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The guy who tried to stop a man from burning Holy Quran

This young guy tried to stop the man from burning the Holy Quran .
... and is an idiot for assaulting the man burning the Holy Quran and should be charged with assault.

Fight speech with speech, not violence. If he really wanted to protest properly, he could have burned the Norwegian constitution or something.
Complete military subjugation of the Islamic world..They achieved this subjugation through a body of technologies that they carefully built up over hundreds of years. Make the Islamic world the world's foremost military superpower and you can replace their modern left-liberal atheistic feminism with Sharia. But that might can only come from proper implementation of IQ and not some vaccous protestations at international forum. Either go indigenous high-tech or go home
you know what I like you ! you are right that for global dominance you need dominance in tech ,but for ethical dominance you need ethical dominance no technology ,what I believe the religion is a ethical matter not a technological,but you are right in your point of view ,and Islam never forbids dominance in technology it's our bad luck that we are not good followers,
Kudos to the guy who tried to stop him, but don't fall into these traps. These people want to provoke us, don't do it. You cannot stop every lunatic who wants to burn the Quaran.
you know what I like you ! you are right that for global dominance you need dominance in tech ,but for ethical dominance you need ethical dominance no technology ,what I believe the religion is a ethical matter not a technological,but you are right in your point of view ,and Islam never forbids dominance in technology it's our bad luck that we are not good followers,

You guys need Khalid ibn al-Walid level of scientists who can change the course of history in a decade like he changed the course of empires within a year. The Muslim world was not subservient to the West in 600s and 700s..and it was not subservient to China either in that time..The CHinese were forced to pay tribute to Muslims after the Battle of Talas
But we assume China is 'tyrant' country but west is not. apolitical, ademocratic, totalitarian, etc etc
West have far-right extremist group. And on name of freedom they do these things. I mean can Muslim wear Burqa in some countries? Or Swastika? So at least West should not brag about it.

The ''West'' is still million times better then pretty much every thing in the East, otherwise you or me would not be living in the UK. Thousands of people everyday wouldn't be trying to storm the Calais port to get a chance into UK, millions of Africans and Arabs storming the border to Europe is so they can escape from their very own hell on earth. The west is not perfect and has many faults like any civilization but at least it guarantees liberty, freedom to practice your faith and freedom of speech something which is under attack by both the far right and the Islamists who just want to kill people over burning of a book, cartoons or any criticism of their violent beliefs.
The ''West'' is still million times better then pretty much every thing in the East, otherwise you or me would not be living in the UK. Thousands of people everyday wouldn't be trying to storm the Calais port to get a chance into UK, millions of Africans and Arabs storming the border to Europe is so they can escape from their very own hell on earth. The west is not perfect and has many faults like any civilization but at least it guarantees liberty, freedom to practice your faith and freedom of speech something which is under attack by both the far right and the Islamists who just want to kill people over burning of a book, cartoons or any criticism of their violent beliefs.
I am not denying it. People have much freedom here. I can understand if somebody Quran out of hatred. But a public event !!!!!!! My whole argument was: public bashing, lynching, burning Quran, making laws to curb basic human rights. etc etc If west starts rolling back then the world will go back pre-WW2 era.
I am not denying it. People have much freedom here. I can understand if somebody Quran out of hatred. But a public event !!!!!!! My whole argument was: public bashing, lynching, burning Quran, making laws to curb basic human rights. etc etc If west starts rolling back then the world will go back pre-WW2 era.

Does it justify to physically stop the man from burning the Quran? He could have walked away but decided to assault the man thus giving the impression Muslims are violent and cannot take criticism.
physically stop the man from burning the Quran?
Police should have.. not him by Law. as someone said he could lift the burning Quran and put out the fire. Anyway, during protest clash happens,,, even in football match, the yellow jacket protest, etc...
if you are entire argument is that his actions are justified or not.. so not by their Law...
Police should have.. not him by Law. as someone said he could lift the burning Quran and put out the fire. Anyway, during protest clash happens,,, even in football match, the yellow jacket protest, etc...
if you are entire argument is that his actions are justified or not.. so not by their Law...

Is burning the Quran blasphemous? Just asking because Caliph Uthman also burned other version of Quran so if I could get some clarity on this matter I would appreciate this and also Quran is only holy for Muslims so why would you expect non Muslims to consider Quran to be holy? Although I do think this guy shouldn't have burnt the Quran but again what you gonna do if someone does burn it? People also burn Bibles etc but you don't see millions of Christians coming out in protests, burning tyres and lynching people over blasphemy, seems like modern Christianity has moved on from its violent past, the world's still waiting for Muslims to join the 21st Century.
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this hero is going to get assault charges which means he can't get a job. forever ghetto for him
Is burning the Quran blasphemous? Just asking because Caliph Omar also burned other version of Quran so if I could get some clarity on this matter I would appreciate this and also Quran is only holy for Muslims so why would you expect non Muslims to consider Quran to be holy? Although I do think this guy shouldn't have burnt the Quran but again what you gonna do if someone does burn it? People also burn Bibles etc but you don't see millions of Christians coming out in protests, burning tyres and lynching people over blasphemy, seems like modern Christianity has moved on from its violent past, the world's still waiting for Muslims to join the 21st Century.
So burning other's holy books,attacking them,tearing sacrves from women's heads and insulting others religious figures is modern Christianity???
So burning other's holy books,attacking them,tearing sacrves from women's heads and insulting others religious figures is modern Christianity???

It's not modern Christianity, it's just regular, typical Christianity.
Caliph Omar also burned other version of Quran
Caliph Hz Usman rz did.. all the copies except which was written during holy Prophet (SW) time and was preserved by Hz Hafsa rz wife of Prophet (SW) and daughter of Caliph Umer rz. So it killed any doubt the next printed Quran are not authentic.. so technically those ware doubtful copies and not Quran.

Muslims to consider Quran to be holy
so why hurt people sentiment.. for sure Cow is not holy to me... but if I go near temple and slaughter it.. is that ok?
or draw swastika near temple...? if Christians don't bother, their choice.. See how our Christians community was against releasing Da vinci ode in Cinema.. so it was not released in Pakistan. If US christians don't bother .. then their choice.
ThThe west is not perfect and has many faults like any civilization but at least it guarantees liberty, freedom to practice your faith and freedom of speech something which is under attack by both the far right and the Islamists who just want to kill people over burning of a book, cartoons or any criticism of their violent beliefs.

The west doesn't guarantee those things. Each so-called freedom is taxed and/or licensed. If you don't pay, you go to jail. In the US, there are no property rights, you cannot own your own property, you simply rent it from the government and pay property tax.

As far as the Charlie Hebdo faggots are concerned, they spent years provoking Muslims and brown people in general. It was a long time coming. The Charlie Hebdo faggots did it to themselves and only have themselves to blame.

There is no such thing as freedom of speech without a response to provocations. If you don't believe me, go to the ghettos of Baltimore and start yelling nigger nigger. Then proceed to explain to the young black youths how you were simply exercising your freedom and how the government of the US protects you.
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