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The Great Game Changer: Belt and Road Intiative (BRI; OBOR)

Interesting reader's comment.

"i believe russia is not in such a bad shape, as long as the usd is high, which means it makes fx gains by selling oil (settled in usd) and in the fx markets. the u.s. is now an oil exporter and a major market player, low oil prices will impact its oil industry too. opec is not helping the u.s., it is working for its own good.

despite the fact the russia's financial strength is much better than the old ussr, china does play a vital role to counter the u.s. salvo of financial attacks nowadays, e.g. the currency swap deal which releases fx pressure for both countries, and all these measures will only draw the sino-russian pact closer, along with the other countries which do not want to be dragged into the u.s. agenda.

i also believe the currency war between china and the u.s. has in fact long started, as many authors have already written books about it.

the largest shale gas deposit is not in the u.s. but in china, and it's not even being touched much yet."

The economic reform after the Mao era was a must, but the corruption created during the reform era needs to be completely purged.

Xi Jinping now faces the problems that never seen during the Mao and Deng era, so he has his own grand wisdom as well.
If China collapse, we will immediately take back Guangdong-Guangxi and start unify sub-Mekong region again. We will shake hand tightly wt India , and both of us will create a large defense area that US can not touch us

So, u must wish China will not collapse, other while, u will lose Guangdong-Guangxi :pop:

You would have been dead 100 times by the time China collapses。

And when China collapses,the whole world collapses。

Then we can all call it a day and start afresh。:D
Another question is, how long could Saudis tolerate low oil prices?

The economic reform after the Mao era was a must, but the corruption created during the reform era needs to be completely purged.

Xi Jinping now faces the problems that never seen during the Mao and Deng era, so he has his own grand wisdom as well.
Another question is, how long could Saudis tolerate low oil prices?


It is not about the Saudis, it is about the US.

Now Russia serves as the buffer zone between China and the US/NATO.

So it is crystal clear that the US is trying to destroy this buffer zone, then they could surround China from four sides.

That's why Mao was completely right, the class warfare will never end.

Just like you need to scan and to clean the virus in your computer in every particular period.
It is not about the Saudis, it is about the US.

Now Russia serves as the buffer zone between China and the US/NATO.

So it is crystal clear that the US is trying to destroy his buffer zone, then they could surround China from four sides.

I agree. That's why China will never allow Russia to plunge into chaos.
It is not about the Saudis, it is about the US.

Now Russia serves as the buffer zone between China and the US/NATO.

So it is crystal clear that the US is trying to destroy this buffer zone, then they could surround China from four sides.
I agree. That's why China will never allow Russia to plunge into chaos.
I wonder how you want to bail them out? buying russian oil by $100 when the market price is $60? no, it is too late. the ball has rolled. by the way, chinese money is not cheap, not for russia. I was against russian politics in eastern ukraine, and predicted such thing would come.
I agree. That's why China will never allow Russia to plunge into chaos.

The goal of NATO's eastward expansion is not just Ukraine at the border with Russia, but eventually to Kazakhstan at the border with China's Xinjiang.

Their final grand scheme is to squeeze China in between the NATO from Central Asia and the US led alliance in the Asia-Pacific region.
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