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The guy who tried to stop a man from burning Holy Quran

Well they do insult thier biblical prophets and make fun of them. Jesus (AS) is a prime example
Which is strange....but just coz they do that doesn't mean it has to be a norm for those who have a deeper sentiment ...

Christians don't mind insulting other prophets....They do so even in their bibles where their prophet even did insect and other ill is allowed ...but this demonstration was to specifically provoke Muslims and nothing more.

And many do know Muslims do get provoked...I think there are laws that don't allow provoking others to violence
That genocide took place due to some hatred and criticism by burning a religious book is more of a hate crime than criticising

Actually I don't agree with burning any holy book but all of these events are related to rising Right wing in Europe and failure of many Muslim communities in Europe to integrate into the society. Had the European regressive Left not given into PC culture then this debate about integration, immigration and Islam would not have been hijacked by the far right. People would get immediately called racist for questioning uncontrolled immigration or some aspects of Islam that clearly collide with European values, from punishment of Apostasy to blasphemy(Salman Rushdie fatwa etc).

European secular media outlets and civil society has generally taken Christianity to town over its beliefs and treatment of women, slavery and religious intolerance before the secularization of Europe but Islam to an extent was given special treatment, you couldn't ask why Muslims despite living in the west yet supporting sharia law, treatment of women, calling for death of apostates, killing people over blasphemy etc are all issues facing the Muslim world.

Actually I don't agree with burning any holy book but all of these events are related to rising Right wing in Europe and failure of many Muslim communities in Europe to integrate into the society. Had the European regressive Left not given into PC culture then this debate about integration, immigration and Islam would not have been hijacked by the far right. People would get immediately called racist for questioning uncontrolled immigration or some aspects of Islam that clearly collide with European values, from punishment of Apostasy to
That is a completely different topic.

Right now the topic at hand is provoking violence. The guy clearly knew what he was doing. Made a circus of it. If not for a reaction than for what?

European secular media outlets and civil society has generally taken Christianity to town over its beliefs and treatment of women, slavery and religious intolerance before the secularization of Europe but Islam to an extent was given special treatment, you couldn't ask why Muslims despite living in the west yet supporting sharia law, treatment of women, calling for death of apostates, killing people over blasphemy etc are all issues facing the Muslim world.
You could actually. It was not given a special name but folded under freedom of speech .

BBC itself promoted an unknown guy anjem chaudry ...someone who has no religious training, no degrees in Islamic knowledge as a host to represent Muslims for years?

Why him among other learned people? He was always invited and allowed to B'S freely without needing to prove his crap
That genocide took place due to some hatred and criticism by burning a religious book is more of a hate crime than criticising

Same case with insulting Islam and prophet. Not enough is done. So must we wait till 6 million are effected and then Europe will wake up?

The church is also silent about insulting the prophet. And in America some pastors (protestant) do the Quran burning or encourage hate

One side insults and the other want people like me and vast majority of non Muslim Europeans dead. Please stop this victim mentality, there are many Muslims who would happily murder me for belonging to a heretic Sect or for blasphemy. I was threatened even in UK school that If I was in their own country he would behead me for being a heretic. There is clearly something wrong with mainstream Islamist Muslims.
One side insults and the other want people like me and vast majority of non Muslim Europeans dead. Please stop this victim mentality, there are many Muslims who would happily murder me for belonging to a heretic Sect or for blasphemy. I was threatened even in UK school that If I was in their own country he would behead me for being a heretic. There is clearly something wrong with mainstream Islamist Muslims.
Empty talks from bullies.

Don't you hear blacks threatened also?

So can you kindly stop your "personal victim complex" and think about the community. as a whole.
China out-Guantanomed Guantanamo...Anyways not my fight, not my concern...But it is hyprocritical for a Chinese to criticize Western Europe, when it owes everything to Western Europe

may allah punish those who find excuses the same like the ones commit that filthy acts like prisoning ppl who only say bismillah, go to jumah prayer, or put forcely alcohol in their mouthes or who put foreigners spies into houses no understanding of mahram.. these are the ones who would cry rivers if it would happen to them..

sometimes ppl only need some words or to see a heart that is rejecting this kind of stuff

thank you!
Burning a book is a legitimate method to protest the ideas inside. As the developed world becomes less religious, expect to see more of this.
Religious radicals are on the decline everywhere.
That is a completely different topic.

Right now the topic at hand is provoking violence. The guy clearly knew what he was doing. Made a circus of it. If not for a reaction than for what?

Provoking violence vs people who actually participate in violence, I'm sorry I'm not buying this victim mentality and double standards. Muslims can call people with derogatory terms like heretic, apostate, pagan and support this claim with Islamic history and tradition to call for taking violent action against these groups, unless mainstream Islam reforms and joins the 21st Century we gonna be going around in circles. These beliefs kill people, they killed people on 9/11, 7/7, Charlie Hebdo, Paris attacks and Manchester arena attack, the list is quite long just in Europe and it gets worse in Middle East and South Asia. So please don't come back to me with iffs and buts, these are real acts of violence all done in the name of Islam.

