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The guy who tried to stop a man from burning Holy Quran

so why hurt people sentiment.. for sure Cow is not holy to me... but if I go near temple and slaughter it.. is that ok?
or draw swastika near temple...?

Swastika is not the same as Quran, Swastika in European is the symbol of Nazis and their crimes against millions of Jewish people, Swastika is a symbol of hatred. Are you seriously comparing Swastika with Quran?

Caliph Hz Usman rz did.. all the copies except which was written during holy Prophet (SW) time and was preserved by Hz Hafsa rz wife of Prophet (SW) and daughter of Caliph Umer rz. So it killed any doubt the next printed Quran are not authentic.. so technically those ware doubtful copies and not Quran.

Right yeah my bad it was Caliph Uthman who burned other versions of Quran.
Yet tens of millions of Muslims want to go to the West and not to CHina...The day millions of Muslims are on a raft trying to wade through the South China Sea, is the day I will recognize that China can fulfill the hopes and aspirations of Muslims...90 percent of PDFer have a Westen flaǵ as the second flag...West is better in providing a life that a Muslim wants than China
What happened in Norway was wrong . You have to admit it . You can't justify it . Yes , if China does something wrong against any religion , it's condemnable too .
Their country,their rules...They can be as selective in the imposition of their rules as they want...Just deal with it..
That's means they can opress any minority and spread hatred against other's religions ?
The west doesn't guarantee those things. Each so-called freedom is taxed and/or licensed. If you don't pay, you go to jail. In the US, there are no property rights, you cannot own your own property, you simply rent it from the government and pay property tax.

As far as the Charlie Hebdo faggots are concerned, they spent years provoking Muslims and brown people in general. It was a long time coming. The Charlie Hebdo faggots did it to themselves and only have themselves to blame.

There is no such thing as freedom of speech without a response to provocations. If you don't believe me, go to the ghettos of Baltimore and start yelling nigger nigger. Then proceed to explain to the young black youths how you were simply exercising your freedom and how the government of the US protects you.

So the cartoonists at Charlie Hebdo deserved to die? Interesting and what makes you think they only targeted Islam? I'm personally not a fan of their work but killing someone over cartoons? Have you lost your mind?

... and is an idiot for assaulting the man burning the Holy Quran and should be charged with assault.

Fight speech with speech, not violence. If he really wanted to protest properly, he could have burned the Norwegian constitution or something.

Are you actually an Agnostic? According to most mainstream Muslims you are an apostate and deserve capital punishment. You don't have to answer it If its too personal mate.
I think ignoring them is the best way to hurt them , Physical pain will not do anything except poor PR .
Freedom, democracy and so called human right in Western Europe society.
There is no hypocrisy here. The man who burnt the Quran was exercising his freedom of expression. If Norway was a conservative country(legally) like Pakistan and Middle East where such acts are punishable, then it would have been alright to punish him.

But you can't punish him in the west because they claim to be liberal and free state for all where everyone has the right to do whatever they desire.
Are you actually an Agnostic? According to most mainstream Muslims you are an apostate and deserve capital punishment. You don't have to answer it If its too personal mate.
Yes I am, and those 'mainstream Muslims' who believe in capital punishment for 'agnosticism' are the Jahil idiots (like the guy committing the assault) responsible for keeping the Muslim world backward.
Is burning the Quran blasphemous? Just asking because Caliph Omar also burned other version of Quran so if I could get some clarity on this matter I would appreciate this and also Quran is only holy for Muslims so why would you expect non Muslims to consider Quran to be holy? Although I do think this guy shouldn't have burnt the Quran but again what you gonna do if someone does burn it? People also burn Bibles etc but you don't see millions of Christians coming out in protests, burning tyres and lynching people over blasphemy, seems like modern Christianity has moved on from its violent past, the world's still waiting for Muslims to join the 21st Century.

Throwing Quran to garbage is an insult and showing no respect to Quran, but if you want to get rid of your old and broken Quran I think burning it is the better thing to do. Maliki and Hanafi follower do it.
Are Chinese burning Holy Quran in Public? or lynching Muslims on presumption.?They had a situation in some province for which they are dealing with force to prevent an armed struggle. Otherwise things are normal as before.

Why are you deluding yourself ???Do you think, tomorrow if China need to something drastic to Muslims for the sake of their nation, Pakistan will complain anything??

So asking question and contradicting yourself...Pakistan and China are ally...Now as an ally you need to support them for your friendship...You have swallow the bitter pill..:even if they will suck up Muslims with uncivilized way, you have to accept it for the sake of your friendship...
China for the sake of their nation nation do not care about relion of their own people..:So do you beleive they will care about any one else??
Muslims in Muslim Countries: Our way or the highway
Muslims in Non-Muslim countries: Our way or the highway

Using force to stop such events will only tempt more people to hold such events.
Even though I partially agree with you but what about beating the drums of secularism, tolerance and democracy?

Heck ...at least in your language, we are at least pretending to be secular and democratic? Can you say the same about your friend to make a formal rule in their constitution to be democratic and secular...
Yes I am, and those 'mainstream Muslims' who believe in capital punishment for 'agnosticism' are the Jahil idiots (like the guy committing the assault) responsible for keeping the Muslim world backward.
What is your opinion about Ghazi Ilm Din Shaheed?

Muslims in Muslim Countries: Our way or the highway
Muslims in Non-Muslim countries: Our way or the highway

Using force to stop such events will only tempt more people to hold such events.
Muslim don't / never lynch people fr eating animal?
What is your opinion about Ghazi Ilm Din Shaheed?
If what is available about him online is correct, that he killed the author of a book that was a satirical work using the hadith because he was 'offended' or 'his sentiments were hurt', then he's a terrorist/murderer.

My views are not new - go back far enough in my posts and you'll find me taking the same position since I joined this forum. That doesn't mean I won't defend Islam (I have many times), but you won't find me defending those who use violence against others merely because their 'honor, feelings & sentiments were hurt' from things like words, articles, books, pictures or cartoons.
If what is available about him online is correct, that he killed the author of a book that was a satirical work using the hadith because he was 'offended' or 'his sentiments were hurt', then he's a terrorist/murderer.

I regard him Ghazi Ilm Din Shaheed as well as Ghazi Mumtaz Qadri Shaheed.....

Certainly we are different people.....

We believe in Ghulamiye Rasool (PBUH) moat bhi qabool hai jo ho na Ishq e Mustafa tu zindagi fazool hai....

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