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The Fight against PKK Terrorism

3 unarmed Soldiers martyred while they were in Hakkari/Yüksekova city center.
6 Person detained.
Among detainees, one is believed to be the Perpetrator of the shooting with strong evidence.

1 Village guard martyred in Bitlis.
Perpetrators still at large.

3 villagers have been abducted by PKK in Siirt/Pervari.
Perpetrators still at large.

1 Vehicle has been burned by PKK in Bingöl/Karlıova.
Perpetrators still at large.

1 Vehicle loaded with 400 Kg of AmoniumNitrat has been hijacked by PKK in Şırnak/Silopi
Perpetrators still at large.

PKK attacked patroling police forces in Silopi/Şınak.
Police returned fire 1 PKK terrorist killed, others escaped.

PKK attacked one of our soldiers while he was unarmed and shopping with his wife in Bağlar/Diyarbakır.
Our soldier is at the intensive care at the moment
Perpetrators still at large.
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3 unarmed Soldiers martyred while they were in Hakkari/Yüksekova city center.
6 Person detained.
Among detainees, one is believed to be the Perpetrator of the shooting with strong evidence.

1 Village guard martyred in Bitlis.
Perpetrators still at large.

3 villagers have been abducted by PKK in Siirt/Pervari.
Perpetrators still at large.

1 Vehicle has been burned by PKK in Bingöl/Karlıova.
Perpetrators still at large.

1 Vehicle loaded with 400 Kg of AmoniumNitrat has been hijacked by PKK in Şırnak/Silopi
Perpetrators still at large.

PKK attacked patroling police forces in Silopi/Şınak.
Police returned fire 1 PKK terrorist killed, others escaped.

PKK killed one of our soldiers while he was unarmed and shopping with his wife in Bağlar/Diyarbakır.
Perpetrators still at large.
Is there still anyone out there denying that peace talks failed?
So when i said the AKP sold us out and Turkiye as we know it is history,i was kinda right?
Düsman ülkemizde gecit töreni yapiyor sen hala yurt disinda operasyona izin lazim diyorsun, kardes sen durumun farkindamisin?

Xenon, The government isin't in an easy position, The reason why the PKK is the PKK it is today isin't only because of the AKP. The AKP got this very problematic situation in the south east and it ain't like the alternatives were better. From my perspective they are making the best out of it. And you are saying permission for beyond borders, no that case was for permission within turkish borders.
Xenon, The government isin't in an easy position, The reason why the PKK is the PKK it is today isin't only because of the AKP. The AKP got this very problematic situation in the south east and it ain't like the alternatives were better. From my perspective they are making the best out of it. And you are saying permission for beyond borders, no that case was for permission within turkish borders.

Creating a state based on Turkish identity was necessary, but alienated Kurds. After 90 years, problem became chronic. There isnt any solution.

correct is bu ne laf but I could not type on the correct buttons :D

He should learn to control stress, otherwise he would shake when pulling the trigger.
Xenon, The government isin't in an easy position, The reason why the PKK is the PKK it is today isin't only because of the AKP. The AKP got this very problematic situation in the south east and it ain't like the alternatives were better. From my perspective they are making the best out of it.
Sory for this country if thats the best solution. Bu hale getirenler utansin baskada diyecek birsey kalmadi, siz böyle her yanlisi desteklemeye devam edin bakalim daha neler görecegiz, on yil önce pesmergenin Cumhuriyet bayraminda Türkiye sokaklarinda tören gecidi yapacagini söyleyen olsa direk Bakirköye yollardim ama her yapilana göz yuman halk olunca hersey mümkünmüs demekki.


And you are saying permission for beyond borders, no that case was for permission within turkish borders.
What are you talking about, cut the BS allready, when did we needed permission from US to do operation in our own soil, this isnt even possible. o_O
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