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The Fight against PKK Terrorism

Xenon, The government isin't in an easy position, The reason why the PKK is the PKK it is today isin't only because of the AKP. The AKP got this very problematic situation in the south east and it ain't like the alternatives were better. From my perspective they are making the best out of it. And you are saying permission for beyond borders, no that case was for permission within turkish borders.

Year 2012 : Tayyip saying "no Terror"
Year 2014 : Everyday PKK attacks somewhere.. if you open up the books and do some research. You would see that PKK returned to it's peak days as in 1992...

There could be no peace process with the terrorists. Go try to make a peace process with the HDP but not PKK.... this was a mistake. And as Turkish people we will be the ones who will suffer from AKP's mistake.
@Nefer seems like you have been blinded by the AKP bulb.

Let's do a logical assasment then.

Year 1997, Hammer Operation was conducted under the PM Mesut Yılmaz.
Operation lasted for 2.5 months, Thousands of PKK terrorists found and destroyed... was a lethal blow to PKK.
Çekiç Harekâtı - Vikipedi

Year 2007, Operation Sun was conducted under the PM Recep Tayyip Erdoğan
Operation lasted for 8 days and prematurelly ended.
Güneş Harekâtı - Vikipedi

Read both of them and don't talk about another country's persmission. This all political will. If Government says to soldiers, go blow up the Kandil. Soldiers will level down the mountain.

But as years proved... Tayyip is nothing but a coward when it comes to showing some balls. All they know is, to say; "Turkey is a great country. Nobody should test our patience" and stuff like that.
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I was thinking the govt would transport those 150 peshmerga swiftly and silently through air. not sure what the decision maker was thinking when allowing such a move. I would have liked to say that they might have a reason for such a handling, but i think they still deserve to get spitted on their face for such a fail, because it's basically passing the ball to pkk supporters, especially on a day like this
Niye Türkiye Israil gibi degil?
Because Israel can get away with what it does thanks to western political and media support while the the same west already jumps on Turkey for using 'excessive gas and watercannons' at rioters (incl. pkk ones), let alone what the response
would be if real bullets and bombs were involved. Either way, Turkey should give the finger and do what is needed against pkk while it continues to improve the rights and/or living circumstances in that region. For those ungrateful pkk; ya seve seve, ya...
Because Israel can get away with what it does thanks to western political and media support while the the same west already jumps on Turkey for using 'excessive gas and watercannons' at rioters (incl. pkk ones), let alone what the response
would be if real bullets and bombs were involved. Either way, Turkey should give the finger and do what is needed against pkk while it continues to improve the rights and/or living circumstances in that region. For those ungrateful pkk; ya seve seve, ya...

When your soldiers get martyred in southeast, politicians count the money they gained from illegal means, some folk parties at nightclubs, some folk think dark and dark how to feed their 10-children family, someothers discuss wildly about football matches, Women talk about marriage programs on TV.

People easily forget martyrs. And some disgrace fellas talk about how to avoid military service.
He should learn to control stress, otherwise he would shake when pulling the trigger.

nobody has pure turkish bloodline.. nobody is pure italian pure german pure chinese or something else.. especially turkey turks are mixed up.. but interesting is grandpa and father and mother.. if they are turkish than mostly ok many ppl dont know where they come from..

pure Turkish bloodline?

if the gun if for man and not for woman with enough space for my big fingers than there is no problem :guns:
nobody has pure turkish bloodline.. nobody is pure italian pure german pure chinese or something else.. especially turkey turks are mixed up.. but interesting is grandpa and father and mother.. if they are turkish than mostly ok many ppl dont know where they come from..

if the gun if for man and not for woman with enough space for my big fingers than there is no problem :guns:

Türkiye Türkleri, Orta Asyadan bağımsız bir grup. İslamla yoğrulmuş, sufi geleneğinden gelen Anadoluyu mesken tutmuş bir grup. Çevresindeki etnik gruplarla kız alışverişinde bulunmuşlar, yeri gelmiş kız kaldırmışlar. Sonuçta bu toprağın insanı olmuştur. Kurt başlı sancak, Ötüken falan romantik ülküler. Gerçekle ilgisi yok. Sokağa çıkıp etrafa bakmak yeterli.

Önemli olan zaten yeterli bir Terör sorunumuz var, diğer gruplarla da arayı bozmamak gerek. Müslüman topluluklar kenetlenmeli yoksa çözülür gideriz.
3 unarmed Soldiers martyred while they were in Hakkari/Yüksekova city center.
6 Person detained.
Among detainees, one is believed to be the Perpetrator of the shooting with strong evidence.

1 Village guard martyred in Bitlis.
Perpetrators still at large.

3 villagers have been abducted by PKK in Siirt/Pervari.
Perpetrators still at large.

1 Vehicle has been burned by PKK in Bingöl/Karlıova.
Perpetrators still at large.

1 Vehicle loaded with 400 Kg of AmoniumNitrat has been hijacked by PKK in Şırnak/Silopi
Perpetrators still at large.

PKK attacked patroling police forces in Silopi/Şınak.
Police returned fire 1 PKK terrorist killed, others escaped.

PKK attacked one of our soldiers while he was unarmed and shopping with his wife in Bağlar/Diyarbakır.
Our soldier is at the intensive care at the moment
Perpetrators still at large.

PKK burned down a school in Silopi.
Perpetrators still at large.

PKK closed the International Ipek road for half an hour. Terrorists escaped when police came.
Perpetrators still at large.
Guys, it's not yet written in anywhere.

But i heard in the radio that;

- Peace process have been halted because of the recent developments
- Until the public order restore in south-eastern regions, peace process will remain to be halted.
- Nobody can contact with apo till peace process restarts again.

Let's see what happens.
Never even though millions have been deported, Kurds won't leave. In fact today was flag day. Amed n Merdin
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Never even though millions have been deported, Kurds won't leave. In fact today was flag day. Amed n Merdin
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If i could vandalize, tap illegal electricity, live off of the state's money without contributing much to it and get away with it all, i wouldn't want to leave either. Your separatist kind are nothing but parasites, not only against Turks but also the majority of reasonable Kurds.
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