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The Great Indian Ocean Game

A Chinese CBG will not be sent to the IOR to attack India in a China/India crisis only.

A much more likely situation will be in case of tensions between India and Pakistan and BD - I know that it is fetched to imagine a decently militarily strong BD but it can theoretically happen if the will was there.

Now, for the last time, there is no need for a Chinese CBG to ever pass A&N as they can just sail south of Australia and then swing east to approach southern or even eastern India.

The point that I am trying to make is that if China was to send 2 CBGs into the IOR to approach India that would tie up a lot of resources(most of the Navy and hundreds of land-based fighter aircraft) that India will find it hard to muster enough resources to deal with whatever situation it was facing and also protect all it's other borders.

In short, India will have to take into account the Chinese Navy for the first time in South Asian military situations.

You will not agree due to nationalism but facts are facts. A country that is 5 times richer and more industrially developed can do something like this against the weaker country.

WRT the underlined part; if the Chinese Fleet does not pass the A&N Islands (ie Malacca Straits), then it has a much longer route to take.
Esp the one that you suggest, i.e. South of Australia. That route is entirely unfeasible (in a conflict situation) because re-fuelling and re-supplying that Fleet will well-nigh impossible unless Australia extends such facilities to a Chinese Combat Fleet. Do you see that happening?
Plus that route will make the Chinese Fleet susceptible to monitoring all along that long arduous voyage and will then become a "sitting duck" when it enters the IN's sphere of Ops. eventually. What do you think the LR air assets of the IN and IAF are for apart from the growing IN Fleet. As a matter of fact, a third IN Fleet will be raised now: the Southern Fleet so that the Eastern and Western Fleets can concentrate on their spheres of Ops.

In Wartime, the Chinese Fleet will have a very hard time to make any effective contribution in the IOR.

Now coming to the other (rather fanciful) scenario that you sketch. That the Chinese Fleet will come into the picture in case of a conflict between India and Paksitan (BD will not even warrant such attention!); even that is not on. The first thing is that "Gunboat Diplomacy" cannot be exercised so easily in these times; even more so in context of the countries that you have used in your speculation. Secondly, China is not keen to stick its neck out for other countries "misadventures". That was clearly demonstrated during the last Indo-Pak conflagration in 1999, when China clearly told Paksitan to vacate Kargil. For over the last 15 years China has clearly told Paksitan to mend its fences with India and muzzle the Islamists in very clear terms.

Assuming that a Chinese Fleet were to consider venturing into the area; Para#1 applies. If the Malacca Straits Route is used, then the A&N Islands (India's largest Carrier) will come into play. And very effectively at that.

Most of all; remember the growing Chinese Fleet has its task cut out in minding the Pacific and East Seas and keeping a watchful eye on a growingly uneasy ASEAN and RIMPAC area.
Any forays into IOR will be strictly "flag-waving diplomatic exercises", thats all.
one word...delusional...1000 cruise missiles???(before that,there'll be a nuclear war man.we're not P-U-N-Y Iraq(or BD,whatever you prefer) and China isn't USA)100000 ton nuclear carrier???150 aircrafts(Ford class supercarrier carries around 50 aircrafts and around 50 helos and AWACS)???Catapult??(Chinese will still make first 3 carriers as STOBAR).and all that within 2030??? :rofl: and you're claiming I'm "Nationalistic"???what about one word about you,say "Cheer Leader"???

I am taking about 150 aircraft(planes and helicopters) between the 2 carriers.

1000 missiles of all types which would include 2-300 cruise missiles.

Anyway, if you think that it is easy to target a CBG in the middle of an open Ocean, then please read the below:

http://www.cna.org/sites/default/files/research/2797011110.pdf - Carriers and their escorts are moving targets and hence very difficult to hit unless you can drop a bomb on them from close range
I am taking about 150 aircraft(planes and helicopters) between the 2 carriers.

1000 missiles of all types which would include 2-300 cruise missiles.

Anyway, if you think that it is easy to target a CBG in the middle of an open Ocean, then please read the below:

http://www.cna.org/sites/default/files/research/2797011110.pdf - Carriers and their escorts are moving targets and hence very difficult to hit unless you can drop a bomb on them from close range

tell that to Chinese Members.they say,their ASBM is accurate. :rofl: if China can build an ASBM in 2013,India will surely build a 5000 km ASBM it within 2030,don't you think??now,if you really think China couldn't build it,then you'll face the wrath of Chinese Members. :rofl: by the way,any moving targets can be tragetted using cruise missiles,which is highly maneuverable.
by the way,any moving targets can be tragetted using cruise missiles,which is highly maneuverable.

The targeting asset(AWACs etc) would be engaged by missiles from the CBG.

Anyway, the cruise missiles can be taken out by the SAMs and gun systems from the CBG itself.
The targeting asset(AWACs etc) would be engaged by missiles from the CBG.

Anyway, the cruise missiles can be taken out by the SAMs and gun systems from the CBG itself.

hypothetically,yes.but AWACS,which could detect any ship from 400 km or more,will not fly solo.and there is no system which can intercept destroy supersonic cruise missile.not yet.so,not a great way to protect CBG.

read this,than posting primitive posts.

Need for Enhanced Indian Surveillance in IOR
hypothetically,yes.but AWACS,which could detect any ship from 400 km or more,will not fly solo.and there is no system which can intercept destroy supersonic cruise missile.not yet.so,not a great way to protect CBG.

read this,than posting primitive posts.

Need for Enhanced Indian Surveillance in IOR

Where did you pull this from?

Supersonic missiles can be engaged just like sub-sonic missiles can.

All you need is good enough sensors and a fast/manoeuvrable SAM.
Where did you pull this from?

Supersonic missiles can be engaged just like sub-sonic missiles can.

All you need is good enough sensors and a fast/manoeuvrable SAM.

yeah,I know.but do you see "Good Enough Sensors and a fast/manoeuvrable SAM" around anywhere???even Pac-3 can't intercept subsonic cruise missile properly and intercept it,forget supersonic sea skimming one.
Can see Coco Islands in Red but Andaman and Nicobar is the tri-colour :cheesy:
Now, for the last time, there is no need for a Chinese CBG to ever pass A&N as they can just sail south of Australia and then swing east to approach southern or even eastern India.
:cough: YPDN :cough:No. 92 WG DET B :cough:
Japanese stop their achievements when nuclear bomb fall in the Nagasaki and Hiroshima.Until then they are in winning side.
Chinese has a challenge in Pacific against ,6 CBG of USN.You are right Chinese GDP is 5 times greater than us now.But at that time Indian economy may also has some advantage.Chinese is competing US.They need huge investment in PLA and PLAAF.Because they share boundaries with lot of other countries .But in future IN navy and IAF may get huge Fund than IA.Because our land mass is in strategic location.


History being re-written from the ground up? @FaujHistorian , where art thou?

Then you have no clue. Japanese advances ended long before the nuclear attacks. They were beaten back until they were left defending Okinawa, and had lost the Philippines altogether. They had already been driven out of Burma, and the entire Pacific Ocean.

You should not participate in threads and relate history which is fictitious.
China is going to be encircled in Pacific Ocean and South China sea to be left with nothing to interfere in Indian ocean. :lol:
Andaman,the unsinkable aircraft carrier.Nuff said.Nothing PLAN can do about it.
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