan wasn't proven to be insane. Authorities claimed he was (without proof) whilst church members claimed otherwise.
Nope, I did not hear about the insane guy who wrecked a masjid. Hope he was proven to be insane before being let off so lightly.
I am in agreement with you that no religious scripture should be burned or vandalized.
My point was in relation to the clear intolerance in Pakistan towards minority religions and Pakistan (not the rest of the Islamic world) raising objection to this incident or praising the man who took action against clearly an act of intolerance
In 2016 a Muslim man broke into a church in Pakistan and burnt various copies of the bible. He was never prosecuted by the authorities who claimed that he was "insane" whilst the church members had evidence that he was not insane. On various occasions Pakistanis have burned the United States flag. Why are Pakistani Muslims so offended by a Norwegian man burning the Q'uran when they are experts at burning anything they find offensive?
No we are not experts at burning anything we hate I think you can find many more nationals burning American flag....just do a little bit of research before brushing everyone with a broad brush.

The number of insult the prophet gets through hatred far outnumbers any other hate crime.
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Unfortunately the perp in Pakistan wasn't proven to be insane. Authorities claimed he was (without proof) whilst church members claimed otherwise.

My friend, there are very less chances that the one at receiving end or being mocked will tone down and say otherwise. If authorities lied to favour a person who tried to burn Bible; I am sure they have committed a sin and done something against Islam. On other hand, I don't believe that the mental health of a person can be manipulated especially since we have more NGOs to raise issue as well as people that wouldn't tolerate and 2016 is not a far history. While we are delivering justice or trying to be the one that can do so; lest not be drowned due to our own understanding but will have to see both sides of episode. However, as I said earlier, personally for me; wouldn't allow a person to disrespect Bible at all or any other Holy Book.

My point was in relation to the clear intolerance in Pakistan towards minority religions and Pakistan (not the rest of the Islamic world) raising objection to this incident or praising the man who took action against clearly an act of intolerance

I am living in Pakistan, visited almost everywhere and I have first hand experience that except for few uneducated radicalized guys; there is no such issue of intolerance and that too as Clear Intolerance. YOu can stick to your opinion and I can't enforce what I know, so you can rather search more in depth and try to avoid the usual sentimental propaganda. In the end, such kind of intolerant people lives almost everywhere but their numbers aren't in majority to blame whole nation. What this episode transpires that Government itself wasn't interested to stop so there is a chance that a person can't stop himself to react like this having religion.
What is 'morally low' according to you may not be the same for others. In some nations blasphemers should be killed and it is perfectly alright because of the societal norms of that country.

In some country burning a holy book or mocking a religious figure is considered as free will and thats also perfectly alright due to the societal norms.
Are you incapable of having any brain cells in that brain of yours? This is a hate crime and is punishable by the constitution. Go read their constitution and then come back here.
@waz @Jungibaaz can you have look at @HRK giving me negatives for no reason? Is this how the administration runs this forum, If they don't like your views they try to ban you or give you negative ratings?
My point was in relation to the clear intolerance in Pakistan towards minority religions and Pakistan (not the rest of the Islamic world) raising objection to this incident or praising the man who took action against clearly an act of intolerance
So if the nation state of Norway does not take any action against Qur'an burners and allows them to burn Qurans, does that mean Norway has no right to criticise Pakistan for acts of intolerance towards minorities? Just want to see if you hold all nations to the same standards or is it only Pakistan that is the glass house here?
Don't be sorry. You have a tough task at hand ...
More like a fat thumb and a tiny mobile lol

Is burning the Quran blasphemous? Just asking because Caliph Uthman also burned other version of Quran so if I could get some clarity on this matter I would appreciate this and also Quran is only holy for Muslims so why would you expect non Muslims to consider Quran to be holy? Although I do think this guy shouldn't have burnt the Quran but again what you gonna do if someone does burn it? People also burn Bibles etc but you don't see millions of Christians coming out in protests, burning tyres and lynching people over blasphemy, seems like modern Christianity has moved on from its violent past, the world's still waiting for Muslims to join the 21st Century.
Judaism is not every man's religion yet there are holocaust denial laws...whole laws to deny an event....

But it's ok to harm a new group's sentiments as long as they aren't Jews?

Strange in my opinion...selective rights?

People also burn Bibles
People don't actually make a public display out of it
Whats up with Scandinavian countries and islamophobia? First it was always lunatics in Denmark, now Norway..
Judaism is not every man's religion yet there are holocaust denial laws...whole laws to deny an event....

But it's ok to harm a new group's sentiments as long as they aren't Jews?

Strange in my opinion...selective rights?

You're confusing criticism of religion with genocide of millions of European Jews, the reason why there is laws against such atrocities is that Europeans thought not enough was done to stop it and to be honest even the Catholic Church hardly spoke against persecution of Jews in Nazi Germany, I don't think any Nazi leader was ever excommunicated from the Catholic religion by the Pope so you can understand why some European countries felt the need to protect Jewish people from further genocides.
You're confusing criticism of religion with genocide of millions of European Jews, the reason why there is laws against such atrocities is that Europeans thought not enough was done to stop it and to be honest even the Catholic Church hardly spoke against persecution of Jews in Nazi Germany, I don't think any Nazi leader was ever excommunicated from the Catholic religion by the Pope so you can understand why some European countries felt the need to protect Jewish people from further genocides.
That genocide took place due to some hatred and criticism by burning a religious book is more of a hate crime than criticising

the reason why there is laws against such atrocities is that Europeans thought not enough was done to stop it
Same case with insulting Islam and prophet. Not enough is done. So must we wait till 6 million are effected and then Europe will wake up?

Catholic Church hardly spoke against persecution of Jews in Nazi Germany, I don't think any Nazi leader was ever excommunicated from the Catholic religion by the Pope so you can understand why some European countries felt the need to protect Jewish people from further genocides.
The church is also silent about insulting the prophet. And in America some pastors (protestant) do the Quran burning or encourage hate
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