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The Great Game Changer: Belt and Road Intiative (BRI; OBOR)

You would have been dead 100 times by the time China collapses。

And when China collapses,the whole world collapses。

Then we can all call it a day and start afresh。:D
I just wanna tell u that, US wont be our problem when China collapse , so try to survive, if u collapse, then its ur own problem, we dont worry that Vn could be the next target for US (maybe the VN communist leaders could be the next target, but who cares, I'm not the leader ?? ) :pop:
I wonder how you want to bail them out? it is too late. the ball has rolled. by the way, chinese money is not cheap, not for russia. I was against russian politics in eastern ukraine, and predicted such thing would come.

You Vietcong will never understand the balance importance between China and Russia.

Putin is our buffer zone, thus he is our natural ally.

The West is now trying to pull out a Gaddafi 2.0 on him, and how China will just stay there and do nothing to help its buffer zone?

It is crystal clear that the West wanna first destroy the Russian economy, then to create the conflict between the dissatisfied Russian citizens and Putin's government. Eventually, they will stir up another color revolution to overthrow Putin.

Didn't you know that we are still buying Russia's oil at $135 per barrel? Despite the current oil price is less than $60 per barrel. We are clearly trying to help him.
The oil price collapse benifits CHina lot for sure.
benefit china? not necessary. china is a oil producer as well. you suffer, too. have you forgotten you have large investments in overseas in oil and gas sectors? all of those investments make losses. 100%. with the current oil price, only the saudi laugh because they have very low cost.
benefit china? not necessary. china is a oil producer as well. you suffer, too. have you forgotten you have large investments in overseas in oil and gas sectors? all of those investments make losses. 100%.

We import much more than our production.

Also, our production is purely for the domestic consumption, since we don't export any oil.
You Vietcong will never understand the balance importance between China and Russia.

Putin is our buffer zone, thus he is our natural ally.

The West is now trying to pull out a Gaddafi 2.0 on him, and how China will just stay there and do nothing to help its buffer zone?

It is crystal clear that the West wanna first destroy the Russian economy, then to create the conflict between the dissatisfied Russian citizens and Putin's government. Eventually, they will stir up another color revolution to overthrow Putin.

Didn't you know that we are still buying Russia's oil at $135 per barrel? Despite the current oil price is less than $60 per barrel. We are clearly trying to help him.
you buy Russia's oil at $135 per barrel? nice for russia, if true. I bet it is an old contract. will you ready to close a new contract with $100 per barrel?

come on, you know how politics is in reality. russia as buffer zone? against whom? all I can see is you cozy up to the americans. if you lose the US market, your future is dark. so, it is better, don´t mess with america.
You Vietcong will never understand the balance importance between China and Russia.

Putin is our buffer zone, thus he is our natural ally.

The West is now trying to pull out a Gaddafi 2.0 on him, and how China will just stay there and do nothing to help its buffer zone?

It is crystal clear that the West wanna first destroy the Russian economy, then to create the conflict between the dissatisfied Russian citizens and Putin's government. Eventually, they will stir up another color revolution to overthrow Putin.

Didn't you know that we are still buying Russia's oil at $135 per barrel? Despite the current oil price is less than $60 per barrel. We are clearly trying to help him.
We understand that if Russia die, China will die ,too. But we also understand that when China die, VN will still survive and have a big chance to take back Guangdong-Guangxi-Paracel-Spratly plus a chance to unify sub-Mekong region.

Its just like when China died by Mongol, Vn had lots of time to annex small neighbours , so who cares if China collapse :pop:
We understand that if Russia die, China will die ,too. But we also understand that when China die, VN will still survive and have a big chance to take back Guangdong-Guangxi-Paracel-Spratly plus a chance to unify sub-Mekong region.

Its just like when China died by Mongol, Vn had lots of time to annex small neighbours , so who cares if China collapse :pop:

China will get surrounded by the NATO if Russia got destroyed first.

But it is not going to happen as Putin's Russia won't die.
Oil has hit a rough patch which has provided us with the time needed to gather and perfect the know-hows for future shale oil/gas exploration and production。

The US,being the leader in shale oil and a just-turned net energy exporter,surely regrets “investing” trillions of USDs in a business that was starting to look very promising but now suddenly turns loss-making。
We import much more than our production.

Also, our production is purely for the domestic consumption, since we don't export any oil.
how much is your domestic production cost per barrel?
if it is lower than market price, it is better to import more oil.
you buy Russia's oil at $135 per barrel? nice for russia, if true. I bet it is an old contract. will you ready to close a new contract with $100 per barrel?

come on, you know how politics is in reality. russia as buffer zone? against whom? all I can see is you cozy up to the americans. if you lose the US market, your future is dark. so, it is better, don´t mess with america.

Nope, we can do business with the US, but it won't change the fact that the US will also remain as our biggest geopolitical opponent.

Just like Russia still does business with Exxon Mobil despite the western sanctions, but does this mean that Russia and the US become the friend? Nope.

The world geopolitics is much more complicated than you thought.
China will get surrounded by the NATO if Russia got destroyed first.

But it is not going to happen as Putin's Russia won't die.
If u dont wanna die, then u should help VN to unify sub-Mekong region, when we get stronger, we can offer more help back to u :pop:
We understand that if Russia die, China will die ,too. But we also understand that when China die, VN will still survive and have a big chance to take back Guangdong-Guangxi-Paracel-Spratly plus a chance to unify sub-Mekong region.

Its just like when China died by Mongol, Vn had lots of time to annex small neighbours , so who cares if China collapse :pop:

Now you start dreaming a proxy collapse of China as a result of a far-fetched collapse of Russia? You are verging dangerously on insanity, my friend. Too much hatred blinds your vision.

benefit china? not necessary. china is a oil producer as well. you suffer, too. have you forgotten you have large investments in overseas in oil and gas sectors? all of those investments make losses. 100%. with the current oil price, only the saudi laugh because they have very low cost.

China's domestic production is for domestic consumption only. So, cheap oil prices help China. In fact, there was news on the increased activity on China's part in terms of oil shipments. This is the right time to fill up China's SPRs.

I wonder how you want to bail them out? buying russian oil by $100 when the market price is $60? no, it is too late. the ball has rolled. by the way, chinese money is not cheap, not for russia. I was against russian politics in eastern ukraine, and predicted such thing would come.

China and Russia already signed a slew of contracts and agreements, way before Western sanctions started to bite. There will be a way out, rest assured. So, do not start too early to jump on behalf of the West.

The eastward expansion of the NATO is just not Ukraine at the border with Russia, but to Kazakhstan at the border with China's Xinjiang.

Their final grand scheme is to squeeze China in between the NATO from Central Asia and the US led alliance in the Asia-Pacific region.

US has played a double strategy on China and Russia. Because China is strong financially, it played the Hong Kong stunt on China and apparently failed.

On Russia, they are playing the economy game (because their earlier plot to soft kill Putin failed). Russia will emerge from this even stronger because there is China right at the border.
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