PS: Where is Pakistan's outrage over internment of Muslim Uighur people? As we speak nearly a millions Uighurs men, women and children are being forced away from their beliefs, culture and language. They have no legal rights, no trial or civil society to defend their rights. So before Muslims living in Europe swear at the same governments that protect them they should be grateful they are not in Saudi, Iran or China.

Empty talks from bullies.

Don't you hear blacks threatened also?

So can you kindly stop your "personal victim complex" and think about the community. as a whole.

I don't have victim complex I used it to show how far the brainwashing goes within mainstream Muslim community and what the children are learning in quran and religious school classes here in the UK. I dread to think what they teach kids in Pakistani madarsas, oh wait we do know that's why nearly 70,000 Pakistanis have died since 2001.

You could actually. It was not given a special name but folded under freedom of speech .

BBC itself promoted an unknown guy anjem chaudry ...someone who has no religious training, no degrees in Islamic knowledge as a host to represent Muslims for years?

Why him among other learned people? He was always invited and allowed to B'S freely without needing to prove his crap

Anjem Choudhry actually used freedom of speech and human rights to preach hatred against the state and its people, I agree the media shouldn't have given him a platform but he did create a political hate group which was eventually banned and Anjem finally behind bars. Anjem knew exactly how to use human rights laws to spread his bullshit. The British state and the left PC bullshitters have allowed this to get out of hand with their holier then thou attitude towards political Islam. I know Muslims that openly say that Britain should have sharia law, adulterers should be stoned to death, apostates should be put to death, these are not a minority views but held by a large minority. Of course when a non Muslim English guy hears these views hes gonna be either really scared or angry and many times both of these emotions go hand in hand. Hatred breeds more hatred, why isn't their Hinduphobia? Buddhisitphoba, Christian phobia in the UK?

Only a self reflection and inner criticism of some teachings within Islam can get rid of this violent political ideology that has attached itself to Islam. Christianity went through major reforms after being challenged by growing secular voices as well as reformist movements of Europe after it had wrecked the continent for centuries. Islam doesn't really seem to have many reformist movements, anytime someone tries to reform Islam to modern age they are automatically considered out of fold of Islam as Islam doesn't need change, its the perfect religion from the 7th Century, all of its texts apply to modern age even if it was written down for desert dwelling caravan raiders in the 7th Century.
Your criteria of giving -ve rating is questionable.. He is giving an opinion.. not insulting anyone. Like Vegetarianism Or democracy everything can be considered a religion, even atheism. As everyone thinks he is right and his path is too.
Now saying that was designed to breed fascism, is an opinion or conspiracy theory. Not a reason to give -ve rating.
You gave me -ve rating for being sarcastic. Its ok if you didn't get that or found offensive (though it was as clear as Sun). But this one seems totally unjust.
Please point out. I am using mobile and instead of clicking thumbs up I seem to be clicking negative. I am undoing as people notify me

Hatred breeds more hatred, why isn't their Hinduphobia? Buddhisitphoba, Christian phobia in the UK?
Good question...why don't these people hate other religions? There is black phobia ..even a thinking that a black guy passing by would loot you...

But maybe coz these other religions allowed anything and everything to seep in to be acceptable?

Provoking violence vs people who actually participate in violence, I'm sorry I'm not buying this victim mentality and double standards. Muslims can call people with derogatory terms like heretic, apostate, pagan and support this claim with Islamic history and tradition to call for taking violent action against these groups, unless mainstream Islam reforms and joins the 21st Century we gonna be going around in circles. These beliefs kill people, they killed people on 9/11, 7/7, Charlie Hebdo, Paris attacks and Manchester arena attack, the list is quite long just in Europe and it gets worse in Middle East and South Asia. So please don't come back to me with iffs and buts, these are real acts of violence all done in the name of Islam.
When you generalise like this. ..It is no different than those you criticise

Where is Pakistan's outrage over internment of Muslim Uighur people?
Compare media reports and Chinese reassuring even the Turkish president that nothing of that sort is happening to people who belong to the same ethic gromp as him...who are we to jump in then?

don't have victim complex I used it to show how far the brainwashing goes within mainstream Muslim community and what the children are learning in quran and religious school classes here in the UK. I dread to think what they teach kids in Pakistani madarsas, oh wait we do know that's why nearly 70,000 Pakistanis have died since 2001.
Generalising like this is getting you nowhere

Just for thought
To the people who don't understand the response of Ilyas and think what he did is wrong and should've fought with intellect, they simply don't understand what a Muslim is.

You can't be a Muslim if you don't love Allah and His Prophet Muhammad (saww) MORE THAN YOU LOVE yourself, your mother, your father, your children, your wealth.

If my mother was being burned in front of public, i wouldn't fight with logic. I'd kill that accursed devil.

And this person was burning something Muslims love more than their mothers?

Ilyas is a Hero to every Muslim. I wish he had burned that Shaytan. How dare he even think about looking wrong at Holy Quran
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